Publication: [3038] The sedimentary record of a Neoproterozic glaciation

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6598
[Rec № 3038] The sedimentary record of a Neoproterozic glaciation
Arnaud, E. & Shields, G.
ICGP, 2005, « Missing Vol »
Great Britain Cambrian 2 20021 56.24 -5.78 Great Britain marine deep crossbedding sandstone Port Askaig
Data RefID #6599
[Rec № 3038] The sedimentary record of a Neoproterozic glaciation
Arnaud, E. & Shields, G.
ICGP, 2005, « Missing Vol »
Great Britain Cambrian 2 20021 56.23 -5.77 Great Britain marine deep crossbedding sandstone Port Askaig