801 | Rec № 1075 | Aggradational directions and biofacies in the youngest postorogenic deposits of southeastern Spain. A contribution to the determination of the age of the east Mediterranean coast of Spain | Volk, H. R. | 1966 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 2 | 313 | 331 | 8 | |
802 | Rec № 2760 | Lacustrine oil-shale basins in Tertiary grabens from NE Spain (Western European rift system) | Anadon, P., Cabrera, L., Julia, R., Roca, E. & Rosell, L. | 1989 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 70 | 7 | 28 | 20 | |
803 | Rec № 2677 | Facies evolution of nearshore marine clastic deposits during the Tortonian transgression-Granada Basin, Betic Cordilleras, Spain | Fernandez, J. & Rodriguez-Fernandez, J. | 1991 | Sed. Geol. | 71 | 5 | 21 | 10 | |
804 | Rec № 2570 | Deposits of deflected and ponded turbidity currents, currents, Sorbas basin, southeast Spain | Haughton, P. D.W. | 1994 | J. Sed. Research | 64 | 233 | 246 | 1 | |
805 | Rec № 2630 | Basin inversion: some consequences for drainage evolution and alluvial architecture | Mather, A. E. | 1993 | Sedimentology | 40 | 1069 | 1089 | 12 | |
806 | Rec № 1216 | Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain | Cater, J. | 1987 | J. Geol. Soc. London | 144 | 915 | 932 | 10 | |
807 | Rec № 1004 | Alluvial systems in the northwestern part of the Duero Basin (Spain) | Corrales, I., Carballeira, J., Flor, G., Pol, C., & Corrochano, A. | 1986 | Sed. Geol. | 47 | 149 | 166 | 10 | |
808 | Rec № 792 | Sediment dispersal and palaeohydraulics of Oligocene rivers in the eastern Ebro Basin | Allen, P. & Mange-Rajetzky, M. | 1982 | Sedimentology | 29 | 705 | 716 | 19 | |
809 | Rec № 2966 | Estratigrafía y sedimentología del Paleógeno en el borde suroccidental de la Cuenca del Duero (Provincia de Salamanca) | Gavilan, G. A. | 1981 | Doctoral dissertation, Universitat De Barcelona | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
810 | Rec № 2695 | Early-Middle Miocene stratigraphic turning points in the Alicante region (SE Spain): reflections of Western Mediterranean plate-tectonic reorganizations | Geel, T., Roep, T. B., Ten Kate, W., & Smit, J. | 1992 | Sed. Geol. | 75 | 223 | 239 | 9 | |
811 | Rec № 2966 | Estratigrafía y sedimentología del Paleógeno en el borde suroccidental de la Cuenca del Duero (Provincia de Salamanca) | Gavilan, G. A. | 1981 | Doctoral dissertation, Universitat De Barcelona | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
812 | Rec № 2747 | Temporal and spatial controls on the alluvial architecture of an axial drainage system: Late Eocene Escanilla Formation, southern Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain | Bentham, P. A., Burbank, D. W. & Puigdefabregas, C. | 1992 | Basin Research | 4 | 335 | 352 | 12 | |
813 | Rec № 810 | An Eocene tidal inlet/washover type barrier island complex in the south Pyrenean marginal basin, Spain | Donselaar, M. E. & Nio, S. D. | 1982 | Geol. Mijnbouw | 61 | 343 | 353 | 3 | |
814 | Rec № 770 | Marine transgression as a factor in the formation of sandwave complexes | Nio, S. D. | 1976 | Geol. Mijnbouw | 55 | 18 | 40 | 1 | |
815 | Rec № 2657 | An ebb-tide delta depositional model-a comparison between the modern Eastern Scheldt tidal basin (southwest Netherlands) and the Lower Eocene Roda Sandstone in the southern Pyrenees (Spain) | Yan, Z., Wang, Z., Yan, Q., Wang, T., Xiao, W., Li, J., Han, F., Chen, J. & Yang, Y. | 1989 | Sed. Geol. | 64 | 175 | 196 | 3 | |
816 | Rec № 809 | The sedimentary facies and setting of Eocene point bar deposits, Monllobat Formation, southern Pyrenees, Spain | Van der Meulen, S. | 1982 | Geol. Mijnbouw | 61 | 217 | 227 | 2 | |
