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#CodeNameUGGRADCSubjectSubject CodeAcademic DepartmentStatus 
2401PETH495Directed Study (W)
See PETH 295 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1982 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Physical Education Theory (PETH)PETHSchool of Health and KinesiologyActive
2402PETH495Independent Study (W)
The Independent Study provides the student the opportunity to pursue knowledge in an area of interest related to health, physical education, recreation or physical activity. Approval by School Dean required.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physical Education Theory (PETH)PETHSchool of Health and KinesiologyActive
2403PETH497Intro to Applied Exercise Science Research
Pre-professional course that introduces the research process and provides applied research experience with an emphasis on metabolism and cardio-respiratory function in health individuals. Includes a working knowledge of research design, research methods, and basic statistics, plus, application of the research process while assisting faculty with ongoing research in a professionally supervised practicum experience.

Credits: 1 - 2, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2016 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physical Education Theory (PETH)PETHSchool of Health and KinesiologyActive
2404PHTO125Introduction to Photography
A hybrid course in both film and digital photography. Instruction in the use of cameras; exposure, photo composition, darkroom techniques involving film development, negative enlargement, and paper/digital printing. Students may supply their own 35 mm cameras with adjustable f-stops and shutter speeds or rent a camera from the School. Two hours of lecture, three hours of laboratory each week.Two hours of lecture, three hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 11 ($240), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2405PHTO125Introduction to Photography
A hybrid course in both film and digital photography. Instruction in the use of cameras; exposure, photo composition, darkroom techniques involving film development, negative enlargement, and paper/digital printing. Students may supply their own 35 mm cameras with adjustable f-stops and shutter speeds or rent a camera from the School. Two hours of lecture, three hours of laboratory each week.Two hours of lecture, three hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 12 ($300), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2406PHTO265Topics in Photography
Selected topics in photography and related areas presented in a classroom setting. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2009 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2407PHTO275Applied Photojournalism
During one semester or summer, the student will work as a staff photographer for the Southern Accent or part-time at another weekly or daily newspaper. Student will gain a wide variety of experience shooting news, sports, and feature assignments under deadline pressure.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 06 ($90), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2009 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2408PHTO275Applied Photojournalism
During one semester or summer, the student will work as a staff photographer for the Southern Accent or part-time at another weekly or daily newspaper. Student will gain a wide variety of experience shooting news, sports, and feature assignments under deadline pressure.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 07 ($120), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
Supervised work experience in photography. At least 50 clock hours of work experience are required for each semester hour of credit. Procedures and guidelines are available from the School. Retroactive credit is not available.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
Supervised work experience in photography. At least 90 clock hours of work experience are required for each semester hour of credit. Procedures and guidelines are available from the School. Retroactive credit is not available.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2411PHTO295Directed Study
This course is for students who want to do independent research and/or photography. Directed study topics will be selected with guidance from the instructor who will serve as a consultant to the student in carrying out the project. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2017 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2412PHTO295Independent Study
This course is for students who want to do independent research and/or photography. Independent study topics will be selected with guidance from the instructor who will serve as a consultant to the student in carrying out the project. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
Advanced digital photography with emphasis on photojournalism and documentary photography. The major focus will be on producing photo essays and photo collections for exhibit. The course will focus on digital techniques-including post production using Lightroom and Photoshop. The final project includes a portfolio of images. Limited supply of digital cameras are available for a $130 rental fee.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 11 ($240), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
Advanced digital photography with emphasis on photojournalism and documentary photography. The major focus will be on producing photo essays and photo collections for exhibit. The course will focus on digital techniques-including post production using Lightroom and Photoshop. The final project includes a portfolio of images. Limited supply of digital cameras are available for a $130 rental fee.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 12 ($300), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2415PHTO320Digital Photography
Students will learn image-capture processing and outputting of digitized photographic images utilizing Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Emphasis is on studio, wedding, and event photography. Topics include environmental and group portraits, illustrative techniques, industrial and commercial photography. Students supply their own digital SLR cameras. A limited supply of digital SLRs are available for $100 rental fee.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 12 ($300), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2008 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
See PHTO 291 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2417PHTO447Senior Portfolio
Preparation and presentation of a print and online portfolio as required by most employers and graduate schools. The student will assemble 20 to 30 images, including a photo essay appropriate to his or her professional, educational or personal goals. Student will present the portfolio to an evaluation team consisting of faculty and at least one media professional.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 07 ($120), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2011 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2418PHTO447Senior Portfolio
Preparation and presentation of a print and online portfolio as required by most employers and graduate schools. The student will assemble 20 to 30 images, including a photo essay appropriate to his or her professional, educational or personal goals. Student will present the portfolio to an evaluation team consisting of faculty and at least one media professional.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 08 ($150), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2419PHTO465Topics in Photography
See PHTO 265 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2009 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2420PHTO492Photography Internship
Students gain field experience in photography in a setting such as a newspaper or other publication, a studio, or other professional environment. This would occur preferably during an 8 to 12 week period the summer between the junior and senior year when no other college course is taken. At least 300 clock hours of work experience are required. Procedures and guidelines are available from the School. Retroactive credit is not available.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2421PHTO495Directed Study
See PHTO 295 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2013 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2422PHTO495Independent Study
This course is for students who want to do independent research and/or photography. Independent study topics will be selected with guidance from the instructor who will serve as a consultant to the student in carrying out the project. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Photography (PHTO)PHTOSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2423PHYSAny PHYS Course
Take any PHYS course offered by the university.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: (2021 — Indefinite)    
Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of BusinessActive
2424PHYSAny PHYS Course
Take any PHYS course offered by the university.

