Publication: [1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #7346
[Rec № 1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India
Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A.
Sed. Geol., 1987, , Vol 51
Pages 181 - 213 , Total Record: 9
Indian Upper Permian 9 27820 22 87 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone Raniganj
Data RefID #7347
[Rec № 1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India
Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A.
Sed. Geol., 1987, , Vol 51
Pages 181 - 213 , Total Record: 9
Indian Upper Permian 9 27820 22 87 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone Raniganj
Data RefID #7348
[Rec № 1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India
Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A.
Sed. Geol., 1987, , Vol 51
Pages 181 - 213 , Total Record: 9
Indian Upper Permian 9 27820 22 85.7 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone Raniganj
Data RefID #7349
[Rec № 1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India
Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A.
Sed. Geol., 1987, , Vol 51
Pages 181 - 213 , Total Record: 9
Indian Upper Permian 9 27820 22 86.4 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone Raniganj
Data RefID #7350
[Rec № 1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India
Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A.
Sed. Geol., 1987, , Vol 51
Pages 181 - 213 , Total Record: 9
Indian Upper Permian 9 27820 22 85.1 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone Raniganj
Data RefID #7351
[Rec № 1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India
Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A.
Sed. Geol., 1987, , Vol 51
Pages 181 - 213 , Total Record: 9
Indian Upper Permian 9 27820 22 86.4 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone Raniganj
Data RefID #7352
[Rec № 1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India
Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A.
Sed. Geol., 1987, , Vol 51
Pages 181 - 213 , Total Record: 9
Indian Upper Permian 9 27820 22 85.1 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone Raniganj
Data RefID #7353
[Rec № 1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India
Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A.
Sed. Geol., 1987, , Vol 51
Pages 181 - 213 , Total Record: 9
Indian Upper Permian 9 27820 22 85.7 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone Raniganj
Data RefID #7354
[Rec № 1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India
Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A.
Sed. Geol., 1987, , Vol 51
Pages 181 - 213 , Total Record: 9
Indian Upper Permian 9 27820 22 85.1 Indian fluvial ripple marks sandstone Raniganj
Data RefID #7355
[Rec № 1280] Fluvial architecture of the Upper Permian Raniganj coal measure in the Damodar Basin, eastern India
Casshyap, S. M. & Kumar, A.
Sed. Geol., 1987, , Vol 51
Pages 181 - 213 , Total Record: 9
Indian Upper Permian 9 27820 22 86.4 Indian fluvial ripple marks sandstone Raniganj