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Showing 801-847 of 847 items.
#NamePolicy Number (Code)Group FilterUGGRADCEmp HBUG HBGR HBLV HBStatus 
801Campus Safety
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
802Career Services
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
803Chamber Music Series
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
804Chaplain's Office
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
805Concert-Lecture Series
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
806Counseling and Testing Services
Catalog 2022 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
807Counseling and Testing Services
Catalog 2021 - 2022
Discontinued (2021-01-01)
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
809Disabilities - Rehabilitation Act (1973) Section 504: Services for Students with Disabilities
Catalog 2022 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
810Disabilities - Rehabilitation Act (1973) Section 504: Services for Students with Disabilities
Catalog 2021 - 2022
Discontinued (2021-01-01)
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
Catalog 2021 - 2022
Discontinued (2021-01-01)
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
812E. A. Anderson Lecture Series
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
813E. O. Grundset Lecture Series
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
814Eugene A. Anderson Organ Concert Series
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
815Gerhard F. Hasel Lectureship on Biblical Scholarship
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
816Institute of Archaeology
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
817Institute of Evangelism and World Missions
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
819Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
820Marine Biological Station
Catalog 2021 - 2024
Discontinued (2023-01-01)
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
821Mission of Southern's Convocation Calendar
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
822Orientation Program
Catalog 2022 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
823Orientation Program
Catalog 2021 - 2022
Discontinued (2021-01-01)
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
824Personal Effects Liability
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
825Photo Release
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
826Residence Hall Living
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
827Robert H. Pierson Lecture Series
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
Catalog 2022 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
Catalog 2021 - 2022
Discontinued (2021-01-01)
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
830Social Activities and Organizations
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
831Standards of Conduct
Catalog 2022 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
832Standards of Conduct
Catalog 2021 - 2022
Discontinued (2021-01-01)
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
833Student Association
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
834Student Employment
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
835Student Health Insurance
Catalog 2022 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
836Student Health Insurance
Catalog 2021 - 2022
Discontinued (2021-01-01)
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
837Student Labor International Regulations
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
838Student Labor Regulations
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
839Student Life and Services
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
840Student Missionaries/Task Force Workers
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
841Student Publications and Productions
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️Active
842Student Workers' Compensation Insurance
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
843Tutoring Center
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
844University Health Center
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
845William G. Dever Research Library
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
846Writing Center
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active
847WSMC FM90.5
Catalog 2021 — Indefinite
(not set)4. Student Life and Services✔️✔️Active