Credits: 10, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: (2021 — Indefinite)    
Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of BusinessActive
2425PHYS137Conceptual Physics (IN-7)
Introduction to the methods and principles of physics, focusing on a conceptual understanding and real-world applications. This is a lecture class with integrated lab activities and interactive demonstrations. Does not apply toward a major or minor in physics. Satisfies the requirements for some Allied Health fields at some schools.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1991 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2426PHYS137Conceptual Physics (IN-7)
Introduction to the methods and principles of physics, focusing on a conceptual understanding and real-world applications. This is a lecture class with integrated lab activities and interactive demonstrations. Does not apply toward a major or minor in physics. Satisfies the requirements for some Allied Health fields at some schools.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2427PHYS155Descriptive Astronomy: Creation and Cosmology (IN-7)
An introduction to constellations, galaxies, nebulae, and the structure and space-time behavior of the universe. Nighttime observations are compared with theoretical models of apparent and heliocentric planetary and stellar motion. Applied topics may include the use of instruments to determine time, telescopes used to detect radiations (cosmic rays to radio waves) from stars, nebulae, and galaxies, and information about these objects obtainable from continuous and line spectra. A Scriptural perspective, including allusions in religious tradition, is compared with a naturalistic perspective. Three hours lecture each week, with integrated lab-type activities and observations outside of the classroom.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2428PHYS211General Physics I (IN-7)
The algebraic and trigonometric treatment of mechanics, heat, and sound. Applies toward the basic science requirement as a non-laboratory science if taken alone and as a laboratory science if taken with PHYS 213.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2429PHYS211General Physics I (IN-7)
The algebraic and trigonometric treatment of mechanics, heat, and sound. Applies toward the basic science requirement as a non-laboratory science if taken alone and as a laboratory science if taken with PHYS 213.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2430PHYS212General Physics II
The algebraic and trigonometric treatment of light, electricity and magnetism, and "modern physics." Applies toward the basic science requirement as a non-laboratory science if taken alone and as a laboratory science if taken with PHYS 214.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER | SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2431PHYS213General Physics Laboratory I (IN-7)
Laboratory experience, coordinated with PHYS 211, is designed to develop conceptual understanding, experimental and analytical skills, and an understanding of the empirical basis of knowledge in physics. Beyond illustrating material in lecture, lab activities will help students learn to form quantitative conclusions from data as part of a systematic development of scientific curiosity, caution, and method.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2432PHYS213General Physics Laboratory I (IN-7)
Laboratory experience, coordinated with PHYS 211, is designed to develop conceptual understanding, experimental and analytical skills, and an understanding of the empirical basis of knowledge in physics. Beyond illustrating material in lecture, lab activities will help students learn to form quantitative conclusions from data as part of a systematic development of scientific curiosity, caution, and method.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2433PHYS214General Physics Laboratory II
Laboratory experience, coordinated with PHYS 212, is designed to develop conceptual understanding, experimental and analytical skills, and an understanding of the empirical basis of knowledge in physics. Beyond illustrating material in lecture, lab activities will help students learn to form quantitative conclusions from data as part of a systematic development of scientific curiosity, caution, and method.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 01 ($10), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER | SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2434PHYS214General Physics Laboratory II
Laboratory experience, coordinated with PHYS 212, is designed to develop conceptual understanding, experimental and analytical skills, and an understanding of the empirical basis of knowledge in physics. Beyond illustrating material in lecture, lab activities will help students learn to form quantitative conclusions from data as part of a systematic development of scientific curiosity, caution, and method.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER | SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2435PHYS215General Physics Calculus Applications
Derivations and problems in General Physics using differential and integral calculus will be studied. Students completing PHYS 211 - PHYS 212 and PHYS 215, PHYS 216 will have taken the equivalent of General Physics with calculus. Directed study, with regular conferences with professor.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1996 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2436PHYS215General Physics Calculus Applications I
Derivations and problems in General Physics using differential and integral calculus will be studied. Students completing PHYS 211 and PHYS 215 will have taken the equivalent of Physics for Scientists & Engineers I. Directed study, with regular conferences with professor.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: N/A

