PHYS 317 Issues in Physical Science and Religion View in Kuali Update Delete Update Rules PDF

Catalog 1977 — Indefinite    


Scientific method, truth, reality, logic and derivability, authority/inspiration, faith and reason in mathematics and physical sciences. Non-logical factors in acceptance of scientific statements as authoritative. Arguments for the existence of God. Causality, determinism and miracles. Scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts with relation to trends in religion and philosophy. Does not apply to a major in or minor in Physics. This course is cross-listed with PHYS 320, RELT 317, and RELT 320. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.



Terms Offered



  • One year of high school physics or chemistry or one semester of college physics or chemistry
  • Must have Junior class standing or higher

Cross-Listed Course(s)

PHYS 320, RELT 317, RELT 320