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Showing 3,501-3,600 of 3,926 items.
#Record NumberPublication TitlePublication AuthorsPublication DatePublication JournalPublication VolumeStart PageEnd PageTotal Records 
3501Rec № 2064Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Revett Formation, Precambrian Belt Supergroup, Shoshone and Bonner Counties, northern IdahoGreene, S. E.1984Masters thesis, University of Idaho(not set)006
3502Rec № 2064Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Revett Formation, Precambrian Belt Supergroup, Shoshone and Bonner Counties, northern IdahoGreene, S. E.1984Masters thesis, University of Idaho0006
3503Rec № 2225Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the St. Regis Formation of the Ravalli Group (Precambrian Belt Megagroup) northwestern Montana and IdahoHrabar, S. V.1971Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnatti(not set)0015
3504Rec № 2225Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the St. Regis Formation of the Ravalli Group (Precambrian Belt Megagroup) northwestern Montana and IdahoHrabar, S. V.1971Doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnatti00015
3505Rec № 2516Depositional processes and environments within the Revett Formation, Precambrian Belt Supergroup, northwestern Montana and northern IdahoBowden, T. W.1977Masters thesis, University of California, Riverside(not set)003
3506Rec № 2516Depositional processes and environments within the Revett Formation, Precambrian Belt Supergroup, northwestern Montana and northern IdahoBowden, T. W.1977Masters thesis, University of California, Riverside0003
3507Rec № 2414Middle and Upper Keweenawan siliciclastics of the Lake Superior BasinTaylor, I. E.1987Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University(not set)0025
3508Rec № 1912The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Middle Proterozoic Grinnell Formation, Glacier National Park and the Whitefish Range, northwestern MontanaKuhn, J. A.1987Masters thesis, University of Montana0001
3509Rec № 1146Stratigraphic correlation of Upper Proterozoic rocks of Northwestern CanadaYoung, G. & Long, D.1977Can. J. Earth Sci.14177117875
3510Rec № 6Correlation of fine carbonaceous bands across a Precambrian stagnant basinHuebschman, R. P.1973J. Sed. Pet.436886993
3511Rec № 2218A sedimentological study of the transition between the Prichard Formation and Ravalli Group, Salish Mountains, northwest MontanaLoos, K. D.1985Masters thesis, University of Cincinnati0003
3512Rec № 2218A sedimentological study of the transition between the Prichard Formation and Ravalli Group, Salish Mountains, northwest MontanaLoos, K. D.1985Masters thesis, University of Cincinnati(not set)003
3513Rec № 2563Determination of basin wide paleocurrent patterns in a shale succession from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS): a case study of the Mid-Proterozoic Newland Formation, MontanaSchieber, J. & Ellwood, B. B.1993J. Sed. Pet.6387488033
3514Rec № 149The Blind River Uranium deposits: The ores and their settingRobertson, J. A.1974U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper11611231
3515Rec № 2042Sedimentary features of the 'White Quartzite' in the western Uinta Mountains, UtahKeller, G. H.1956Masters thesis, University of Utah(not set)008
3516Rec № 2042Sedimentary features of the 'White Quartzite' in the western Uinta Mountains, UtahKeller, G. H.1956Masters thesis, University of Utah0008
3517Rec № 2036Depositional environment of the Mineral Fork Formation (Precambrian), Wasatch Mountains, UtahVarney, P. J.1972Masters thesis, University of Utah0001
3518Rec № 2220Sedimentology of the Blackbird Mining District, Lemhi County, IdahoSobel, L. S.1978Masters thesis, University of Cincinnati0001
3519Rec № 1652Sedimentology and paleoenvironments of the Mount Watson Formation, Upper Precambrian Uinta Mountain Group, UtahSanderson, I. D.1978Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado(not set)006
3520Rec № 1652Sedimentology and paleoenvironments of the Mount Watson Formation, Upper Precambrian Uinta Mountain Group, UtahSanderson, I. D.1978Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado0006
3521Rec № 2232Lithostratigraphic correlation of the Mount Watson Formation, Uinta Mountains, Utah--test of a method using proportions of grains with inherited overgrowthsDeGraff, A. E.1985Masters thesis, Purdue University(not set)002
3522Rec № 2232Lithostratigraphic correlation of the Mount Watson Formation, Uinta Mountains, Utah--test of a method using proportions of grains with inherited overgrowthsDeGraff, A. E.1985Masters thesis, Purdue University0002
3523Rec № 705Imbrication and initial dip in a Keweenawan conglomerate bedWhitcomb, C. W.1952J. Sed. Pet.221891991