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2437PHYS216General Physics Calculus Applications
Derivations and problems in General Physics using differential and integral calculus will be studied. Students completing PHYS 211 - PHYS 212 and PHYS 215, PHYS 216 will have taken the equivalent of General Physics with calculus. Two class periods per week.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1996 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2438PHYS216General Physics Calculus Applications II
Derivations and problems in General Physics using differential and integral calculus will be studied. Students completing PHYS 212 and PHYS 216 will have taken the equivalent of Physics for Scientists & Engineers II. Directed study, with regular conferences with professor.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: N/A

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2439PHYS221Physics for Scientists & Engineers I (IN-7)
The calculus-based treatment of mechanics, heat, and sound. Applies toward the basic science requirement as a non-laboratory science if taken alone and as a laboratory science if taken with PHYS 223.

Credits: 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2440PHYS221University Physics I (IN-7)
The calculus-based treatment of mechanics, heat, and sound. Applies toward the basic science requirement as a non-laboratory science if taken alone and as a laboratory science if taken with PHYS 223.

Credits: 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2010 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2441PHYS222Physics for Scientists & Engineers II
The calculus-based treatment of light, electricity and magnetism, and "modern physics." Applies toward the basic science requirement as a non-laboratory science if taken alone and as a laboratory science if taken with PHYS 224.

Credits: 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2442PHYS222University Physics II
The calculus-based treatment of light, electricity and magnetism, and "modern physics." Applies toward the basic science requirement as a non-laboratory science if taken alone and as a laboratory science if taken with PHYS 224.

