Publication: [312] Paleocurrent determinations by magnetic fabric measurements on the Cambrian rocks of St. Tudwal's Peninsula, north Wales

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6526
[Rec № 312] Paleocurrent determinations by magnetic fabric measurements on the Cambrian rocks of St. Tudwal's Peninsula, north Wales
Crimes, T. P. & Oldershaw, M. A.
Liverpool Geol. J., 1967, , Vol 5
Pages 217 - 232 , Total Record: 2
Great Britain Upper Cambrian 2 21610 52.82 -4.5 Great Britain marine deep sole marks siltstone or turbidites
Data RefID #6527
[Rec № 312] Paleocurrent determinations by magnetic fabric measurements on the Cambrian rocks of St. Tudwal's Peninsula, north Wales
Crimes, T. P. & Oldershaw, M. A.
Liverpool Geol. J., 1967, , Vol 5
Pages 217 - 232 , Total Record: 2
Great Britain Upper Cambrian 2 21610 52.78 -4.5 Great Britain marine deep sole marks siltstone or turbidites