Publication: [2826] Ancient river systems in the Himalayan foredeep, Chinji Village area, northern Pakistan

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #7211
[Rec № 2826] Ancient river systems in the Himalayan foredeep, Chinji Village area, northern Pakistan
Williamson, C. R.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 88
Pages 1 - 76 , Total Record: 3
Indian Mio-Pliocene 3 44927 35.15 72.4 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #7212
[Rec № 2826] Ancient river systems in the Himalayan foredeep, Chinji Village area, northern Pakistan
Williamson, C. R.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 88
Pages 1 - 76 , Total Record: 3
Indian Mio-Pliocene 3 44927 35.2 72.5 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #7213
[Rec № 2826] Ancient river systems in the Himalayan foredeep, Chinji Village area, northern Pakistan
Williamson, C. R.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 88
Pages 1 - 76 , Total Record: 3
Indian Mio-Pliocene 3 44927 35.25 72.6 Indian fluvial crossbedding sandstone