Credits: 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2010 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2443PHYS223Physics for Scientists & Engineers, Lab I (IN-7)
Laboratory experience, coordinated with PHYS 221, is designed to develop conceptual understanding, experimental and analytical skills, and an understanding of the empirical basis of knowledge in physics. Beyond illustrating material in lecture, lab activities will help students learn to form quantitative conclusions from data as part of a systematic development of scientific curiosity, caution, and method. Data analysis may require the use of calculus concepts.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2444PHYS223University Physics Laboratory I (IN-7)
Laboratory experience, coordinated with PHYS 221, is designed to develop conceptual understanding, experimental and analytical skills, and an understanding of the empirical basis of knowledge in physics. Beyond illustrating material in lecture, lab activities will help students learn to form quantitative conclusions from data as part of a systematic development of scientific curiosity, caution, and method. Data analysis may require the use of calculus concepts.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2011 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2445PHYS224Physics for Scientists & Engineers, Lab II
Laboratory experience, coordinated with PHYS 222, is designed to develop conceptual understanding, experimental and analytical skills, and an understanding of the empirical basis of knowledge in physics. Beyond illustrating material in lecture, lab activities will help students learn to form quantitative conclusions from data as part of a systematic development of scientific curiosity, caution, and method. Data analysis may require the use of calculus concepts.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2446PHYS224University Physics Laboratory II
Laboratory experience, coordinated with PHYS 222, is designed to develop conceptual understanding, experimental and analytical skills, and an understanding of the empirical basis of knowledge in physics. Beyond illustrating material in lecture, lab activities will help students learn to form quantitative conclusions from data as part of a systematic development of scientific curiosity, caution, and method. Data analysis may require the use of calculus concepts.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 01 ($10), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2011 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2447PHYS255Tutoring Physics (SERV-2)
In this course, students will gain knowledge of current research that provides information about learning and learning styles. They will learn and demonstrate good pedagogical tools that promote learning in Physics. They will be trained with effective one-on-one teaching methodologies such as Socratic dialogue, concept modeling and scaffolding. They will also be instructed in methods that will help identify common physical misconceptions that cause the learner difficulty with physics. Active tutoring, totaling 15 hours during the semester, will allow the tutors to use the identification tools and instructional methods mastered so that they can become adept at working with all types of learners and subject materials.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2014 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2448PHYS265Topics in Physics
Selected topics presented in a formal classroom setting in specialty areas of physics not covered in regular courses. May be repeated for credit for different topics.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2004 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2449PHYS295Directed Study
This course consists of individual or group work adjusted to meet particular needs in Physics. Approval must be secured from the instructor prior to registration. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1980 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2450PHYS295Independent Study
This course consists of individual or group work adjusted to meet particular needs in Physics. Approval must be secured from the instructor prior to registration. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2451PHYS297Undergraduate Research in Physics
Research under direction of a member of the staff. The topic will be assigned in accordance to the interests and capabilities of the student. It is assumed that the student is familiar with one or more spreadsheets, mathematics manipulation programs, and graphing software packages. May be repeated for up to four hours.

Credits: 1 - 2, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1987 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2452PHYS297Undergraduate Research in Physics
Research under direction of or verified by a member of the staff. The topic will be assigned in accordance to the interests and capabilities of the student. It is assumed that the student is familiar with one or more spreadsheets, mathematics manipulation programs, and graphing software packages. May be repeated for up to four hours.

