1001 | Rec № 3029 | Sedimentology and structure of the Moorlands Basin, Clermont District, Central Queensland | Ledlie, I. M. | 1985 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Queensland | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
1002 | Rec № 751 | The determination of the direction of transport of fluviatile arenites by orientation analyses of the detrital mica | Diessel, C. F.K. | 1986 | Sedimentology | 7 | 167 | 177 | 1 | |
1003 | Rec № 1098 | Paleocurrents and composition of Lower Bryneira Strata (Permian) at Barrington Peak, North-West Otaga | Landis, C. A. | 1972 | J. Geol. Geophys. New Zealand | 17 | 799 | 805 | 1 | |
1004 | Rec № 3033 | Permian Geology of the springsure- rolleston area, Denison Trough, East Central Queensland | Parmenter, D. S. | 1986 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Queensland | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
1005 | Rec № 3032 | Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Lower Permian sequence in the Durras- Ulladulla Area, Sydney Basin, New South Wales | Gostin, V. A. | 1968 | Doctoral dissertation, Australian National University | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
1006 | Rec № 2878 | Sedimentology and palynostratigraphy of permian rocks exposed at Fairbairn Dam, central Queensland | Fielding, C. R. & Mcloughlin, S. | 1992 | Aust. Jour. E. Sci. | 39 | 631 | 649 | 4 | |
1007 | Rec № 862 | Late Paleozoic glaciation of Australia | Crowell, J. C. & Frakes, L. A. | 1971 | J. Geol. Soc. Australia | 17 | 115 | 155 | 2 | |
1008 | Rec № 625 | Trench-floor sedimentary sequences in a Paleozoic subduction complex, eastern Australia | Ferguson, C. L. | 1985 | Sed. Geol. | 24 | 189 | 200 | 1 | |
1009 | Rec № 3031 | Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Upper Devonian Pertnjara and Finke Groups, Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory | Jones, B. G. | 1970 | Doctoral dissertation, Australian National University | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 10 | |
1010 | Rec № 3031 | Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Upper Devonian Pertnjara and Finke Groups, Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory | Jones, B. G. | 1970 | Doctoral dissertation, Australian National University | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | |
1011 | Rec № 2728 | Evolution of Devonian alluvial systems in an oblique-slip mobile zone-an example from the Broken River Province, northeastern Australia | Lang, S. C. | 1993 | Sed. Geol. | 85 | 501 | 535 | 18 | |
1012 | Rec № 68 | Bidirectional current ripple marks in an Upper Devonian internal drainage basin | Jones, B. G. | 1972 | J. Sed. Pet. | 42 | 135 | 140 | 1 | |
1013 | Rec № 3189 | Outer Rocky Shores of the Mowanbini Archipelago, Devonian Reef Complex, Canning Basin, Western Australia | Johnson, M. E., Gregory, E. & Webb, E. | 2007 | The Journal of Geology | 115 | 583 | 600 | 2 | |
1014 | Rec № 2860 | Depositional environments and paleogeography of the Worange Point Formation, New South Wales | Taylor, G. & Mayer, W. | 1990 | Aust. Jour. E. Sci. | 37 | 227 | 239 | 4 | |
1015 | Rec № 719 | Deformation structures in siltstone resulting from the migration of an Upper Devonian aeolian dune | Jones, B. G. | 1972 | J. Sed. Pet. | 42 | 935 | 940 | 1 | |
1016 | Rec № 1220 | The early devonian tangerang formation of the marulan‐windellama region, nsw—definition and palaeo‐environmental significance | Jones, B., Carr, P. & Hall, C. | 1984 | Aust. Jour. E. Sci. | 31 | 75 | 90 | 5 | |
1017 | Rec № 855 | Basin characteristics of the Early Devonian part of the Hill End Trough, New South Wales. Based on a stratigraphic analysis of the Merrions Tuff | Cas, R. | 1977 | J. Geol. Soc. Australia | 24 | 381 | 401 | 1 | |
