Publication: [358] Sedimentological observations on the Grey Hoek (Oslo, Norway) Formation of northern Andree Land, Spitzbergen

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #5132
[Rec № 358] Sedimentological observations on the Grey Hoek (Oslo, Norway) Formation of northern Andree Land, Spitzbergen
Woollen, I. D.
Norsk Polarinstitutt, Arbok, 1972, « Missing Vol »
Pages 102 - 111 , Total Record: 3
European Lower Devonian 3 24312 79.5 15 European marine general crossbedding siltstone or turbidites Grey Hock
Data RefID #5133
[Rec № 358] Sedimentological observations on the Grey Hoek (Oslo, Norway) Formation of northern Andree Land, Spitzbergen
Woollen, I. D.
Norsk Polarinstitutt, Arbok, 1972, « Missing Vol »
Pages 102 - 111 , Total Record: 3
European Lower Devonian 3 24312 79.84 15 European marine general crossbedding siltstone or turbidites Grey Hock
Data RefID #5134
[Rec № 358] Sedimentological observations on the Grey Hoek (Oslo, Norway) Formation of northern Andree Land, Spitzbergen
Woollen, I. D.
Norsk Polarinstitutt, Arbok, 1972, « Missing Vol »
Pages 102 - 111 , Total Record: 3
European Lower Devonian 3 24312 79.84 15 European marine general crossbedding siltstone or turbidites Grey Hock