Credits: 0 - 2, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
Physics principles will be used to address a variety of problems that arise in biological systems. Topics may include Brownian motion and diffusion, fluids, self-assembly, molecular machines, membranes and nerve impulses.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2007 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2454PHYS307Mathematical and Computational Methods for Physical Modeling
Students preparing for upper-division physics and engineering classes need to become adept practitioners of mathematical methods, developing an understanding of the most used methods, skill in their theoretical and computational application, and competence in selecting the mathematical and computational methods appropriate to each challenge. In this class students are introduced to a core toolset of mathematical methods employed by professional physicists, including techniques from linear algebra (optimization, eigenvalue problems, solutions in terms of sets of special functions) and calculus (differentiation in applications up to partial differential equations, single- and multi-variable calculus and complex calculus, Fourier and Laplace transforms). Students will apply these methods to representative physics problems including previews of future coursework using spreadsheets, a computer algebra system (such as Mathematica or MATLAB), and will sample the use of computational libraries such as BLAS.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2455PHYS310Modern Physics
The study of landmark experiments which challenged classical physics and the development of modern physics theories: special relativity, atomic theory, quantum theory, statistical mechanics, nuclear and particle physics. Laboratory experience is available in PHYS 325.Three hours lecture each week.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2456PHYS310Modern Physics
The study of landmark experiments which challenged classical physics and the development of modern physics theories: special relativity, atomic theory, quantum theory, statistical mechanics, nuclear and particle physics. Laboratory experience is available in PHYS 325.Three hours lecture each week.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1976 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2457PHYS313Physical Optics
Refraction, reflection, interference, absorption, and polarization of light are discussed from the standpoint of the ray and especially of the wave theories of light. Laboratory experience is available in PHYS 325.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1976 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2458PHYS316Partial Differential Equations
See MATH 316 for course description. This course is cross-listed with MATH 316. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1976 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2459PHYS317Issues in Physical Science and Religion
Scientific method, truth, reality, logic and derivability, authority/inspiration, faith and reason in mathematics and physical sciences. Non-logical factors in acceptance of scientific statements as authoritative. Arguments for the existence of God. Causality, determinism and miracles. Scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts with relation to trends in religion and philosophy. Does not apply to a major in or minor in Physics. This course is cross-listed with PHYS 320, RELT 317, and RELT 320. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1977 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2460PHYS320Issues in Physical Science and Religion (W)
See PHYS 317 for course description. This course is cross-listed with PHYS 317, RELT 317, and RELT 320. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2020 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2461PHYS325Advanced Physics Laboratory I
Laboratory experiments pertinent to areas of physics except electricity and magnetism. Meets once per week.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2462PHYS325Advanced Physics Laboratory I
Laboratory experiments pertinent to areas of physics except electricity and magnetism. Meets once per week.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2463PHYS326Advanced Physics Laboratory II
Laboratory experiments pertinent to electricity and magnetism. Meets once a week.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2464PHYS326Advanced Physics Laboratory II
Laboratory experiments pertinent to electricity and magnetism. Meets once a week.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 04 ($30), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2465PHYS400Physics Portfolio
Each student majoring in Physics may compile a portfolio spanning a minimum of four semesters (typically starting in the sophomore year) consisting of records of participation in professional activities as suggested by departmental faculty and as initiated by the student. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: attendance at club meetings, professional film showings, visiting-scientist seminar, and research review sessions, reading of journals and books, participation at professional meetings, preparation for graduate school and for employment, and lists of concepts or new ideas. The portfolio is reviewed at the end of each semester and must meet minimum criteria before the student's registration for this course during the senior year. The grade earned for this credit will depend upon the persistence of the student in participation during his/her stay at Southern Adventist University and during summers, and upon the breadth and depth of the entries, and the extent to which the Department's suggestions are implemented.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1991 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2466PHYS411Statistical and Thermal Physics
A study of the emergence of macroscopic thermodynamic concepts and processes from microscopic physical interactions using the tools of statistical physics. includes thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, and statistical mechanics (quantum and classical). Three hours of lecture each week.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2467PHYS411Statistical and Thermal Physics
A study of the emergence of macroscopic thermodynamic concepts and processes from microscopic physical interactions using the tools of statistical physics. includes thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, and statistical mechanics (quantum and classical). Three hours of lecture each week.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1976 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2468PHYS412Quantum Mechanics
The probabilistic interpretation of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Schrödinger equation, the uncertainty principle, wave packets, the solution of the time-independent Schrödinger equation for one-dimensional potentials and for the hydrogen atom. Operator methods, matrices, angular momentum and spin.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2469PHYS412Quantum Mechanics