817 | Rec № 1050 | Sedimentary stratigraphy of Eocene sheetflood deposits, Southern Pyrenees, Spain | Van Meulen, S. | 1986 | Geol. Mag. | 123 | 167 | 183 | 8 | |
818 | Rec № 301 | Significado sedimentológico de los niveles con Assilinas de la Formación Armancies (Eoceno medio) y sus equivalentes laterales | Obrador, A., Palli, L. & Rosell, J. | 1973 | Acta Geol. Hispanica | 8 | 11 | 12 | 1 | |
819 | Rec № 2625 | Facies analysis and high resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Eocene shallow marine Ametlla Formation, Spanish Pyrenees | Dreyer, T. & Falt, L. M. | 1993 | Sedimentology | 40 | 667 | 697 | 6 | |
820 | Rec № 2580 | Architecture of the Castissent fluvial sheet sandstones, Eocene, South Pyrenees, Spain | Marzo, M., Nijman, W. & Puigdefabregas, C. | 1988 | Sedimentology | 35 | 719 | 738 | 3 | |
821 | Rec № 2787 | Vertically persistent sedimentary facies boundaries along growth anticlines and climate-controlled sedimentation in the thrust-sheet-top South Pyrenean Tremp-Graus Foreland Basin | Boer, P. L., Pragt, J. S. & Oost, A. P. | 1991 | Basin Research | 3 | 63 | 78 | 36 | |
822 | Rec № 243 | Geologic studies of an Early and Middle Eocene flysch formation, southwestern Pyrenees, Spain | Rupke, N. A. | 1972 | Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
823 | Rec № 243 | Geologic studies of an Early and Middle Eocene flysch formation, southwestern Pyrenees, Spain | Rupke, N. A. | 1972 | Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
824 | Rec № 244 | Sedimentology of very thick calcarenite-marlstone beds in a flysch succession, southwestern Pyrenees. | Rupke, N. A. | 1976 | Sedimentology | 23 | 43 | 65 | 1 | |
825 | Rec № 506 | Variations in fluvial style on the Eocene-Oligocene alluvial fan of the Scala Dei Group, SE. Ebro Basin, Spain | Allen, P., Cabrera, L. Colombo, F. & Matter, A | 1983 | J. Geol. Soc. London | 140 | 133 | 146 | 3 | |
826 | Rec № 231 | Distinctive thin bedded turbidite facies and related depositional environments in the Eocene Hecho Group (south-central Pyrenees, Spain) | Mutti, E. | 1977 | Sedimentology | 24 | 107 | 131 | 1 | |
827 | Rec № 2970 | Estudio de la Formación Guárico en el área de la laguna de Unare, estado Anzoátegui | Zagwijn, W. H. | 1976 | Bachelors thesis, University of Central Venezuela | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 20 | |
828 | Rec № 3002 | Estratigrafia i sedimentologia del Terciari Pre-pirinenc entre els rius Llobregat i Freser-Ter | Busquets, P. | 1981 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Barcelona | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 9 | |
829 | Rec № 3002 | Estratigrafia i sedimentologia del Terciari Pre-pirinenc entre els rius Llobregat i Freser-Ter | Busquets, P. | 1981 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Barcelona | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | |
830 | Rec № 1709 | An interpretation of Late Cretaceous sedimentation and tectonics and the nature of Pyrenean deformation in the northwestern Basque Pyrenees | Prave, A. R. | 1986 | Doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania State University | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
831 | Rec № 304 | Sedimentology and paleogeography of an Upper Cretaceous turbidite basin in the south-central Pyrenees, Spain | Van Hoorn, B. | 1970 | Leidse Geol. Mededelingen | 45 | 73 | 154 | 3 | |
832 | Rec № 3224 | Estratigrafía y sedimentología de las formaciones detríticas del Cretácico inferior terminal del Bajo Aragón Turolense | Pardo, T. G. | 1997 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Zaragosa | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 16 | |
