Student Publications and Productions Update Delete

As a vital part of its community of learning, Southern Adventist University sponsors the production of a variety of media by its students. When exercised in the spirit of Christian fellowship, responsible freedom of expression and debate of issues enhances the university community. Editors and producers are encouraged to express themselves freely within the parameters of the philosophy, standards, and mission statement of the University.

Student media are the voices of both students and faculty, representing the visual and creative arts, both in print and non-print formats. The student media provides a marketplace of ideas in a university environment. Student media serve not only the current residents of the campus, but also document the culture and history of the institution.

Approved student-produced media on campus are the Festival Studios (multimedia year in review), Joker (pictorial directory), Numerique (student phone directory), Southern Accent (student newspaper), Southern Memories (yearbook), and The Weekender (weekly announcements). Southern Adventist University is the legal publisher of all of the approved student-produced media.