Publication: [1724] Sedimentation of the Middle Precambrian Tyler Formation of northwestern Michigan

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #26822
[Rec № 1724] Sedimentation of the Middle Precambrian Tyler Formation of northwestern Michigan
Alwin, B. W.
Masters thesis, University of Minnesota, 1976, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 3 11485 46.4 -90 North American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Tyler
Data RefID #26823
[Rec № 1724] Sedimentation of the Middle Precambrian Tyler Formation of northwestern Michigan
Alwin, B. W.
Masters thesis, University of Minnesota, 1976, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 3 11485 47.4 -90.4 North American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Tyler
Data RefID #26824
[Rec № 1724] Sedimentation of the Middle Precambrian Tyler Formation of northwestern Michigan
Alwin, B. W.
Masters thesis, University of Minnesota, 1976, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 3 11485 46.5 -90.2 North American marine deep crossbedding sandstone Tyler