Publication: [506] Variations in fluvial style on the Eocene-Oligocene alluvial fan of the Scala Dei Group, SE. Ebro Basin, Spain

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6833
[Rec № 506] Variations in fluvial style on the Eocene-Oligocene alluvial fan of the Scala Dei Group, SE. Ebro Basin, Spain
Allen, P., Cabrera, L. Colombo, F. & Matter, A
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1983, , Vol 140
Pages 133 - 146 , Total Record: 3
Iberian Lower Eocene 3 42144 41.7 1 Iberian subaerial (eolian) current direction sandstone Scala Dai
Data RefID #6834
[Rec № 506] Variations in fluvial style on the Eocene-Oligocene alluvial fan of the Scala Dei Group, SE. Ebro Basin, Spain
Allen, P., Cabrera, L. Colombo, F. & Matter, A
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1983, , Vol 140
Pages 133 - 146 , Total Record: 3
Iberian Lower Eocene 3 42144 41.75 1 Iberian subaerial (eolian) current direction sandstone Scala Dai
Data RefID #6835
[Rec № 506] Variations in fluvial style on the Eocene-Oligocene alluvial fan of the Scala Dei Group, SE. Ebro Basin, Spain
Allen, P., Cabrera, L. Colombo, F. & Matter, A
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1983, , Vol 140
Pages 133 - 146 , Total Record: 3
Iberian Lower Eocene 3 42144 41.8 1 Iberian subaerial (eolian) current direction sandstone Scala Dai