Publication: [1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #27319
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11151 46.48 -81.5 North American fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #27346
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 48.8 -84.7 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27347
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 49.11 -80.05 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27348
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 48.15 -85.65 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27349
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 48.38 -82.68 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27350
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 49.6 -80.9 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27351
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 46.51 -83.49 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27352
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 48.11 -79.2 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27353
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 46.49 -83.8 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27354
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 48.32 -79.38 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27355
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 49.15 -79.74 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27356
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 48.49 -80.13 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27357
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 48.78 -81.77 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27358
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 46.49 -81.8 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27359
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 49.74 -80 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27360
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 48.49 -79.76 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27361
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 50.2 -79.74 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27362
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11150 47.83 -80.14 North American alluvial ripple marks sandstone
Data RefID #27462
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11143 46.5 -83.4 North American marine general ripple marks sandstone Lacloche
Data RefID #27463
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11143 46.48 -82.15 North American marine general crossbedding sandstone Lacloche
Data RefID #27464
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11141 49.55 -81.9 North American fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #27465
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11141 48.65 -82.2 North American fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #27598
[Rec № 1717] The sedimentology of the Huronian Gowganda Formation Ontario, Canada
Lindsey, D. A.
Doctoral dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1967, « Missing Vol »
North American Proterozoic 22 11130 51 -81.68 North American fluvial crossbedding sandstone