The probabilistic interpretation of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Schrödinger equation, the uncertainty principle, wave packets, the solution of the time-independent Schrödinger equation for one-dimensional potentials and for the hydrogen atom. Operator methods, matrices, angular momentum and spin.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1976 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2470PHYS413Analytic Mechanics
Classical kinematics and dynamics of single particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies treated using vector calculus and differential equations. Includes oscillations, central forces, non-inertial reference frames, coupled oscillations, and an introduction to the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations. Special functions, vector theorems, transforms, tensors and computational methods are introduced as needed.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2471PHYS413Analytic Mechanics
Classical kinematics and dynamics of single particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies treated using vector calculus and differential equations. Includes oscillations, central forces, non-inertial reference frames, coupled oscillations, and an introduction to the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations. Special functions, vector theorems, transforms, tensors and computational methods are introduced as needed.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1988 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2472PHYS414Electrodynamics I
Analysis of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields and potentials, both in vacuum and matter, leading to an understanding of Maxwell's equations. Differential equations associated with common electrostatic and magnetostatic situations and various methods of solution introduced.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2473PHYS414Electrodynamics I
Analysis of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields and potentials, both in vacuum and matter, leading to an understanding of Maxwell's equations. Differential equations associated with common electrostatic and magnetostatic situations and various methods of solution introduced.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1988 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2474PHYS415Electrodynamics II
The treatment of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields is extended to the full classical electrodynamic theory as summarized in Maxwell's equations, and the consequent prediction of electromagnetic waves. Relativistic and tensor formations are introduced.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2475PHYS415Electrodynamics II
The treatment of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields is extended to the full classical electrodynamic theory as summarized in Maxwell's equations, and the consequent prediction of electromagnetic waves. Relativistic and tensor formations are introduced.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1988 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2476PHYS418Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Builds on the foundation developed in PHYS 412. Time-independent perturbation theory; corrections to the hydrogen-atom treatment; Scattering theory; quantum statistics; variation techniques for small atoms and molecules, other atoms and the periodic table; emission and absorption of radiation from atoms.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2477PHYS418Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Builds on the foundation developed in PHYS 412. Time-independent perturbation theory; corrections to the hydrogen-atom treatment; Scattering theory; quantum statistics; variation techniques for small atoms and molecules, other atoms and the periodic table; emission and absorption of radiation from atoms.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2478PHYS418Advanced Quantum Mechanics I
Builds on the foundation developed in PHYS 412. Time-independent perturbation theory; corrections to the hydrogen-atom treatment; Scattering theory; quantum statistics; variation techniques for small atoms and molecules, other atoms and the periodic table; emission and absorption of radiation from atoms.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1976 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2479PHYS465Topics in Physics
Selected topics presented in a formal classroom setting in specialty areas of physics not covered in regular courses. May be repeated for credit for different topics.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2006 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2480PHYS480Scientific Writing and Presentation (W)
An introduction to effective practices in planning, writing, and revising scientific communications. Practical skills in using state-of-the art tools to prepare publication-ready scientific figures and articles. Students will produce both a scientific article and an oral presentation. Before enrolling in this course, students will have done some original scientific research. PHYS 295/PHYS 495 and PHYS 297/PHYS 497 exist to fulfill this requirement and students should also plan to take advantage of paid research opportunities at other universities and national laboratories during the summer before the senior year.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1979 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2481PHYS480Scientific Writing and Presentation (W)
An introduction to effective practices in planning, writing, and revising scientific communications. Practical skills in using state-of-the art tools to prepare publication-ready scientific figures and articles. Students will produce both a scientific article and an oral presentation. Before enrolling in this course, students will have done some original scientific research, either in the Department or taking advantage of paid research opportunities at other universities and national laboratories during the summer, attested by PHYS 297/PHYS 497.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2482PHYS495Directed Study
See PHYS 295 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1979 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2483PHYS495Independent Study
This course consists of individual or group work adjusted to meet particular needs in Physics. Approval must be secured from the instructor prior to registration. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2484PHYS497Advanced Undergraduate Research in Physics
Research under direction of or verified by a member of the staff. The topic will be assigned in accordance to the interests and capabilities of the student. It is assumed that the student is familiar with one or more spreadsheets, mathematics manipulation programs, and graphing software packages. May be repeated for up to four hours.

