Paleocurrents Reset Search

Showing 6,501-6,600 of 30,135 items.
#Publication Source Record №Continental AreaStratigraphic LevelPeriodTectonic PlateDeposition EnvironmentPaleocurrent TypeLithologyFormation 
6501 Great BritainUpper Ordovician22723Great Britainmarine generalflute/groovessiltstone or turbiditesView
6502 Great BritainUpper Ordovician22723Great Britainmarine generalflute/groovessiltstone or turbiditesView
6503 Great BritainUpper Ordovician22723Great Britainmarine generalflute/groovessiltstone or turbiditesView
6504 Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22533Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneChes FritView
6505 Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22497Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssiltstone or turbiditesGarnedd-wenView
6506 Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22497Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssiltstone or turbiditesGarnedd-wenView
Data RefID #6507
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22456Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneGlenummeraView
Data RefID #6508
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22456Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneGlenummeraView
Data RefID #6509
[Rec № 102] Storm-influenced inner-shelf sand lobes in the Carodoc (Ordovician) of Shropshire, England
Brenchley, P. J. & Newall, G.
J. Sed. Pet., 1982, , Vol 52
Pages 1257 - 1269 , Total Record: 1
Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22455Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneHorderley SandstoneView
Data RefID #6510
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22436Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6511
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22436Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6512
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22436Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6513
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22436Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6514 Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22436Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneMweelreaView
6515 Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22436Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneMweelreaView
Data RefID #6516
[Rec № 480] Stratigraphy in an accretionary prism: the Ordovician rocks in North Down, Ireland
Craig, L.
Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 1983, , Vol 74
Pages 183 - 192 , Total Record: 1
Great BritainMiddle Ordovician22410Great Britainmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
6517 Great BritainOrdovician22021Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneCapel CurigView
6518 Great BritainOrdovician22021Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneCapel CurigView
6519 Great BritainOrdovician22021Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneCapel CurigView
6520 Great BritainOrdovician22021Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneCapel CurigView
6521 Great BritainOrdovician22021Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneCapel CurigView
6522 Great BritainOrdovician22021Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneCapel CurigView
6523 Great BritainOrdovician22021Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneCapel CurigView
6524 Great BritainOrdovician22021Great BritainalluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneCapel CurigView
6525 Great BritainUpper Cambrian21610Great Britainmarine shallowturbidity currentssiltstone or turbiditesEribollView
Data RefID #6526
[Rec № 312] Paleocurrent determinations by magnetic fabric measurements on the Cambrian rocks of St. Tudwal's Peninsula, north Wales
Crimes, T. P. & Oldershaw, M. A.
Liverpool Geol. J., 1967, , Vol 5
Pages 217 - 232 , Total Record: 2
Great BritainUpper Cambrian21610Great Britainmarine deepsole markssiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #6527
[Rec № 312] Paleocurrent determinations by magnetic fabric measurements on the Cambrian rocks of St. Tudwal's Peninsula, north Wales
Crimes, T. P. & Oldershaw, M. A.
Liverpool Geol. J., 1967, , Vol 5
Pages 217 - 232 , Total Record: 2
Great BritainUpper Cambrian21610Great Britainmarine deepsole markssiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #6528
[Rec № 478] Dalradian
Johnson, M.
Geology of Scotland, Scottish Academy Press Ltd Edinburgh, 1983, « Missing Vol »
Pages 77 - 104 , Total Record: 3
Great BritainUpper Cambrian21610Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6529
[Rec № 478] Dalradian
Johnson, M.
