Publication: [1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6704
[Rec № 1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain
Cater, J.
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1987, , Vol 144
Pages 915 - 932 , Total Record: 10
Iberian Middle Miocene 10 44464 38.8 0.1 Iberian alluvial crossbedding sandstone Masia del Garroferro
Data RefID #6705
[Rec № 1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain
Cater, J.
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1987, , Vol 144
Pages 915 - 932 , Total Record: 10
Iberian Middle Miocene 10 44464 38.2 0.5 Iberian alluvial crossbedding sandstone Masia del Garroferro
Data RefID #6706
[Rec № 1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain
Cater, J.
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1987, , Vol 144
Pages 915 - 932 , Total Record: 10
Iberian Middle Miocene 10 44464 38.6 0.3 Iberian alluvial crossbedding sandstone Masia del Garroferro
Data RefID #6707
[Rec № 1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain
Cater, J.
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1987, , Vol 144
Pages 915 - 932 , Total Record: 10
Iberian Middle Miocene 10 44464 38.7 0 Iberian alluvial crossbedding sandstone Masia del Garroferro
Data RefID #6708
[Rec № 1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain
Cater, J.
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1987, , Vol 144
Pages 915 - 932 , Total Record: 10
Iberian Middle Miocene 10 44463 38.3 -0.2 Iberian alluvial crossbedding sandstone Mariolo Calcirudite
Data RefID #6709
[Rec № 1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain
Cater, J.
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1987, , Vol 144
Pages 915 - 932 , Total Record: 10
Iberian Middle Miocene 10 44462 38.55 -0.5 Iberian alluvial crossbedding sandstone Anchero Conglomerate
Data RefID #6710
[Rec № 1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain
Cater, J.
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1987, , Vol 144
Pages 915 - 932 , Total Record: 10
Iberian Middle Miocene 10 44462 38.5 -0.5 Iberian alluvial crossbedding sandstone Anchero Conglomerate
Data RefID #6711
[Rec № 1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain
Cater, J.
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1987, , Vol 144
Pages 915 - 932 , Total Record: 10
Iberian Middle Miocene 10 44462 38.7 0 Iberian alluvial crossbedding sandstone Anchero Conglomerate
Data RefID #6712
[Rec № 1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain
Cater, J.
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1987, , Vol 144
Pages 915 - 932 , Total Record: 10
Iberian Middle Miocene 10 44462 38.6 0 Iberian alluvial crossbedding sandstone Anchero Conglomerate
Data RefID #6771
[Rec № 1216] Sedimentary evidence of the Neogene evolution of southeastern Spain
Cater, J.
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1987, , Vol 144
Pages 915 - 932 , Total Record: 10
Iberian Upper Eocene 10 42624 38.4 -0.3 Iberian alluvial crossbedding sandstone Barrancodel Sing