Publication: [458] The Black Sea

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #3335
[Rec № 458] The Black Sea
Ross, D.
The Geology of Continental Margins Springer-Verlag New York., 1974, « Missing Vol »
Pages 669 - 682 , Total Record: 5
European Recent 5 47000 48 30 European marine shallow crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #3336
[Rec № 458] The Black Sea
Ross, D.
The Geology of Continental Margins Springer-Verlag New York., 1974, « Missing Vol »
Pages 669 - 682 , Total Record: 5
European Recent 5 47000 47 40 European marine shallow crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #3337
[Rec № 458] The Black Sea
Ross, D.
The Geology of Continental Margins Springer-Verlag New York., 1974, « Missing Vol »
Pages 669 - 682 , Total Record: 5
European Recent 5 47000 46 28 European marine shallow crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #3338
[Rec № 458] The Black Sea
Ross, D.
The Geology of Continental Margins Springer-Verlag New York., 1974, « Missing Vol »
Pages 669 - 682 , Total Record: 5
European Recent 5 47000 43 42 European marine shallow crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #9217
[Rec № 458] The Black Sea
Ross, D.
The Geology of Continental Margins Springer-Verlag New York., 1974, « Missing Vol »
Pages 669 - 682 , Total Record: 5
Kazakhstan Recent 5 47000 40 34 Kazakhstan marine shallow crossbedding sandstone