3524Rec № 998The Jesse Erving Canyon Formation, and interpreted alluvial fan deposit in the basalSanderson, I. & M. Wiley1986Mount. Geologist2377891
3525Rec № 150Temporal and other factors affecting deposition of uraniferous conglomeratesRoscoe, S. M.1975U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper11611174
3526Rec № 2608A Middle Proterozoic palaeokarst unconformity and associated sedimentary rocks, Elu Basin, northwest CanadaPelechaty, S. M., James, N. P., Kerans, C., & Grotzinger, J. P.1991Sedimentology387757973
3527Rec № 1724Sedimentation of the Middle Precambrian Tyler Formation of northwestern MichiganAlwin, B. W.1976Masters thesis, University of Minnesota(not set)003
3528Rec № 1724Sedimentation of the Middle Precambrian Tyler Formation of northwestern MichiganAlwin, B. W.1976Masters thesis, University of Minnesota0003
3529Rec № 702Micro-cross-lamination in Upper Keweenawan sediments of northwestern MichiganHamblin, W. K.1961J. Sed. Pet.313904011
3530Rec № 2102A depositional analysis of the Arkose Member (Middle Proterozoic) of the Troy Quartzite in central ArizonaWeis, M. A.1986Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University(not set)0012
3531Rec № 2102A depositional analysis of the Arkose Member (Middle Proterozoic) of the Troy Quartzite in central ArizonaWeis, M. A.1986Masters thesis, Northern Arizona University00012
3532Rec № 2469Geology of the Late Precambrian Fury and Hecla Group, northwest Baffin Island, District of FranklinChandler, F.W,1988Geol. Surv. of Canada, Bull.3701199
3533Rec № 1628The Nonesuch Formation: Precambrian sedimentation in an intracratonic riftMilavec, G. J.1986Masters thesis, University of Oklahoma0002
3534Rec № 1628The Nonesuch Formation: Precambrian sedimentation in an intracratonic riftMilavec, G. J.1986Masters thesis, University of Oklahoma(not set)002
3535Rec № 2749The Precambrian Nonesuch Formation of the North American Mid-Continental Rift, sedimentology and organic geochemical aspects of lacustrine depositionElmore, R. D., Milavec, G. J., Imbus, S. W. & Engel, M. H.1989Precambrian Res.431912132
3536Rec № 806Precambrian non-marine stromatolites in alluvial fan deposits, the Copper Harbor Conglomerate, upper MichiganElmore, R. D.1983Sedimentology308298424
3537Rec № 1725Paleocurrent studies of the Middle and Upper Keweenawan conglomerates of MichiganHorner, W. J.1960Masters thesis, University of Kansas(not set)0026
3538Rec № 1725Paleocurrent studies of the Middle and Upper Keweenawan conglomerates of MichiganHorner, W. J.1960Masters thesis, University of Kansas00026
3539Rec № 2414Middle and Upper Keweenawan siliciclastics of the Lake Superior BasinTaylor, I. E.1987Doctoral dissertation, McMaster University00025
3540Rec № 2536The Apache Group (Proterozoic) of central Arizona, with special reference to the paleoecology of the Mescal FormationMcConnell, R. L.1972Doctoral dissertation, University of California(not set)0014
3541Rec № 2536The Apache Group (Proterozoic) of central Arizona, with special reference to the paleoecology of the Mescal FormationMcConnell, R. L.1972Doctoral dissertation, University of California00014
3542Rec № 2448Geology of Beechey Lake map-area, District of MacKenzieTremblay, L. P.1971Geol. Surv. of Canada, Memoir3654391
3543Rec № 2470Stratigraphy and sedimentation in the Helikian Elu Basin and Hiukitak Platform, Bathurst Inlet-Melville Sound, northwest territoriesCampbell, F. H.A1979Geol. Surv. of Canada, Paper7921033
3544Rec № 912Proterozoic paleocurrents and depositional history of East Arm fold belt, Great Slave Lake, Northwest TerritoriesHoffman, P. F.1969Can. J. Earth Sci.644146241
3545Rec № 1095Algal stromatolites: Use in stratigraphic correlation and paleocurrent determinationHoffman, P.1967Science157104310455
3546Rec № 290Proterozoic aeolian quartz arenites from the Hornby Bay Group, Northwest Territories, Canada: Implications for Precambrian aeolian processesRoss, G. M.1983Precambrian Res.201491601
3547Rec № 848Paleocurrents of Lake Superior Precambrian QuartzitesPettijohn, F. J.1957Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.684694808
3548Rec № 937Cross-bedding in the Baraboo Quartzite of WisconsinBrett, G. W.1955J. Geol.631431482
3549Rec № 1659Depositional systems in the Rinconada Formation Taos County, New MexicoBarrett, M. E.1979Masters thesis, University of Texas, Austin(not set)006
3550Rec № 1659Depositional systems in the Rinconada Formation Taos County, New MexicoBarrett, M. E.1979Masters thesis, University of Texas, Austin0006
3551Rec № 291Sedimentary geology and stromatolites of the Middle Proterozoic Belt Supergroup, Glacier National Park, MontanaHorodyski, R. J.1983Precambrian Res.203914251
3552Rec № 856Precambrian belts, plumes and shield development.Goodwin, A. M.1974Amer. Jour. Sci.274987102858