833 | Rec № 2597 | Small-scale hummocky cross-stratification in turbidites: a form of antidune stratification? | Prave, A. R. & Duke, W. L. | 1990 | Sedimentology | 37 | 531 | 539 | 8 | |
834 | Rec № 3224 | Estratigrafía y sedimentología de las formaciones detríticas del Cretácico inferior terminal del Bajo Aragón Turolense | Pardo, T. G. | 1997 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Zaragosa | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | |
835 | Rec № 2812 | A course grained turbidite system with morphotectonic control (Middle Albian, Ondarroa, Northern Iberia) | Agirrezabala, L. M. & Garcia-Mondejar, J. | 1994 | Sedimentology | 41 | 383 | 407 | 3 | |
836 | Rec № 2967 | El Complejo Urgoniano del sur de Santander | Mondejar, J. G. | 1979 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Bilbao | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 26 | |
837 | Rec № 2967 | El Complejo Urgoniano del sur de Santander | Mondejar, J. G. | 1979 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Bilbao | 0 | 0 | 0 | 26 | |
838 | Rec № 1709 | An interpretation of Late Cretaceous sedimentation and tectonics and the nature of Pyrenean deformation in the northwestern Basque Pyrenees | Prave, A. R. | 1986 | Doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania State University | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
839 | Rec № 3001 | La sedimentación en las cuencas marginales del Surco Ibérico durante el Cretácico Inferior y su control estructural | Soria de Miguel, A. R. S. | 1997 | Doctoral dissertation, Universidad de Zaragoza | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 22 | |
840 | Rec № 2565 | Depositional architecture of the Cuerda del Pozo formation, lower Cretaceous of the extensional Cameros Basin, north-central Spain | Clemente, P. & Perez-Arlucea, M. | 1993 | J. Sed. Pet. | 63 | 437 | 452 | 5 | |
841 | Rec № 1157 | Sand Fans, turbidities, slumps and the origin of the bay of Biscay: A facies analysis of the Guipuzcuan Flysch | Crimes, T. P. | 1976 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 19 | 1 | 15 | 23 | |
842 | Rec № 2768 | Trace-fossil tiering in flysch sediments: examples from the Guipuzcoan flysch (Cretaceous-Paleogene), northern Spain | Leszczynski, S. | 1991 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 88 | 167 | 184 | 1 | |
843 | Rec № 2968 | El Paleogeno de Las Baleares: Estratigrafia y Sedimentologia | Guerrero, E. R. | 1998 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Barcelona | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
844 | Rec № 2968 | El Paleogeno de Las Baleares: Estratigrafia y Sedimentologia | Guerrero, E. R. | 1998 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Barcelona | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
845 | Rec № 3001 | La sedimentación en las cuencas marginales del Surco Ibérico durante el Cretácico Inferior y su control estructural | Soria de Miguel, A. R. S. | 1997 | Doctoral dissertation, Universidad de Zaragoza | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | |
846 | Rec № 800 | A carbonate submarine fan in a fault-controlled basin of the Upper Jurassic, Betic Cordillera, southern Spain | Ruiz-Ortiz, P. A. | 1983 | Sedimentology | 30 | 33 | 48 | 3 | |
847 | Rec № 2969 | Caracterización sedimentológica y modelización por ordenador de la rampa carbonatada Kimmeridgiense en ricla (zaragoza): implicaciones a escala de cuenca | Lago, B. B. | 1997 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Zaragoza | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
