Disabilities - Rehabilitation Act (1973) Section 504: Services for Students with Disabilities Update Delete

Students with disabilities that could impact their learning experiences at Southern should contact Disability Support Services (DSS) by phone at 423.236.2544, by email at DSS@southern.edu, or in person at Suite 3900 in Student Support Services on the third floor of the Bietz Center for Student Life to schedule an appointment regarding accommodations. Students are encouraged to reach out as soon as possible, as the process of certifying eligibility and arranging for reasonable accommodations could take some time.

Southern is in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) and is dedicated to the elimination of architectural and prejudicial barriers that prevent any qualified person from attending. Southern has established DSS to provide academic disability services according to the provisions of applicable disability law.

The University does not assume responsibility for identifying students who qualify for accommodations or services. Students must 1) voluntarily identify to the Disability Services Coordinator as having a qualifying disability and 2) provide appropriate documentation to support requests for accommodations.

Details about services as well as the requirements and processes involved in requesting accommodations at Southern can be found at southern.edu/disabilitysupport.