Publication: [315] Sedimentology of the Lunz Beds

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #4528
[Rec № 315] Sedimentology of the Lunz Beds
Marschalko, R. & Pulec, M.
Geol. Sbornik Geol. Carpathica Bratislava, Ceskoslovakia., 1967, , Vol 18
Pages 331 - 344 , Total Record: 2
European Upper Triassic 2 31743 48.5 18.5 European marine deep crossbedding siltstone or turbidites Lunz
Data RefID #4529
[Rec № 315] Sedimentology of the Lunz Beds
Marschalko, R. & Pulec, M.
Geol. Sbornik Geol. Carpathica Bratislava, Ceskoslovakia., 1967, , Vol 18
Pages 331 - 344 , Total Record: 2
European Upper Triassic 2 31743 50 20 European marine deep crossbedding siltstone or turbidites Lunz