848 | Rec № 2969 | Caracterización sedimentológica y modelización por ordenador de la rampa carbonatada Kimmeridgiense en ricla (zaragoza): implicaciones a escala de cuenca | Lago, B. B. | 1997 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Zaragoza | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |
849 | Rec № 1694 | Early Jurassic depositional history of the northern margin of the central High Atlas, Morocco | Letsch, D. K. | 1985 | Masters thesis, Colorado School of Mines | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
850 | Rec № 2623 | The fluvial architecture of the upper Buntsandstein in the Iberian Basin, central Spain | Garcia-Gil, S. | 1993 | Sedimentology | 40 | 125 | 143 | 11 | |
851 | Rec № 964 | Evolution of Buntsardstein fluvial sedimentation in the northwest Iberian Ranges (central Spain) | Ramos, A., Sopena, A. & Perez-Arlucea, M. | 1986 | J. Sed. Pet. | 56 | 862 | 875 | 2 | |
852 | Rec № 2771 | Sequence stratigraphic analysis and paleogeographic interpretation of the Buntsandstein and Muschelkalk facies (Permo-Triassic) in the SE Iberian Range, E Spain | Lopez-Gomez, J. & Arche, A. | 1993 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 103 | 179 | 201 | 2 | |
853 | Rec № 2693 | Evolving fluvial architecture during a marine transgression: Upper Buntsandstein, Triassic, central Spain | Muñoz, A., Ramos, A., Sánchez-Moya, Y., & Sopeña, A. | 1992 | Sed. Geol. | 75 | 257 | 281 | 7 | |
854 | Rec № 353 | Sedimentology, paleoclimatology, and diagenesis of Post-Hercynian continental deposits in the south-central Pyrenees, Spain | Nagtegaal, P. J.C. | 1969 | Leidse Geol. Mededelingen | 42 | 143 | 238 | 5 | |
855 | Rec № 639 | Anatomy of a strike-slip fault controlled sedimentary basin, Permian of the southern Pyrenees, Spain | Speksnijder, A. | 1985 | Sed. Geol. | 44 | 179 | 223 | 11 | |
856 | Rec № 2602 | Volcanic and tectonic controls of lacustrine and alluvial sedimentation in the Stephanian coal-bearing sequence of the Malpas-Sort Basin, Catalonian, Pyrenees | Besley, B. M. & Collinson, J. D. | 1991 | Sedimentology | 38 | 3 | 26 | 4 | |
857 | Rec № 926 | Growth of an ancient deep-sea fan. | Rupke, N. A. | 1977 | J. Geol. | 85 | 725 | 744 | 7 | |
858 | Rec № 361 | Los conglomerados del borde NW de la Cuenca Carbonífera Central de Asturias y la sucesión productiva inferior | Corrales, I. | 1971 | Trabajos de Geologia (Esfana) | 3 | 75 | 86 | 1 | |
859 | Rec № 230 | Alluvial fan and lacustrine sediments from the Stephanian A and B (La Magdalena, Cinera-Matallana and Sabero) coalfields, northern Spain | Heward, A. P. | 1978 | Sedimentology | 25 | 451 | 488 | 2 | |
860 | Rec № 173 | Stratigraphy, sedimentology and paleogeography of Eifelian, Givetian, and Frasnian strata between the river Porma and the Embalse de la Luna, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain | Reijers, T. J.A. | 1973 | Geol. Mijnbouw | 52 | 115 | 124 | 1 | |
861 | Rec № 357 | Three Upper Carboniferous, limestone-rich, high-destructive delta systems with submarine fan deposits, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain | Van De Graaf, W. J.E. | 1971 | Leidse Geol. Mededelingen | 46 | 157 | 235 | 1 | |
862 | Rec № 356 | Sedimentology of a linear prograding coastline followed by three high-destructive delta-complexes (Cambro-Ordovician, Cantabrian Mountains, northwest Spain) | Gietelink, G. | 1973 | Leidse Geol. Mededelingen | 49 | 125 | 144 | 3 | |
863 | Rec № 206 | Alluvial fan deposits | Nilsen, T. H. | 1982 | P. Scholle & D. Spearing (eds) Sandstone Depositional Environments | 0 | 49 | 86 | 10 | |
