Publication: [2828] Tidal sedimentation in part of the Late Silurian Grampians Basin, Southeastern Australia

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #8597
[Rec № 2828] Tidal sedimentation in part of the Late Silurian Grampians Basin, Southeastern Australia
George, A. D.
J. Sed. Research, 1994, , Vol 64
Pages 311 - 325 , Total Record: 5
Indo-Australian Upper Silurian 5 23634 -37.5 142 Indo-Australian marine shallow crossbedding sandstone Mount Difficult SS
Data RefID #8598
[Rec № 2828] Tidal sedimentation in part of the Late Silurian Grampians Basin, Southeastern Australia
George, A. D.
J. Sed. Research, 1994, , Vol 64
Pages 311 - 325 , Total Record: 5
Indo-Australian Upper Silurian 5 23634 -37.5 142 Indo-Australian marine shallow ripple marks sandstone Mount Difficult SS
Data RefID #8599
[Rec № 2828] Tidal sedimentation in part of the Late Silurian Grampians Basin, Southeastern Australia
George, A. D.
J. Sed. Research, 1994, , Vol 64
Pages 311 - 325 , Total Record: 5
Indo-Australian Upper Silurian 5 23634 -37.5 142 Indo-Australian marine shallow crossbedding sandstone Mount Difficult SS
Data RefID #8600
[Rec № 2828] Tidal sedimentation in part of the Late Silurian Grampians Basin, Southeastern Australia
George, A. D.
J. Sed. Research, 1994, , Vol 64
Pages 311 - 325 , Total Record: 5
Indo-Australian Upper Silurian 5 23634 -37.5 142 Indo-Australian marine shallow crossbedding sandstone Mount Difficult SS
Data RefID #8601
[Rec № 2828] Tidal sedimentation in part of the Late Silurian Grampians Basin, Southeastern Australia
George, A. D.
J. Sed. Research, 1994, , Vol 64
Pages 311 - 325 , Total Record: 5
Indo-Australian Upper Silurian 5 23633 -37.5 142 Indo-Australian marine shallow ripple marks sandstone Silverband