Publication: [748] Fluviatile sedimentary structures in the Wood Bay Series (Devonian) of Spitsbergen.

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #5047
[Rec № 748] Fluviatile sedimentary structures in the Wood Bay Series (Devonian) of Spitsbergen.
Friend, P. F.
Sedimentology, 1965, , Vol 5
Pages 39 - 68 , Total Record: 2
European Middle Devonian 2 24551 78.72 16 European fluvial crossbedding sandstone Wood Bay Series
Data RefID #5048
[Rec № 748] Fluviatile sedimentary structures in the Wood Bay Series (Devonian) of Spitsbergen.
Friend, P. F.
Sedimentology, 1965, , Vol 5
Pages 39 - 68 , Total Record: 2
European Middle Devonian 2 24551 78.5 16.1 European fluvial crossbedding sandstone Wood Bay Series