1018 | Rec № 2870 | Siliciclastic sedimentation on a storm- and tide-influenced shelf and shoreline: The Early Devonian Roxburgh Formation, NE Lachlan Ford Belt, southern Australia | Colquhoun, G. P. | 1995 | Sed. Geol. | 97 | 69 | 98 | 11 | |
1019 | Rec № 2680 | Early Devonian (Gedinnian) nonmarine strata present in a rapidly subsiding basin in far western New South Wales, Australia | Neef, G. & Bottrill, R. S. | 1991 | Sed. Geol. | 71 | 195 | 212 | 21 | |
1020 | Rec № 2857 | Sedimentology of the Early Devonian Walhalla Group at Walhalla, Victoria | Weimer, R. J., Clifton, H. E., Howard, J. D. & Lindsay, D. R. | 1988 | Aust. Jour. E. Sci. | 35 | 405 | 419 | 2 | |
1021 | Rec № 621 | Statistical methods for analysis and mapping of flysch-type sediments | Schleiger, N. W. | 1974 | Sedimentology | 21 | 223 | 249 | 7 | |
1022 | Rec № 866 | Silurian to Early Devonian facies and biofacies patterns for the Melbourne Trough, central Victoria | Garratt, M. J. | 1983 | J. Geol. Soc. Australia | 30 | 121 | 147 | 15 | |
1023 | Rec № 867 | Tectonic relationship between the Late Ordovician and Late Silurian palaeogeographies of southeastern Australia | Powell, C. M. | 1983 | J. Geol. Soc. Australia | 30 | 353 | 373 | 28 | |
1024 | Rec № 2828 | Tidal sedimentation in part of the Late Silurian Grampians Basin, Southeastern Australia | George, A. D. | 1994 | J. Sed. Research | 64 | 311 | 325 | 5 | |
1025 | Rec № 2722 | Controls on fluvial deposition in mixed fluvial and aeolian facies within the Tumblagooda Sandstone (Late Silurian) of Western Australia | Trewin, N. H. | 1993 | Sed. Geol. | 85 | 387 | 400 | 5 | |
1026 | Rec № 884 | A major unconformity in the Archaean, Jones Creek, western Australia | Durney, D. | 1972 | J. Geol. Soc. Australia | 19 | 251 | 259 | 1 | |
1027 | Rec № 226 | A Precambrian trondhjemite boulder in Paleozoic mudstones of northwestern Malaysia | Stauffer, P. H. & Snelling, N. J. | 1977 | Geol. Jahrb. | 114 | 479 | 482 | 1 | |
1028 | Rec № 627 | Shallow-water turbidites: an example from the Mallacoota Beds, Australia | Fenton, M. W. & Wilson, C. J.L | 1985 | Sed. Geol. | 45 | 231 | 260 | 2 | |
1029 | Rec № 869 | The sedimentology and environment of deposition of the Mallacooto Beds, eastern Victoria | Fenton, M., Keene, J. & Wilson, C. | 1982 | J. Geol. Soc. Australia | 29 | 107 | 114 | 1 | |
1030 | Rec № 910 | Phanerozoic earth history of Australia | Veevers, J. J. | 1984 | Clarendon Press | (not set) | 290 | 294 | 21 | |
1031 | Rec № 3030 | Lithostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Ordovican Lower Setul Limestone, Palau Langkawi, Malaysia | Wright, R. | 1983 | Masters thesis, University of Tasmania | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
1032 | Rec № 3030 | Lithostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Ordovican Lower Setul Limestone, Palau Langkawi, Malaysia | Wright, R. | 1983 | Masters thesis, University of Tasmania | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
1033 | Rec № 556 | Orientation distribution patterns of graptolite rhabdosomes from Ordovician sediments in Central Victoria, Australia | Schleiger, N. W. | 1968 | J. Sed. Pet. | 38 | 462 | 472 | 4 | |
1034 | Rec № 873 | Ordovician paleogeography of the Lachlan Fold Belt: a modern analogue and tectonic constraints | Cas, R. C., Powell, M. A. & Crook, K. | 1980 | J. Geol. Soc. Australia | 27 | 19 | 31 | 11 | |
1035 | Rec № 1066 | The position of graptolites in turbidites | Moors, H. | 1969 | Sed. Geol. | 3 | 241 | 261 | 3 | |
1036 | Rec № 910 | Phanerozoic earth history of Australia | Veevers, J. J. | 1984 | Clarendon Press | 0 | 290 | 294 | 21 | |