3553Rec № 2387Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Dismal Lakes Group, Proterozoic, northwest territoriesKerans, C.1982Doctoral dissertation, Carleton University(not set)0016
3554Rec № 2387Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Dismal Lakes Group, Proterozoic, northwest territoriesKerans, C.1982Doctoral dissertation, Carleton University00016
3555Rec № 646Sedimentology of middle Precambrian Animikean Quartzites, Florence County, WisconsinNilsen, T.1965J. Sed. Pet.358058177
3556Rec № 1065Sedimentology of Proterozoic Cratonic Sheet Sandstones of the eastern Canadian shield: Sims Formation, Labrador, CanadaWard, W. I.1985Precambrian Res.301269
3557Rec № 1550The stratigraphy and depositional environments of the lower part of the Crystal Spring Formation, Death Valley, CaliforniaRoberts, M. T.1974Doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania State University(not set)0037
3558Rec № 1550The stratigraphy and depositional environments of the lower part of the Crystal Spring Formation, Death Valley, CaliforniaRoberts, M. T.1974Doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania State University00037
3559Rec № 1552Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Carbonate-Terrigenous Member of the Crystal Spring Formation, Death Valley, CaliforniaMaud, R. L.1979Masters thesis, Pennsylvania State University(not set)005
3560Rec № 1552Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Carbonate-Terrigenous Member of the Crystal Spring Formation, Death Valley, CaliforniaMaud, R. L.1979Masters thesis, Pennsylvania State University0005
3561Rec № 1984Stratigraphy, sedimentology and depositional setting of the Late Precambrian Pahrump Group, Silurian Hills, CaliforniaBasse, R. A.1978Masters thesis, Stanford University(not set)0012
3562Rec № 1984Stratigraphy, sedimentology and depositional setting of the Late Precambrian Pahrump Group, Silurian Hills, CaliforniaBasse, R. A.1978Masters thesis, Stanford University00012
3563Rec № 1551The depositional environments and petrography of the Stirling Quartzite, Death Valley Region, California and NevadaWermund1983Doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania state University(not set)0015
3564Rec № 1551The depositional environments and petrography of the Stirling Quartzite, Death Valley Region, California and NevadaWermund1983Doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania state University00015
3565Rec № 2827Depositional history of the Middle Proterozoic Castner Marble and Basal Mundy Breccia, Franklin Mountains, West TexasPittenger, M. A., Marsaglia, K. M. & Bickford, M. E.1994J. Sed. Research642822971
3566Rec № 598Stratigraphy and depositional setting of the Proterozoic Snowy Pass Supergroup, southeastern Wyoming: record of an early Proterozoic Atlantic-type cratonic marginKarlstrom, K. E., Flurkey, A. & Houston, R.1983Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.941257127415
3567Rec № 1026Alluvial-playa sedimentation in the lower Keweenawan Sibley Group, Thunder Bay District, OntarioCheadle, B.1986Can. J. Earth Sci.235275429
3568Rec № 2408Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Middle Proterozoic Sibley Group, Thunder Bay District, OntarioCheadle, B. A.1986Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Ontario(not set)0012
3569Rec № 2386A sedimentological comparison of two Proterozoic red bed successions (the south channel and Kazan Formations of Baker Lake, N.T.W.) (and the Martin Formation at Uranium City, Saskatchewan)Macey, G.1973Masters thesis, Carleton University-Ontario(not set)006
3570Rec № 2408Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Middle Proterozoic Sibley Group, Thunder Bay District, OntarioCheadle, B. A.1986Doctoral dissertation, University of Western Ontario00012
3571Rec № 2371The Rapitan Group, southeastern MacKenzie MountainsUpitis, U.1966Masters thesis, McGill University0001
3572Rec № 2560Ripple marks in quartz arenites of the Hurwitz Group, Northwest Territories, Canada: evidence for sedimentation in a vast early Proterozoic, shallow, fresh-water lakeAspler, L. B., Chiarenzelli, J. R. & Bursey, T. L.1994J. Sed. Research6428229816
3573Rec № 2654Sedimentology of the Lower Huronian Supergroup (Early Proterozoic), Elliot Lake area, Ontario, CanadaFralick, P. W. & Miall, A. D.1989Sed. Geol.6312715310
3574Rec № 2413The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Chibougamau FormationLong, D. G.F.1973Masters thesis, University of Western Ontario0001
3575Rec № 86The early Proterozoic pre-Iron Formation Menominee Group siliciclastic sediments of the southern Lake Superior region: evidence for sedimentation in platform and basinal settingsLaRue, D. K.1981J. Sed. Pet.513974142
