Publication: [259] Direction of ophiolite emplacement inferred from Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments of an adjacent autochthon, the Bey Daglari, southwest Turkey

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
1 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.47 30.19 Kazakhstan marine deep sole marks siltstone or turbidites
2 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.43 30.19 Kazakhstan marine deep imbrication siltstone or turbidites
3 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.5 30.2 Kazakhstan marine deep ripple marks siltstone or turbidites
4 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.5 30.2 Kazakhstan marine deep ripple marks siltstone or turbidites
5 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.5 30.2 Kazakhstan marine deep ripple marks siltstone or turbidites
6 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.49 30.21 Kazakhstan marine deep imbrication siltstone or turbidites
7 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.47 30.21 Kazakhstan marine deep sole marks siltstone or turbidites
8 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.48 30.19 Kazakhstan marine deep imbrication siltstone or turbidites
9 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.45 30.19 Kazakhstan marine deep crossbedding siltstone or turbidites
10 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.44 30.19 Kazakhstan marine deep sole marks siltstone or turbidites
11 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.48 30.21 Kazakhstan marine deep sole marks siltstone or turbidites
12 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.48 30.19 Kazakhstan marine deep imbrication siltstone or turbidites
13 Kazakhstan Lower Miocene 15 44136 38.46 30.21 Kazakhstan marine deep imbrication siltstone or turbidites
14 Kazakhstan Lower Paleocene 15 41118 38.5 30.2 Kazakhstan marine deep ripple marks siltstone or turbidites
15 Kazakhstan Upper Cretaceous 15 34510 38.5 30.2 Kazakhstan marine deep ripple marks siltstone or turbidites