1037 | Rec № 2858 | Ordovician turbidites of the Hotham Group, eastern Victoria: sedimentation in deep-marine channel-levee complexes | Fergusson, C. L., Cas, R. A.F. & Stewart, I. R. | 1989 | Aust. Jour. E. Sci. | 36 | 1 | 12 | 6 | |
1038 | Rec № 2715 | Ordovician contourites in the Lachlan Fold Belt, eastern Australia | Jones, B. G., Fergusson, C. L. & Zambelli, P. F. | 1993 | Sed. Geol. | 82 | 257 | 270 | 4 | |
1039 | Rec № 3023 | The clay mineralogy, petrology and environments of deposition of the Cambrian Lake Frome Group, Flinders Range, South Australia | Stock, E. C. | 1974 | Masters thesis, University of Adelaide | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
1040 | Rec № 3023 | The clay mineralogy, petrology and environments of deposition of the Cambrian Lake Frome Group, Flinders Range, South Australia | Stock, E. C. | 1974 | Masters thesis, University of Adelaide | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | |
1041 | Rec № 3005 | Stratigraphy, sedimentology and structural setting of the Cambrian Sticht Range Formation, Western Tasmania | Baillie, P. W. | 1989 | Masters thesis, Macquarie University | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
1042 | Rec № 50 | Open-cast slump sheets and their relationship to sandstone beds in an Upper Cambrian flysch sequence, Tasmania | Corbett, K. D. | 1973 | J. Sed. Pet. | 43 | 147 | 159 | 1 | |
1043 | Rec № 795 | Terrestrial-marine transition in the Cambrian rocks of Kangaroo Island, South Australia | Daily, B., Moore, P. S. & Rust, B. R. | 1980 | Sedimentology | 27 | 379 | 399 | 5 | |
1044 | Rec № 81 | Deltaic sedimentation - Cambrian of South Australia | Moore, P. S. | 1979 | J. Sed. Pet. | 49 | 1229 | 1244 | 11 | |
1045 | Rec № 883 | Ripple mark analysis of a fine-grained empiric-sea deposit (Cambrian, South Australia) | Moore, P. S. | 1982 | J. Geol. Soc. Australia | 29 | 71 | 81 | 7 | |
1046 | Rec № 3006 | The Upper Brachina Group: A late Precambrian intertidal deltaic and sandflat sequence in the Flinders Ranges, South Autralia | Plummer, P. S. | 1978 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Adelaide | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 107 | |
1047 | Rec № 3006 | The Upper Brachina Group: A late Precambrian intertidal deltaic and sandflat sequence in the Flinders Ranges, South Autralia | Plummer, P. S. | 1978 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Adelaide | 0 | 0 | 0 | 107 | |
1048 | Rec № 3134 | Synorogenic hydrothermal origin for giant Hamersley iron oxide ore bodies | Powell, C. M., Oliver, N. H., Li, Z. X., Martin, D. M., & Ronaszeki, J. | 1999 | Geology | 27 | 175 | 178 | 6 | |
1049 | Rec № 2738 | Stratigraphy and sedimentology of Sturtian glacigenic deposits in the western part of the North Flinders Basin, south Australia | Young, G. M. & Long, D. G.F. | 1988 | Precambrian Res. | 39 | 151 | 170 | 3 | |
1050 | Rec № 1267 | A large scale meandering submarine canyon: outcrop example of the Late Proterozoic Adelaide Geosyncline, south Australia | Borch, C. C., Grady, A. E., Aldam, R., Miller, D., Neumann, R., Rovira, A., & Eickhoff, K. | 1985 | Sedimentology | 32 | 507 | 518 | 9 | |
1051 | Rec № 2633 | Proterozoic canyons of the Flinders Ranges (South Australia): submarine canyons or drowned river valleys? | Eickhoff, K. H., Von Der Borch, C. C., & Grady, A. E. | 1988 | Sed. Geol. | 58 | 217 | 235 | 15 | |
1052 | Rec № 2837 | Sedimentary geology and evolution of an outcropping shelf-margin delta, Late Proterozoic Wonoka Formation, South Australia | DiBona, P. A. & von der Borch, C. C. | 1993 | Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull. | 77 | 963 | 979 | 14 | |
1053 | Rec № 3018 | Carbonate shelf and basin sedimentation, Late Proterozoic Wonoka Formation, South Australia | Haines, P. W. | 1987 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Adelaide | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 25 | |