864 | Rec № 559 | Studies on orientation and imbrication of pebbles with respect to cross-stratification | Sengupta, S. | 1966 | J. Sed. Pet. | 36 | 362 | 369 | 11 | |
865 | Rec № 1091 | Sedimentary structures and paleocurrents of the Siwaliks exposed between the Yamuna and Gola Rivers, U. P. (India) | Parkash, B., Bajpai, I. P. & Saxena, H. P. | 1974 | Geol. Mag. | 111 | 1 | 96 | 10 | |
866 | Rec № 175 | The Thal Interfluve, Pakistan: Geomorphology and depositional history | Higgins, G. M., Ahmad, M., & Brinkman, R | 1973 | Geol. Mijnbouw | 52 | 147 | 155 | 2 | |
867 | Rec № 624 | Sedimentology of Plio-Pleistocene late orogenic deposits associated with intraplate subduction - the Upper Swalik Subgroup of a part of Bunjak Sub, Himalaya, India | Kumar, R. & Tandon, S. K. | 1985 | Sed. Geol. | 42 | 105 | 158 | 11 | |
868 | Rec № 1181 | The late Cenozoic chronologic and stratigraphic development of the Kashmir Intermontaine Basin, northwestern Himalaya | Burbank, D. W. & Johnson, G. D. | 1983 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 43 | 205 | 235 | 9 | |
869 | Rec № 395 | The Siwalik Group (Molasse) - Sediments shed by collision of continental plates | Parkash, B. et. al. | 1980 | Sed. Geol. | 25 | 127 | 159 | 2 | |
870 | Rec № 1196 | Paleoecology of middle Siwalik sediments and Faunas, Northern Pakistan | Badgley, C. & Behrensmeyer, A. K. | 1980 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 30 | 133 | 155 | 2 | |
871 | Rec № 2720 | Coalescence megafan: multistory sandstone complex of the late-orogenic (Mio-Pliocene) sub-Himalayan belt, Dehra Dun, India | Kumar, R. | 1993 | Sed. Geol. | 85 | 327 | 337 | 25 | |
872 | Rec № 2826 | Ancient river systems in the Himalayan foredeep, Chinji Village area, northern Pakistan | Williamson, C. R. | 1993 | Sed. Geol. | 88 | 1 | 76 | 3 | |
873 | Rec № 3044 | Lithofacies associations and paleocurrent patterns in the Nagri Formation of the Siwalik Group in Kach-Zarghun area of northeast Baluchistan | Kassi, A. M., Qureshi, A. R. & Kakar, D. M. | 1990 | Geol. Bull. Univ. Peshawar | 23 | 123 | 133 | 19 | |
874 | Rec № 645 | Paleocurrents in the Miocene Rajahmundry Formation, Andrhra Pradesh, India | Raju, D., Rao, C. & Sengupta, B. | 1965 | J. Sed. Pet. | 35 | 758 | 762 | 4 | |
875 | Rec № 790 | Isochronous fluvial systems in Miocene deposits of northern Pakistan | Behrensmeyer, A. K. & L. Tauxe | 1982 | Sedimentology | 29 | 331 | 352 | 2 | |
876 | Rec № 3143 | Controls on expansion-contraction of Late Cenozoic alluvial architecture: A case study from the Himalayan Foreland Basin, NW Himalaya, India | Sinha, S., Kumar, R., Ghosh, S. K., & Sangode, S. J. | 2007 | Himalayan Geology | 28 | 1 | 22 | 8 | |
877 | Rec № 1043 | Post-Eocene biofacies, palaeoenvironments and palaeogeography of the Bengal Basin, India | Banerji, R. | 1984 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 45 | 49 | 73 | 9 | |
878 | Rec № 2887 | Depositional pattern and reservoir heterogeneity of Tipan Sand-a, Lakwa field, India | Singh, L., Ahmed, A. E. Verma,, R. P. & Murthy, R. V.S. | 1991 | Geol. Mijnbouw | 70 | 355 | 371 | 1 | |
879 | Rec № 1433 | Marine and continental sedimentation in the Early Cenozoic Kohat Basin and adjacent northwestern Indo-Pakistan | Weissmann, G. S. | 1984 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 13 | |
880 | Rec № 1188 | Cretaceous-Eocene sedimentation, Tectonism and Biofacies in the Bengal Basin, India | Banerji, R. K. | 1981 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 34 | 57 | 85 | 29 | |
881 | Rec № 2639 | Sedimentation patterns of the Proterozoic Delhi Supergroup, northeastern Rajasthan, India, and their tectonic implications | Singh, S. P. | 1988 | Sed. Geol. | 58 | 79 | 94 | 32 | |
