Publication: [304] Sedimentology and paleogeography of an Upper Cretaceous turbidite basin in the south-central Pyrenees, Spain

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6966
[Rec № 304] Sedimentology and paleogeography of an Upper Cretaceous turbidite basin in the south-central Pyrenees, Spain
Van Hoorn, B.
Leidse Geol. Mededelingen, 1970, , Vol 45
Pages 73 - 154 , Total Record: 3
Iberian Upper Cretaceous 3 34410 42.25 0.75 Iberian marine deep sole marks siltstone or turbidites Undetermined
Data RefID #6967
[Rec № 304] Sedimentology and paleogeography of an Upper Cretaceous turbidite basin in the south-central Pyrenees, Spain
Van Hoorn, B.
Leidse Geol. Mededelingen, 1970, , Vol 45
Pages 73 - 154 , Total Record: 3
Iberian Upper Cretaceous 3 34410 42.417 0.58 Iberian marine deep sole marks siltstone or turbidites Undetermined
Data RefID #6968
[Rec № 304] Sedimentology and paleogeography of an Upper Cretaceous turbidite basin in the south-central Pyrenees, Spain
Van Hoorn, B.
Leidse Geol. Mededelingen, 1970, , Vol 45
Pages 73 - 154 , Total Record: 3
Iberian Upper Cretaceous 3 34410 42.5 0.5 Iberian marine deep sole marks siltstone or turbidites Undetermined