1054 | Rec № 3018 | Carbonate shelf and basin sedimentation, Late Proterozoic Wonoka Formation, South Australia | Haines, P. W. | 1987 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Adelaide | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | |
1055 | Rec № 3131 | Sequence stratigraphy and the interpretation of Neoproterozoic earth history | Christie-Blick, N., Dyson, I. A., & Von Der Borch, C. C. | 1995 | Precambrian Research | 73 | 3 | 26 | 4 | |
1056 | Rec № 2525 | The petrology of the Late Proterozoic(?)-Early Cambrian Arumbera Sandstone, western Macdonnell Ranges, north-central Amadeus Basin, Central Australia | Hamp, L. P. | 1985 | Masters thesis, Utah State University | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 35 | |
1057 | Rec № 2525 | The petrology of the Late Proterozoic(?)-Early Cambrian Arumbera Sandstone, western Macdonnell Ranges, north-central Amadeus Basin, Central Australia | Hamp, L. P. | 1985 | Masters thesis, Utah State University | 0 | 0 | 0 | 35 | |
1058 | Rec № 2526 | Petrology of the Arumbera Sandstone, Late Proterozoic(?)-Early Cambrian, northeastern Amadeus Basin, central Australia | Conrad, K. T. | 1981 | Masters thesis, Utah State University | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 32 | |
1059 | Rec № 2526 | Petrology of the Arumbera Sandstone, Late Proterozoic(?)-Early Cambrian, northeastern Amadeus Basin, central Australia | Conrad, K. T. | 1981 | Masters thesis, Utah State University | 0 | 0 | 0 | 32 | |
1060 | Rec № 2535 | Petrology of the late Proterozoic(?) - early Cambrian Arumbera Sandstone and the late Proterozoic Quandong conglomerate, East-Central Amadeus Basin, Central Australia | Phillips, J. O. Jr. | 1986 | Masters thesis, Utah State University. | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 88 | |
1061 | Rec № 2535 | Petrology of the late Proterozoic(?) - early Cambrian Arumbera Sandstone and the late Proterozoic Quandong conglomerate, East-Central Amadeus Basin, Central Australia | Phillips, J. O. Jr. | 1986 | Masters thesis, Utah State University. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 88 | |
1062 | Rec № 868 | The Ediacara member of the Rawnsley Quartzite: the context of the Ediacara assemblage (Late Precambrian, Flinders Ranges) | Jenkins, R. J.F., Ford, C. H. & Gehling, J. G. | 1983 | J. Geol. Soc. Australia | 30 | 101 | 119 | 25 | |
1063 | Rec № 2877 | Sturtian glacial deposition in the vicinity of the Yankanina Anticline, North Flinders Basin, South Australia | Young, G. M. | 1990 | Aust. Jour. E. Sci. | 37 | 447 | 458 | 3 | |
1064 | Rec № 602 | Mechanism of sandstone deposition in a Late Proterozoic submarine canyon, Adelarde Geosyncline, South Australia | Von Der Borch, C. & Grady, A. | 1984 | Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull. | 68 | 684 | 689 | 1 | |
1065 | Rec № 2856 | Sedimentology of the Westmoreland Conglomerate, southern McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia | Wright, T. O. & Stephens, G. C. | 1988 | Aust. Jour. E. Sci. | 35 | 195 | 207 | 14 | |
1066 | Rec № 114 | Geometry and internal characteristics of Archaean submarine channel deposits, Pilbara Block, western Australia | Eriksson, K. A. | 1982 | J. Sed. Pet. | 52 | 383 | 393 | 1 | |
1067 | Rec № 2596 | Facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis in an intracratonic, thermal relaxation basin: the Early Proterozoic, Lower Quilalar Formation and Ballara Quartzite, Mount Isa Inlier, Australia | Jackson, M. J., Simpson, E. L. & Erikkson, K. A. | 1990 | Sedimentology | 37 | 1053 | 1078 | 5 | |
