Publication: [150] Temporal and other factors affecting deposition of uraniferous conglomerates

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #26815
[Rec № 150] Temporal and other factors affecting deposition of uraniferous conglomerates
Roscoe, S. M.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1975, , Vol 1161
Pages 1 - 17 , Total Record: 4
North American Proterozoic 4 11510 46 -106.83 North American fluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified conglomerate No Name
Data RefID #26816
[Rec № 150] Temporal and other factors affecting deposition of uraniferous conglomerates
Roscoe, S. M.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1975, , Vol 1161
Pages 1 - 17 , Total Record: 4
North American Proterozoic 4 11510 59.5 -97 North American fluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified conglomerate No Name
Data RefID #26817
[Rec № 150] Temporal and other factors affecting deposition of uraniferous conglomerates
Roscoe, S. M.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1975, , Vol 1161
Pages 1 - 17 , Total Record: 4
North American Proterozoic 4 11510 50 -85 North American fluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified conglomerate No Name
Data RefID #26818
[Rec № 150] Temporal and other factors affecting deposition of uraniferous conglomerates
Roscoe, S. M.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper, 1975, , Vol 1161
Pages 1 - 17 , Total Record: 4
North American Proterozoic 4 11510 63.48 -96 North American fluvial paleocurrent indicator not specified conglomerate No Name