Geology of Scotland, Scottish Academy Press Ltd Edinburgh, 1983, « Missing Vol »
Pages 77 - 104 , Total Record: 3
Great BritainUpper Cambrian21610Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssandstoneView
Data RefID #6530
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21455Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssandstoneRhinog GritsView
Data RefID #6531
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21455Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssandstoneRhinog GritsView
Data RefID #6532
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21455Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssandstoneRhinog GritsView
Data RefID #6533
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21455Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssandstoneRhinog GritsView
Data RefID #6534
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21455Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssandstoneRhinog GritsView
Data RefID #6535
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21455Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssandstoneRhinog GritsView
Data RefID #6536
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21455Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssandstoneRhinog GritsView
Data RefID #6537
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21455Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssandstoneRhinog GritsView
Data RefID #6538
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21454Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneCilan GritsView
Data RefID #6539
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21453Great Britainmarine shallowsole markssandstoneGamlan Flags and GritView
Data RefID #6540
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21452Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneCaered Mudstones andView
Data RefID #6541
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21452Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneCaered Mudstones andView
Data RefID #6542
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21452Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneCaered Mudstones andView
Data RefID #6543
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21452Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneCaered Mudstones andView
Data RefID #6544
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21445Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingconglomerateBasal ConglomerateView
Data RefID #6545
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21444Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneBarmouth GritsView
Data RefID #6546
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21444Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneBarmouth GritsView
Data RefID #6547
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21444Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneBarmouth GritsView
Data RefID #6548
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6549
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6550
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6551
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6552
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6553
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6554
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6555
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6556
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6557
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6558
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6559
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6560
[Rec № 1023] The Hell's Mouth Grits: Cambrian Greywackes in St. Tudwal's Peninsula, North Wales
Bassett, D. A. & E. K. Walton
J. Geol. Soc. London, 1960, , Vol 116
Pages 85 - 110 , Total Record: 13
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21443Great Britainmarine shallowpaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsiltstone or turbiditesHell's Mouth GritsView
Data RefID #6561
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneView
Data RefID #6562
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneView
Data RefID #6563
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6564
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneView
Data RefID #6565
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6566
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneView
Data RefID #6567
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6568
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6569
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneView
Data RefID #6570
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6571
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneView
Data RefID #6572
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6573
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6574
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6575
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6576
[Rec № 1085] A facies analysis of the Cambrian of Wales
Crimes, T. P.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1970, , Vol 7
Pages 113 - 170 , Total Record: 31
Great BritainMiddle Cambrian21410Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6577
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6578
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6579
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6580
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6581
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6582
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6583
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6584
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6585
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6586
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6587
[Rec № 2733] Tidal sandbank evolution in the Lower Cambrian Salterella Grit
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1990, , Vol 26
Pages 77 - 88 , Total Record: 11
Great BritainLower Cambrian21185Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneSalterella GritView
Data RefID #6588
[Rec № 2732] Barrier island to tidal shelf transition in the Early Cambrian Eriboll Sandstone
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1989, , Vol 25
Pages 273 - 293 , Total Record: 4
Great BritainLower Cambrian21184Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneEribollView
Data RefID #6589
[Rec № 2732] Barrier island to tidal shelf transition in the Early Cambrian Eriboll Sandstone
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1989, , Vol 25
Pages 273 - 293 , Total Record: 4
Great BritainLower Cambrian21184Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneEribollView
Data RefID #6590
[Rec № 2732] Barrier island to tidal shelf transition in the Early Cambrian Eriboll Sandstone
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1989, , Vol 25
Pages 273 - 293 , Total Record: 4
Great BritainLower Cambrian21184Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneEribollView
Data RefID #6591
[Rec № 2732] Barrier island to tidal shelf transition in the Early Cambrian Eriboll Sandstone
McKie, T.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1989, , Vol 25
Pages 273 - 293 , Total Record: 4
Great BritainLower Cambrian21184Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneEribollView
Data RefID #6592
[Rec № 1175] Environmental setting of fossiliferous rocks from the Uppermost Proterozoic- Lower Cambrian of Central England
Brasier, M. D. & Hewitt, R. A.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1979, , Vol 27
Pages 35 - 57 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainLower Cambrian21173Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneHartshillView
Data RefID #6593
[Rec № 1175] Environmental setting of fossiliferous rocks from the Uppermost Proterozoic- Lower Cambrian of Central England
Brasier, M. D. & Hewitt, R. A.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1979, , Vol 27
Pages 35 - 57 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainLower Cambrian21173Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneHartshillView
Data RefID #6594
[Rec № 1175] Environmental setting of fossiliferous rocks from the Uppermost Proterozoic- Lower Cambrian of Central England
Brasier, M. D. & Hewitt, R. A.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1979, , Vol 27
Pages 35 - 57 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainLower Cambrian21173Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneHartshillView
Data RefID #6595
[Rec № 1175] Environmental setting of fossiliferous rocks from the Uppermost Proterozoic- Lower Cambrian of Central England
Brasier, M. D. & Hewitt, R. A.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1979, , Vol 27
Pages 35 - 57 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainLower Cambrian21173Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneHartshillView
Data RefID #6596
[Rec № 1175] Environmental setting of fossiliferous rocks from the Uppermost Proterozoic- Lower Cambrian of Central England
Brasier, M. D. & Hewitt, R. A.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1979, , Vol 27
Pages 35 - 57 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainLower Cambrian21173Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneHartshillView
Data RefID #6597
[Rec № 1175] Environmental setting of fossiliferous rocks from the Uppermost Proterozoic- Lower Cambrian of Central England
Brasier, M. D. & Hewitt, R. A.
Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo, 1979, , Vol 27
Pages 35 - 57 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainLower Cambrian21173Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneHartshillView
Data RefID #6598
[Rec № 3038] The sedimentary record of a Neoproterozic glaciation
Arnaud, E. & Shields, G.
ICGP, 2005, « Missing Vol »
Great BritainCambrian20021Great Britainmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstonePort AskaigView
Data RefID #6599
[Rec № 3038] The sedimentary record of a Neoproterozic glaciation
Arnaud, E. & Shields, G.
ICGP, 2005, « Missing Vol »
Great BritainCambrian20021Great Britainmarine deepcrossbeddingsandstonePort AskaigView
6600 Great BritainProterozoic11710Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneFort WilliamView