1068 | Rec № 2810 | Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and tectonic implications of a Paleo-Proterozoic continental extensional basin: the El Sherana-Edith River groups, Northern Territory, Austria | Friedmann, S. J. & Grotzinger, J. P. | 1994 | Can. J. Earth Sci. | 31 | 748 | 764 | 4 | |
1069 | Rec № 2729 | Thin eolianites interbedded within fluvial and marine succession: early Proterozoic Whitworth Formation, Mount Isa Inlier, Australia | Simpson, E. L. & Erikkson, K. A. | 1993 | Sed. Geol. | 87 | 39 | 62 | 8 | |
1070 | Rec № 2876 | Intertidal and subtidal sedimentation during a mid-Proterozoic marine transgression, Reynolds Range Group, Aninta Block, Central Australia | Dirks, P. H.G. M. | 1990 | Aust. Jour. E. Sci. | 37 | 409 | 422 | 1 | |
1071 | Rec № 2753 | Physical sedimentation processes on a mid-Proterozoic (1800 ma) shelf: the Reynolds Range Group, Arunta Block, central Australia | Dirks, P. H.G. M. & Norman, A. R. | 1992 | Precambrian Res. | 59 | 225 | 241 | 6 | |
1072 | Rec № 2755 | Carbonate sedimentology of the early Precambrian Hamersley Group of Western Australia | Simonson, B. M., Schubel, K. A. & Hassler, S. W. | 1993 | Precambrian Res. | 60 | 287 | 335 | 10 | |
1073 | Rec № 2756 | Depositional history of the main tuff of the Wittenoom Formation, Late Archaean-early Proterozoic Hamersley Group, Western Australia | Hassler, S. W. | 1993 | Precambrian Res. | 60 | 337 | 359 | 19 | |
1074 | Rec № 2754 | Late Archaean crustal extension, sedimentary basin formation, flood basalt volcanism and continental rifting: the Nullagine and Mount Jope Supersequence, Western Australia | Blake, T. S. | 1993 | Precambrian Res. | 60 | 185 | 241 | 14 | |
1075 | Rec № 3004 | Depositional History of the Middle Archaean Sedimentary Sequences in the Pilbara Block, Western Australia: A Genetic Stratigraphic Analysis of the Terrigenous Rocks in the Pilgangoora Syncline | Wheeler, M. T. | 1986 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Australia | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
1076 | Rec № 3004 | Depositional History of the Middle Archaean Sedimentary Sequences in the Pilbara Block, Western Australia: A Genetic Stratigraphic Analysis of the Terrigenous Rocks in the Pilgangoora Syncline | Wheeler, M. T. | 1986 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Australia | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 6 | |
1077 | Rec № 3007 | A sedimentological approach to the geology of the Corunna Area | Lemon, N. M. | 1972 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Adelaide | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
1078 | Rec № 3007 | A sedimentological approach to the geology of the Corunna Area | Lemon, N. M. | 1972 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Adelaide | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
1079 | Rec № 2751 | Stratigraphy and sedimentology of an Early Archean felsic volcanic sequence, eastern Pilbara Block, western Australia, with special reference to the Duffer Formation and implications for crustal evolution | DiMarco, M. J. & Lowe, D. R. | 1989 | Precambrian Res. | 44 | 147 | 169 | 9 | |
1080 | Rec № 2655 | Shallow-water volcaniclastic deposition in the Early Archean Panorama Formation, Warrawoona Group, eastern Pilbara Block, Western Australia | DiMarco, M. J. & Lowe, D. R. | 1989 | Sed. Geol. | 64 | 43 | 63 | 5 | |
1081 | Rec № 3188 | Lower Palaeozoic sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Kerman region, East-Central Iran | Hamedi, M. A. | 1995 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Wollongong | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 12 | |
1082 | Rec № 3188 | Lower Palaeozoic sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Kerman region, East-Central Iran | Hamedi, M. A. | 1995 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Wollongong | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | |
