Publication: [1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6507
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Ordovician 6 22456 53.7 -9.3 Great Britain marine shallow ripple marks sandstone Glenummera
Data RefID #6508
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Ordovician 6 22456 53.7 -9.29 Great Britain marine shallow ripple marks sandstone Glenummera
Data RefID #6510
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Ordovician 6 22436 53.7 -9.28 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6511
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Ordovician 6 22436 53.6 -9.28 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6512
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Ordovician 6 22436 53.6 -9.3 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6513
[Rec № 1193] Fluvial to marine transition in the Ordovician of Ireland- a humid-region fan delta?
Pudsey, C. J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1984, , Vol 19
Pages 143 - 172 , Total Record: 6
Great Britain Middle Ordovician 6 22436 53.6 -9.29 Great Britain marine shallow crossbedding sandstone