Eugene A. Anderson Organ Concert Series Update Delete

The Eugene A. Anderson Organ Concert Series was initiated in 1986 to provide world-class organ concerts on the campus of Southern Adventist University. The foremost organists from throughout the world present these concerts. Select performances are broadcast internationally on the American Public Radio Program, "Pipe Dreams." The series is made possible through the generosity of Eugene A. Anderson of Atlanta, Georgia, for the education and enjoyment of the students and the general public.

The Anton Heiller Memorial Organ, a 70-stop 108-rank tracker organ, was dedicated in the Collegedale Seventh-day Adventist Church in April, 1986, and is the largest of its kind in North America. A second instrument, a Renaissance mean-tone organ with two manuals and 13 stops, is housed in the music building's Ackerman Auditorium. Both were built by John Brombaugh and Associates of Eugene, Oregon.