1083 | Rec № 458 | The Black Sea | Ross, D. | 1974 | The Geology of Continental Margins Springer-Verlag New York. | 0 | 669 | 682 | 5 | |
1084 | Rec № 812 | Sedimentological framework of late Pliocene and Pleistocene alluvial deposits in the Bhittani Range, Pakistan | Nio, S. D. & Hussain, S. T. | 1984 | Geol. Mijnbouw | 63 | 55 | 70 | 1 | |
1085 | Rec № 416 | Sedimentology of Pliocene Molasse sediments of the Mesopotamian Geosyncline | Kukal, Z. & Al-Jassim, J. | 1971 | Sed. Geol. | 5 | 57 | 81 | 2 | |
1086 | Rec № 2679 | Miocene alluvial fan-alkaline playa lignite-trona bearing deposits from an inverted basin in Anatolia: sedimentology and tectonic controls on deposition | Inci, U. | 1991 | Sed. Geol. | 71 | 73 | 97 | 1 | |
1087 | Rec № 1204 | Neogene tectonics and plate convergence in the eastern Mediterranean: New data from southern Turkey | Kelling, G., Godeen, S. L., Floyd, P. A. & Gokden, N. | 1987 | Geology | 15 | 425 | 429 | 6 | |
1088 | Rec № 259 | Direction of ophiolite emplacement inferred from Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments of an adjacent autochthon, the Bey Daglari, southwest Turkey | Hayward, A. B. & Robertson, A. H.F. | 1982 | Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. | 93 | 68 | 75 | 15 | |
1089 | Rec № 2665 | Changes in paleocurrents during the development of an obliquely convergent plate boundary (Sulaimin foldbelt, southwestern Himalayas, west-central Pakistan | Waheed, A. & Wells, N. | 1990 | Sed. Geol. | 67 | 237 | 261 | 19 | |
1090 | Rec № 347 | Sédimentologie des roches détritiques de la Formation de Keşan (Paléogéne): Un facies à turbidites au sud-ouest de la Thrace Turque | Gökçen, S. L. & Ataman, G. | 1973 | Sed. Geol. | 9 | 235 | 260 | 2 | |
1091 | Rec № 1433 | Marine and continental sedimentation in the Early Cenozoic Kohat Basin and adjacent northwestern Indo-Pakistan | Weissmann, G. S. | 1984 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | |
1092 | Rec № 696 | The Paleogene Yamak sand-rich submarine-fan complex, Haymana Basin, Turkey | Gökçen, S. L. & Kelling, G. | 1983 | Sed. Geol. | 0 | 219 | 243 | 3 | |
1093 | Rec № 1019 | Paleocene carbonate turbidites of the Sarkisla Region, Turkey - Their significance in an orogenic basin | Gokten, Y. E. | 1986 | Sed. Geol. | 49 | 143 | 165 | 4 | |
1094 | Rec № 360 | Ankara Yahsihan bolgesinde Ust Kretase-Alt Tersiyer sedimantasyonu | Norman, T. | 1973 | Turkiye Jeol. Bulteni | 16 | 41 | 46 | 2 | |
1095 | Rec № 1124 | Ankara Yahsihan bolgesinde Ust Kretase-Alt Tersiyer sedimantasyonu | Norman, T. | 1973 | Turkiye Jeol. Bulteni | 16 | 41 | 66 | 1 | |
1096 | Rec № 696 | The Paleogene Yamak sand-rich submarine-fan complex, Haymana Basin, Turkey | Gökçen, S. L. & Kelling, G. | 1983 | Sed. Geol. | (not set) | 219 | 243 | 3 | |
1097 | Rec № 2588 | Triassic carbonate submarine fans along the Arabian platform margin, Sumeini Group, Oman | Watkins, A. P. | 1987 | Sedimentology | 34 | 43 | 71 | 4 | |
1098 | Rec № 1698 | Late Quaternary glacial, lacustrine and alluvial geology of the upper St. John River Basin, northern Maine and adjacent Canada | Kite, J. S. | 1983 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin | (not set) | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
1099 | Rec № 1698 | Late Quaternary glacial, lacustrine and alluvial geology of the upper St. John River Basin, northern Maine and adjacent Canada | Kite, J. S. | 1983 | Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
1100 | Rec № 469 | Late Pleistocene fluctuations of Kaskawulsh Glacier, Southwestern Yukon Territory, Canada. | Borns, H. & Goldthwait, R. | 1966 | Amer. Jour. Sci. | 264 | 600 | 619 | 1 | |