Credits: 0 - 2, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSSchool of Engineering and PhysicsActive
2485PHYS497Undergraduate Research in Physics
See PHYS 297 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 2, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1986 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Physics (PHYS)PHYSPhysics and EngineeringActive
2486PLSC103Trial Advocacy Basics
See BUAD 103 for course description. Pass/Fail. This course is cross-listed with BUAD 103. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2018 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2487PLSC210Introduction to Careers in Law, Politics and Development
This course is intended to introduce majors and minors in Political Science and International Development to professionals and opportunities in their field. It will involve guest speakers, field trips, and general reading regarding best practices for gaining employment.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 16 ($500), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: N/A

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2488PLSC210Introduction to Careers in Law, Politics and Development
This course is intended to introduce majors and minors in Political Science and International Development to professionals and opportunities in their field. It will involve guest speakers, field trips, and general reading regarding best practices for gaining employment.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 12 ($300), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: N/A

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2489PLSC224Principles of Macroeconomics
See ECON 224 for course description. This course is cross-listed with ECON 224, School of Business. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1995 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2490PLSC254American National and State Government
An examination of the operation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government of the national, state, and local levels.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2491PLSC254American National and State Government
An examination of the operation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government of the national, state, and local levels.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2492PLSC254American National and State Government
An examination of the operation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government of the national, state, and local levels.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2493PLSC254American National and State Government
An examination of the operation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government of the national, state, and local levels. The evolution and current state of the three branches of government through US history and the ways society historically and currently interacts with the government is also described.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2025 — Indefinite)     Future (2025-01-01)

Proposal — Workflow Step: Records Office Final Approval, Records Office
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesReview
2494PLSC260Comparative Politics
This course will be an introduction to comparative politics around the world. Some of those countries to be studied have been and are expected to remain semi-permanent fixtures in the political discussion; China, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Africa, India, Iran, and Russia, for example. Others will be selected based on events at the time the course is taught. The Arab Spring, for example, will have been discussed. Elements of domestic politics that will be included will be political and democratic reform, voting rights, civil rights and liberties, party politics, and minority politics. Obviously all aspects cannot be considered over the course of one semester, therefore, issues that are relevant to the students when the course is taught will be incorporated into the syllabus. Because it is impossible to dig deep into several of these political systems in only one semester, by the end of the course students should have a basic understanding of the domestic politics of democratic process and authoritarian power around the world, and how politics, culture, religion, and the economy all play a part in shaping this process.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2017 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2495PLSC260Comparative Politics
This course will be an introduction to comparative politics around the world. Some of those countries to be studied have been and are expected to remain semi-permanent fixtures in the political discussion; China, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Africa, India, Iran, and Russia, for example. Others will be selected based on events at the time the course is taught. The Arab Spring, for example, will have been discussed. Elements of domestic politics that will be included will be political and democratic reform, voting rights, civil rights and liberties, party politics, and minority politics. Obviously all aspects cannot be considered over the course of one semester, therefore, issues that are relevant to the students when the course is taught will be incorporated into the syllabus. Because it is impossible to dig deep into several of these political systems in only one semester, by the end of the course students should have a basic understanding of the domestic politics of democratic process and authoritarian power around the world, and how politics, culture, religion, and the economy all play a part in shaping this process.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2496PLSC265Topics in Political Science
Selected topics in political science presented in classroom setting. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2011 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2497PLSC291Political Science Practicum
Supervised work experience in a state legislative, congressional, or other governmental office. A minimum of 50 clock hours is required with an additional 50 clock hours for each credit hour beyond one credit (e.g., 0 credits = 50 clock hours, 1 credit = 50 clock hours, 2 credits = 100 clock hours, etc.). Pass/Fail.

Credits: 0 - 6, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2498PLSC291Political Science Practicum
Supervised work experience in a state legislative, congressional, or other governmental office. A minimum of 50 clock hours for each hour of credit is required.

Credits: 0 - 6, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2006 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2499PLSC292Political Science Internship
This course allows students to gain academic credit from work that relates to their discipline. In conjunction with their advisor, they should find an opportunity for legal, non-profit, government, or political experience that allows them to integrate their academic knowledge with professional experience. Pass/Fail.

Credits: 9 - 12, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2500PLSC292Political Science Internship
This course allows students to gain academic credit from work that relates to their discipline. In conjunction with their advisor, they should find an opportunity for legal, non-profit, government, or political experience that allows them to integrate their academic knowledge with professional experience.

Credits: 9 - 12, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive