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Showing 501-600 of 3,926 items.
#Record NumberPublication TitlePublication AuthorsPublication DatePublication JournalPublication VolumeStart PageEnd PageTotal Records 
501Rec № 1103Einige Bemerkungen über die Sedimentationsverhältnisse und die fossilen Lebensspuren des Bentheimer Sandsteins (Valanginium)Kemper, V. E.1968Geol. Jahrb.86491069
502Rec № 388Mise en évidence de paléocourants dans le Berriasien de Barles (BA)Beaudouin, B.1968Acad. Sci. Paris C. R., Ser. D2671521551
503Rec № 255Le secteur subbriançonnais entre Gap et le col du Galibier au Mésozoique. Sa place dans la marge européenne de la TéthysChenet, P. X.1979Geol. Alpine5545741
504Rec № 1710MissingMissing1964Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University(not set)0049
505Rec № 1710MissingMissing1964Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University00049
506Rec № 709Clastic sediments associated with radiolarites (Tauglboden-Schichten, Upper Jurassic, eastern Alps)Schlager, W. & Schlager, M.1973Sedimentology20658913
507Rec № 1126Il bacino "minore" di Tagliacozzo (Appennino centrale); analisi delle facies torbiditicheBelotti, P., & Valeri, P1982Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana10157681
508Rec № 1110Pochodzenie śladom wleczenia na tle teorii prądów zawiesinowychDzulynski, S. & Radomski, A.1955Acta Geol. Polonica5476610
509Rec № 397Les paléocourants marins du Bathonien moyen au Bathonien supérieur dans le Nord de la Campagne de Caen (Normandie)Fily, G.1978Sed. Geol.2049741
510Rec № 289A Lower Liassic offshore bar environment, contribution to the sedimentology of the Luxembourg SandstoneBerners, H. P.1983Ann. Soc. Geol. Belgique106871021
511Rec № 296Sur la représentation du" Grès de Luxembourg" sur la nouvelle carte géologique générale du Grand-DuchéBintz, J. & Muller, A.1955Arch. Inst. Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg, Sec des Sci. Nat.31001
512Rec № 1693Sedimentology, petrology and facies modeling of the Doshult Member (Lower Sinemurian) in the Hoganas Basin, northwestern Scania, SwedenLedje, H. K.1985Masters thesis, University of California-Los Angeles(not set)003
513Rec № 1693Sedimentology, petrology and facies modeling of the Doshult Member (Lower Sinemurian) in the Hoganas Basin, northwestern Scania, SwedenLedje, H. K.1985Masters thesis, University of California-Los Angeles0003
514Rec № 1088On Paleocurrents in central and western Bulgaria in Early Jurassic TimesTchoumatchenco, P.1972Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo1224325025
515Rec № 295Les stratifications obliques dans l'Hettangien et le Sinemurien belgesMonteyne, R.1960Bull. Soc. Belge de Ge’al,6942471
516Rec № 740Die Salinitätsfazies von Keupersedimenten aufgrund von BorgehaltsbestimmungenHeling, D.1967Sedimentology8637214
517Rec № 315Sedimentology of the Lunz BedsMarschalko, R. & Pulec, M.1967Geol. Sbornik Geol. Carpathica Bratislava, Ceskoslovakia.183313442
518Rec № 1096Ambiente di sedimentazione e provenienza dei clasti nelle anageniti del Verrucano (Appenino settentrionale)Canuti, S. P. & Sagri, M.1974Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana9366170418
519Rec № 832Lirnnisch and fluviatile sedimentation in sudwestdeutschen BuntsandsteinBackhaus, E.1974Geol. Rundschau639259427
520Rec № 641Migration, modification and merging in aeolian systems and the significance of the depositional mechanisms in Permian and Triassic dune sands of Europe and North AmericaMader, D. & Yardley, M.1985Sed. Geol.438521811
521Rec № 618Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of fluvial red beds by statistical analysis of palaeocurrent data: examples from the Buntsandstein (Lower Triassic) of the Eifel and Bavaria in the German basin middle EuropeMader, D.1985Sed. Geol.411744
522Rec № 634Evolution of the fluvial sedimentation in the Buntsandstein (Lower Triassic) of the Eifel (Germany)Mader, D.1983Sed. Geol.3718461
523Rec № 1092Schüttungsrichtungen und Mineral-Provinzen im westdeutschen BuntsandsteinSindowski, K. G.1957Geol. Jahrb.7327729433
524Rec № 1128Palaeostromungsrechtungen im Oberen BuntsandsteinMader, D.1981Z. Geol. Wiss.9501518125
525Rec № 2761Marginal marine sedimentology in the basal alpine Buntsandstein (Scythian) in the western part of the northern calcareous alps (Tyrol/Salzburg, Austria)Stingl, V.1989Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo722492623
526Rec № 364Sedimentological studies in southern Jameson Land, East Greenland, I. Fluviatile sequences in the Kap Stewart Formation, Rhaetic-Heltangian)Sykes, R.M1974Bull. Soc. Geol. Denmark232032123
527Rec № 2816Transgression of an estuarine channel and tidal flat complex: the Lower Triassic of Barles, Alpes de Haute Provence, FranceRichards, M. T.1994Sedimentology4155829
528Rec № 2710Deep blowout depressions in the aeolian Tumlin Sandstone (Lower Triassic) of the Holy Cross Mountains, central PolandGradzinski, R.1992Sed. Geol.812312425
529Rec № 2658Windward-leeward effects on Triassic carbonate bank margin facies of the Dolomites, northern ItalyBlendinger, W. & Blendinger, E.1989Sed. Geol.641431664
530Rec № 3017Interaction between bimodal volcanism, fluvial sedimentation and basin development in the Permo-Carboniferous Saar-Nahe Basin (south-west Germany)Stollhofen, H. & Stanistreet, I.1994Basin Research62452678
531Rec № 300Valunova analyza mladopaleozoickych zlepencov Spišsko-gemerskeho rudohriaVozarova, A.1973Zbornik Geol. Vied187982
532Rec № 371Turbidite aus dem Unterrotliegenden des Saar-Nahe-GebietesNegendank, J. F.W.1972Neues Jahrb. Geol. Palaontol. Monatshefte95615721
533Rec № 2886Origins of event beds in the Jurassic 'Calcari Grini' Formation, Venetian Alps, ItalyGalli, Gianni1990Geol. Mijnbouw693753904
534Rec № 811The Rotliegend in the Netherlands and its gas accumulationsVan Wijhe, D. H., Lutz, M. & Kaesschieter, J. P.H.1980Geol. Mijnbouw593249
535Rec № 422Sedimentation phenomena in Rulm, Flozleeres, Graywackes, Sauerland, and Oberharz, GermanyKuenen, H. & Sanders, J.1956Amer. Jour. Sci.25464967112
536Rec № 1661Depositional models for the carboniferous flysch of the eastern Rheinisches SchiefergebirgeSadler, P. M.1983Martin, H. and F.W. Eder, Intercontinental Fold Belts(not set)12514388
537Rec № 1661Depositional models for the carboniferous flysch of the eastern Rheinisches SchiefergebirgeSadler, P. M.1983Martin, H. and F.W. Eder, Intercontinental Fold Belts012514388
538Rec № 404Flysch e molassa ercinici del Torrente Farma (Toscana)Cocozza, T., Lazzarotto, A., & Vai, G. B.1974Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana931151281
539Rec № 340Pre-Permian depositional environments around the Brabant Massif in Belgium, the Netherlands, and GermanyBless, M. J. M., Bouckaert, J., Conil, R., Groessens, E., Kasig, W., Paproth, E., Poty, E., Van Steerwinkel, M., Streel, M. & Walter, R.1980Sed. Geol.271812
540Rec № 631Orientation of crinoids by current actionSchwarzacher, W.1963J. Sed. Pet.335805866
541Rec № 317Kierunki Transportu i Pochodzenie materialu detrytycznego w kulmie ladouwym NE Czesci Niecki srodsudeckiejTeisseyre, A. K.1966Acta Geol. Polonica164775171
542Rec № 1662Devonian and Carboniferous limestone-turbidites of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge and their tectonic significanceEder, F. W., Engel, W., Franke, W., & Sadler, P. M.1983In: Martin, H. and F.W. Eder (eds.), Intercontinental Fold Belts(not set)941248
543Rec № 1662Devonian and Carboniferous limestone-turbidites of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge and their tectonic significanceEder, F. W., Engel, W., Franke, W., & Sadler, P. M.1983In: Martin, H. and F.W. Eder (eds.), Intercontinental Fold Belts0941248
544Rec № 379Schuttungs- und Stromungsrichten im Kulm des SE- teils der Ziegenrücker Mulde ( Osltburingisches Schiefergebirge )Grabe, R. & K. Wucher1967Geologie (Zeitschr. gesamtegebiet Geol. Wiss. [Berlin]).1699110062
545Rec № 1136Über Strömungsmarken in Oberdevon-Sandsteinen des SauerlandesPlessman, W.1962Geol. Jharb.7938739812
546Rec № 383Über Art und Richtung der Sedimentation im klastischen rheinischen Oberdevon (Famenne)Von Einseled, G.1963Abhand (Hess. Landesamtes Bodenforschung)435601
547Rec № 748Fluviatile sedimentary structures in the Wood Bay Series (Devonian) of Spitsbergen.Friend, P. F.1965Sedimentology539682
548Rec № 362Riff-nahe detritische Kalke bei Balve im Rheinischen Schiefergebirge (Mittel-Devon, Garbecker Kalk)Eder, W. F.1971Gottinger Arb. Geol. Palaontol101662
549Rec № 952The deposits internal structure and geometry in six alluvial Fan-Fan delta bodies (Devonian-Norway). A study in the significance of bedding sequence in conglomeratesGloppen, T. G. & Steel, R. J.1981Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ.31496923
550Rec № 408Old red sedimentation in the Buelandet-Vaerlandet Devonian District, W. NorwayNilsen, T. H.1969Sed. Geol.335571
551Rec № 1077Flood deposits in the Hornelen Basin, West Norway (Old Red Sandstone)Bryhni, I.1978Norsk. Geol. Tidsskrift5827330026
552Rec № 1138Middle Devonian quartz-sand association of the eastern margin of the Russian PlatformKonstantinovskiy, A. A. & Prokopchuk, B. I.1980Int. Geol. Rev.222012109
553Rec № 358Sedimentological observations on the Grey Hoek (Oslo, Norway) Formation of northern Andree Land, SpitzbergenWoollen, I. D.1972Norsk Polarinstitutt, Arbok(not set)1021113
554Rec № 358Sedimentological observations on the Grey Hoek (Oslo, Norway) Formation of northern Andree Land, SpitzbergenWoollen, I. D.1972Norsk Polarinstitutt, Arbok01021113
555Rec № 293Richtungen der Sedimentation in der rheinischen GeosynklineBausch van Bertsbergh, J. W.1940Geol. Rundschau313283641
556Rec № 336Petrology and provenance of Late Silurian fluviatile sandstones from the Ringerike Group of NorwayTurner, P. & Whitaker, J. H.1976Sed. Geol.1645682
557Rec № 1100Large scale ripples in Silurian LimestoneBroadhurst, F. M.1968Lethaia1283812
558Rec № 2671High-energy ephemeral stream deltasDam, G. & Andreasen, F.1990Sed. Geol.6619722513
559Rec № 394A storm-surge origin for sandstone beds in an epicontinental platform sequence, Ordovician, NorwayBrenchley, P. J., Newall, G. & Stanistreet, J. G.1979Sed. Geol.221852171
560Rec № 1183A Facies analysis of Upper Ordovician regressive sequences in the Oslo Region, Norway- a record of Glacio-Eustatic changesBrenchley, P. J. & Newall, G.1980Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo311388
561Rec № 636Contemporaneous faulting in the Upper Ordovician of the Oslo-Asker District, Norway, and its significance in the development of the Oslo BasinStanistreet, I.1983Sed. Geol.371331507
562Rec № 1212A storm surge origin for sandstone beds in an epicontinental platform sequence, Ordovician, NorwayBrenchley, P. J., Newall, G. & Stanistreet, J. G.1979Sed. Geol.2218521714
563Rec № 1064The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the early Llandovery Solvik Formation in the central Oslo region, NorwayBaarli, B.1985Norsk. Geol. Tidsskrift.652552752
564Rec № 638Transition from turbidite to shallow-water sedimentation in the lower Salmian (Tremadocian, Lower Ordovician) of the Stavelot Massif, BelgiumLamens, J.1985Sed. Geol.441211422
565Rec № 233Sandstone mounds and associated facies sequences in some late Precambrian and Cambro-Ordovician inshore tidal flat/lagoonal depositsBaldwin, C. T. & Johnson, H. D.1977Sedimentology248018183
566Rec № 1162Cambro-Ordovician strata in Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen and their palaeotectonic significanceSwett, K.1981Geol. Mag.1182253362
567Rec № 1180Internal structures of trilobite trace fossils indicative of an open surface furrow originBaldwin, C. T.1977Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo212732841
568Rec № 2845Early Cambrian coastal dunes at Vassbo, SwedenWallin, B.1990Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.102153515391
569Rec № 2611Lateral migration of sand-bed rivers: examples from the Devonian Glashabeg Formation, SW Ireland and the Cambrian Alderney Sandstone Formation, Channel IslandsTodd, S. P. & Went, D. J.1991Sedimentology3899710204
570Rec № 1074Sedimentation of Eocambrian tillites and associated sediments in Finnmark, northern NorwayReading, H. G. & Walker, R. G.1966Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo21772128
571Rec № 711Tide-dominated offshore sedimentation, Lower Cambrian, north NorwayBanks, N. L.1973Sedimentology202132283
572Rec № 227Shallow marine sand bar sequences: an example from the late Precambrian of northern NorwayJohnson, H. D.1977Sedimentology242452701
573Rec № 1105Sedimentation of the Late Precambrian Raggo Group, Varanger Peninsula, FinnmarkLaird, M. G.1972Norges Geol. Undersoek.2781112
574Rec № 1179Stromatolite biostromes and associated facies in the late Precambrian Porsanger Dolomite Formation Of Finnmark, Arctic NorwayTucker, M. E.1977Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo2155835
575Rec № 1104Interaction between fluvial and marine processes in the lower part of the Late Precambrian Vadso Group, FinnmarkHobday, D. K.1974Norges Geol. Undersoek.30339564
576Rec № 88Two types of outer fan lobe sequence, from the late Precambrian Kongsfjord Formation submarine fan, Finnmark, north NorwayPickering, K. T.1981J. Sed. Pet.51127712861
577Rec № 1107Stratigraphy of the Late Precambrian (older sandstone series) of the Varangerfjord Area, FinnmarkBanks, N. L., Hobday, D. K., Readings, H. G. & Taylor, P. N.1974Norges Geol. Undersoek.3031156
578Rec № 1108Sedimentology of the Late Precambrian Golneselv Formation, Varangerfjorden, FinnmarkBanks, N. L. & Roe, S.1974Norges Geol. Undersoek.30317386
579Rec № 1277Croso-strata and bedforms of probable transitional dune to upper stage plane-bed origin from a Late Precambrian fluvial sandstone, northern NorwayRoe, S.1987Sedimentology34891011
580Rec № 799Tide and wave dominated inshore and shoreline sequences from the late Precambrian, Finnmark, north NorwayJohnson, H.1975Sedimentology2245743
581Rec № 311Innerelv Member: Late Precambrian marine shelf deposit, east FinnmarkBanks, N. L.1973Norges Geol. Undersoek.2887251
582Rec № 419Sedimentary environments and faciesReading, H. G.1978Sedimentary Environments and Facies115577
583Rec № 234Evidence for currents associated with waves in late Precambrian shelf deposits from Finnmark, northern NorwayLevell, B. K.1980Sedimentology271531661
584Rec № 32A Precambrian upper basin-slope and prodelta in northeast Finnmark, North Norway- a possible ancient upper continental slopePickering, K. T.1982J. Sed. Pet.521711866
585Rec № 1106The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Laksefjord Group, FinnmarkLaird, M. G.1972Norges Geol. Undersoek.27813404
586Rec № 717Fair weather versus storm processes in shallow marine sand bar sequences in the Late Precambrian of Finnmark, north NorwayHobday, D. K. & Reading, H. G.1972J. Sed. Pet.423183247
587Rec № 640The Jersey Shale Formation - a late Precambrian deep-water siliciclastic system, Jersey, Channel IslandsHelm, D. & Pickering, R.1985Sed. Geol.4343661
588Rec № 796A late Precambrian tidal shelf deposit, the Lower Sanfjord Formation, Finnmark, north NorwayLevell, B. K.1980Sedimentology275395572
589Rec № 637Aeolian dune and wet interdune sedimentation in the Middle Proterozoic Dala Sandstone, SwedenPulvertaft, T.1985Sed. Geol.44931114
590Rec № 597Lower Proterozoic glaciogenic deposits, eastern FinlandMarmo, J. & Ojakangas, R.1984Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.95105510652
591Rec № 1001The Proterozoic Skoadduvarri Sandstone Formation, Alto, Northern Norway: A Tectonic fan-delta complexBergh, S. G. & Torske, T.1986Sed. Geol.471258
592Rec № 1078Geological investigations in the Bamble sector of the Fennoscandian Shield, S, Norway. No. IIMorton, R. D.1971Norsk. Geol. Tidsskrift5163831
593Rec № 504Late Precambrian sedimentary rocks in East Fennmark, north Norway and their relationship to the Trollfjord-Komogelv FaultJohnson, H., Levell, B. & Siedllcki, S.1978J. Geol. Soc. London1355175337
594Rec № 223Sedimentation and water escape structures in some late Precambrian shallow marine sandstones from Finnmark, northern NorwayJohnson, H. D.1977Sedimentology243894111
595Rec № 125Crestal overtop and washover sedimentation on a fringing sandy gravel barrier coast, Carnsore point, southeast IrelandOrford, J. D. & Carter, R. W.G.1982J. Sed. Pet.522652781
596Rec № 239A small cliff-bound estuarine environment: Sandyhaven Pill in South Wales areaKing, C. J.H.1980Sedimentology27931051
597Rec № 462Continental shelf sedimentationSwift, D.1974The Geology of Continental Margins Springer-Verlag New York.01171359
598Rec № 623Storm-generated dune armouring on a sand-gravel barrier system, southeastern IrelandOrford, J. D. & Carter, R. W.G.1986Sed. Geol.4265823
599Rec № 787Sand waves and sediment transport around the end of a tidal sand bankMcCave, I. N. & Langhorne, D. N.1982Sedimentology299511011
600Rec № 814Megaripple cross-bedding as a tool for the reconstruction of the paleohydraulics in a Holocene subtidal environment, southwest NetherlandsNio, S. D., Siegenthaler, C. & Yang, C. S.1983Geol. Mijnbouw624995101