3576Rec № 2200Sedimentary history prior to chemical iron sedimentation of the Precambrian X Chocolay and Menominee Groups (Lake Superior Region)Larue, D. K.1979Doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University(not set)0014
3577Rec № 2200Sedimentary history prior to chemical iron sedimentation of the Precambrian X Chocolay and Menominee Groups (Lake Superior Region)Larue, D. K.1979Doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University00014
3578Rec № 1021Transition from arc volcanism to stable-shelf and subsequent convergent-margin sedimentation in Northern New Mexico from 1.76 GASoegaard, K. & Eriksson, K. A.1986J. Geol.9447663
3579Rec № 550Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Middle Precambrian Rove Formation in northeastern MinnesotaMorey, G. B.1967J. Sed. Pet.37115411623
3580Rec № 1038Sedimentary structures in Huronian rocks of OntarioYoung, F. G.1968Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo412515329
3581Rec № 1716The sedimentology of the Huronian Lorrain Formation Ontario and Quebec, CanadaHadley, D. G.1968Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University(not set)0042
3582Rec № 1716The sedimentology of the Huronian Lorrain Formation Ontario and Quebec, CanadaHadley, D. G.1968Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University00042
3583Rec № 1717The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, CanadaLindsey, D. A.1967Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University00022
3584Rec № 2384Sedimentology and geochemistry of the Firstbrook Member of the Gowganda Formation in the eastern Cobalt Basin, OntarioRainbird, R. H.1985Masters thesis, Carleton University-Ontario(not set)0016
3585Rec № 2412The stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Upper Huronian rocks in the Rawhide Lake-Flack Lake area, OntarioWoo, J., Shinn, Y. J., Kwon, Y. K., & Chough, S. K.1970Masters thesis, University of Western Ontario0003
3586Rec № 2412The stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Upper Huronian rocks in the Rawhide Lake-Flack Lake area, OntarioWoo, J., Shinn, Y. J., Kwon, Y. K., & Chough, S. K.1970Masters thesis, University of Western Ontario(not set)003
3587Rec № 653Depositional environment of the Gowganda Formation (Precambrian) at the south end of Lake Timagami, OntarioSchenk, P.1965J. Sed. Pet.353093184
3588Rec № 1041Petrology of the Bruce and Gowganda Formations and its bearing on the evolution of Huronian sedimentation in the Espanola-Willisville Area, Ontario (Canada)Casshyap, S. M.1969Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo65361
3589Rec № 1094Sediment transport in a Precambrian Ice Age: The Huronian Gowganda FormationLindsay, D. A.1966Science154144214431
3590Rec № 1268Sedimentation in an early Proterozoic continental margin under glacial influence: the Gowganda Formation ( Huronian), Elliot Lake area, Ontario, CanadaMiall, A.1985Sedimentology327637882
3591Rec № 1627The Gowganda sediments at the south end of Lake Timagami OntarioSchenk, P. E.1960Masters thesis, University of Wisconsin0004
3592Rec № 1627The Gowganda sediments at the south end of Lake Timagami OntarioSchenk, P. E.1960Masters thesis, University of Wisconsin(not set)004
3593Rec № 1717The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, CanadaLindsey, D. A.1967Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University(not set)0022
3594Rec № 1842Sedimentary structure in portions of the Gowganda Formation, north shore of Lake Huron, CanadaOvenshine, A. T.1965Doctoral dissertation, University of California(not set)0033
3595Rec № 1842Sedimentary structure in portions of the Gowganda Formation, north shore of Lake Huron, CanadaOvenshine, A. T.1965Doctoral dissertation, University of California00033
3596Rec № 2384Sedimentology and geochemistry of the Firstbrook Member of the Gowganda Formation in the eastern Cobalt Basin, OntarioRainbird, R. H.1985Masters thesis, Carleton University-Ontario00016
3597Rec № 2410Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Upper Gowganda Formation (Early Proterozoic) in the Whitefish Falls area, OntarioJunnila, R. M.1986Masters thesis, University of Ontario-London, Canada(not set)0028
3598Rec № 2410Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Upper Gowganda Formation (Early Proterozoic) in the Whitefish Falls area, OntarioJunnila, R. M.1986Masters thesis, University of Ontario-London, Canada00028
3599Rec № 2736Substrate quarrying and subglacial till deposition by an Early Proterozoic ice sheet: evidence from the Gowganda Formation at Cobalt, Ontario, CanadaMustard, P. S. & Donaldson, J. A.1987Precambrian Res.343473689
3600Rec № 2790Nonglaciogenic deltaic deposits in the early Proterozoic Gowganda Formation, Colbalt Basin, OntarioRainbird, R. H. & Donaldson, J. A.1988Can. J. Earth Sci.257107246