Mission of Southern's Convocation Calendar Update Delete

Southern accentuates it liberal arts curriculum with its weekly convocation series. Meeting at 11:00 am every Thursday of the academic year, it is an hour when the entire academic community assembles to celebrate God's good gifts of intellect. Convocation provides a unique opportunity to celebrate persons whose scholarship, art or public service embodies the ideals of a Christian, liberal arts university. The mission of the convocation program is to enhance the academic program of Southern by celebrating and honoring academic achievement and presenting programs that enrich the classroom experience (or the formal curriculum). Speakers bring a variety of perspectives on topics and issues drawn from across the spectrum of liberal arts disciplines in the arts, sciences and humanities. This Southern program is intended to promote broad discussion and active response from the academic community, extending beyond the convocation setting to classrooms and residence halls. The goal is to broaden and deepen our appreciation of creation and culture and to equip us to become discerning agents of redemption. Consistent with Southern's mission, the ultimate goal of convocation is to foster the development and application of a Christian worldview, though individual speakers need not endorse this goal. Other purposes of convocation include:

  1. To present programs that will reinforce and/or challenge perspectives expressed elsewhere in the academic program;
  2. To encourage students to listen respectfully and learn graciously both from those with whom we agree and disagree;
  3. To have the opportunity to meet and understand those outside the community and to provide them opportunity to meet and understand us (i.e., the purposes of the program extend beyond just the period of formal presentation);