882 | Rec № 3145 | Newly discovered Paleogene deltaic sequence in Katawaz basin, Pakistan, and its tectonic implications | Qayyum, M., Niem, A. R., & Lawrence, R. D. | 1996 | Geology | 24 | 835 | 838 | 3 | |
883 | Rec № 2709 | Delta plain coal deposits from the Than Formation of the Early Cretaceous Saurashtra Basin, Gujarat, western India | Aslam, M. | 1992 | Sed. Geol. | 81 | 181 | 193 | 2 | |
884 | Rec № 1264 | Evidence of Superimposition of storm waves on tidal currents in rocks from the Tithonian-Neocomian Umia Member, Kutch, India | Bose, P., Ghosh, G., Shome, S. & Bardhan, S. | 1988 | Sed. Geol. | 54 | 321 | 329 | 1 | |
885 | Rec № 2628 | Evidence of superimposition of storm waves on tidal currents in rocks from the Tithonian-Neocomian Umia Member, Kutch, India | Bose, P. K., Ghosh, G., Shome, S. & Bardhan, S. | 1988 | Sed. Geol. | 54 | 321 | 329 | 2 | |
886 | Rec № 669 | (not set) | Shiramadas, A. | 1957 | J. Sed. Pet. | 27 | 447 | 452 | 1 | |
887 | Rec № 348 | Paleocurrent analysis of the Athgarh Sandstone (Upper Gondwana), Cuttack District, Orissa (India) | Kumar, S. & Bhandari, L. L. | 1973 | Sed. Geol. | 10 | 61 | 75 | 1 | |
888 | Rec № 401 | The foreset and backset beds in the Pachmari Formation | Saxena, S. K. | 1962 | Current Science | 31 | 510 | 511 | 2 | |
889 | Rec № 642 | Triassic aeolian sedimentation in the Auranga Gondwana Basin, Bihar, India | Sen, D. & Sinha, T. | 1985 | Sed. Geol. | 43 | 277 | 300 | 6 | |
890 | Rec № 1280 | Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India | Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A. | 1987 | Sed. Geol. | 51 | 181 | 213 | 9 | |
891 | Rec № 59 | Gondwana sedimentation around Bheemaram (Bhimaram), Pranhita-Godavari Valley, India | Sengupta, S. | 1970 | J. Sed. Pet. | 40 | 140 | 170 | 54 | |
892 | Rec № 326 | Sedimentological synthesis of Permian fluviatile sediments of east Bokaro Basin, Bihar, India | Khan, Z. A. & Casshyap, S. M. | 1982 | Sed. Geol. | 33 | 111 | 128 | 1 | |
893 | Rec № 409 | Paleocurrents and paleogeographic reconstitution in the Barakar(Lower Gondwana) sandstones of Peninsular India | Casshyap, S. M. | 1973 | Sed. Geol. | 9 | 283 | 303 | 5 | |
894 | Rec № 413 | Paleocurrent analysis of Lower Gondwana sedimentary rocks, Pench Valley coalfield, Madhya Pradesh, India | Casshyap, S. M. & Qidwai, H. A. | 1971 | Sed. Geol. | 5 | 135 | 145 | 4 | |
895 | Rec № 1225 | Paleodrainage and paleochannel morphology of a Barakar River (Early Permian) in the Rajmahal Gondwana Basin, Bihar, India | Khan, Z. | 1987 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 58 | 235 | 247 | 24 | |
896 | Rec № 2757 | Paleodrainage and paleochannel morphology of a Barakar River (Early Permian) in the Rajmahal Gondwana Basin, India | Khan, Z. A. | 1987 | Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo | 58 | 235 | 247 | 13 | |
897 | Rec № 101 | Facies analysis and paleogeographic implications of a late Paleozoic glacial outwash deposit, Bihar, India | Casshyap, S. M. & Tewari, R. C. | 1982 | J. Sed. Pet. | 52 | 1243 | 1256 | 1 | |
898 | Rec № 700 | Pattern of Talchir sedimentation in Burhai Gondwana Basin, Bihar, India | Niyogi, D. | 1961 | J. Sed. Pet. | 31 | 63 | 71 | 1 | |
899 | Rec № 2678 | Permo-Carboniferous proglacial-lake sedimentation in the Sahajerri Gondwana basin, India | Sen, D. P. & Banerji, T. | 1991 | Sed. Geol. | 71 | 47 | 58 | 9 | |
900 | Rec № 2696 | Glaciogenic coarse clastics in a Permo-Carboniferous bedrock trough in India: a sedimentary model | Bose, P. K., Mukhopadhyay, G. & Bhattacharyya, H. N. | 1992 | Sed. Geol. | 76 | 79 | 97 | 3 | |