Paleocurrents Reset Search

Showing 6,001-6,100 of 30,135 items.
#Publication Source Record №Continental AreaStratigraphic LevelPeriodTectonic PlateDeposition EnvironmentPaleocurrent TypeLithologyFormation 
6001 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6002 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6003 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6004 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6005 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6006 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6007 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6008 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6009 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6010 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6011 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6012 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6013 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6014 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6015 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6016 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6017 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6018 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6019 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6020 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25260Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
6021 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25237Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneStowe Oolite SequenceView
6022 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25237Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneStowe Oolite SequenceView
6023 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25236Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneBrofiscin OoliteView
6024 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25235Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneCastell CochView
Data RefID #6025
[Rec № 2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis
Andrews, J. E., Turner, M. S., Nabi, G. & Spiro, B.
Sedimentology, 1991, , Vol 38
Pages 271 - 287 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25233Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)ripple markssandstoneTyninghameView
Data RefID #6026
[Rec № 2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis
Andrews, J. E., Turner, M. S., Nabi, G. & Spiro, B.
Sedimentology, 1991, , Vol 38
Pages 271 - 287 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25233Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)ripple markssandstoneTyninghameView
Data RefID #6027
[Rec № 2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis
Andrews, J. E., Turner, M. S., Nabi, G. & Spiro, B.
Sedimentology, 1991, , Vol 38
Pages 271 - 287 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25233Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneTyninghameView
Data RefID #6028
[Rec № 2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis
Andrews, J. E., Turner, M. S., Nabi, G. & Spiro, B.
Sedimentology, 1991, , Vol 38
Pages 271 - 287 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25233Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)ripple markssandstoneTyninghameView
Data RefID #6029
[Rec № 2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis
Andrews, J. E., Turner, M. S., Nabi, G. & Spiro, B.
Sedimentology, 1991, , Vol 38
Pages 271 - 287 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25233Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)ripple markssandstoneTyninghameView
6030 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25110Great Britainmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
6031 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25110Great Britainmarine deeppaleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #6032
[Rec № 1291] The Lower Limestone Group (Visean) of the Otterburn District, Northumberland
Frost, D.
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1969, , Vol 37
Pages 277 - 309 , Total Record: 1
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25110Great Britainmarine deepcrossbeddinglimestoneLower Limestone GroupView
6033 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25110Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneNo NameView
Data RefID #6034
[Rec № 2707] Ramp sedimentation in the Dinantian limestones of the Shannon Trough, W. Limerick, Ireland
Somerville, I. D. & Strogen, P.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 79
Pages 59 - 75 , Total Record: 3
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25024Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneShannon TroughView
Data RefID #6035
[Rec № 2707] Ramp sedimentation in the Dinantian limestones of the Shannon Trough, W. Limerick, Ireland
Somerville, I. D. & Strogen, P.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 79
Pages 59 - 75 , Total Record: 3
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25024Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneShannon TroughView
Data RefID #6036
[Rec № 2707] Ramp sedimentation in the Dinantian limestones of the Shannon Trough, W. Limerick, Ireland
Somerville, I. D. & Strogen, P.
Sed. Geol., 1992, , Vol 79
Pages 59 - 75 , Total Record: 3
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25024Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneShannon TroughView
Data RefID #6037
[Rec № 2650] Tectono-sedimentary ripples in Devonian shallow marine siliciclastic sediments, southern Ireland
Bamford, M. L.F. & Cooper, M. A.
Sed. Geol., 1989, , Vol 63
Pages 1 - 20 , Total Record: 4
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25023Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneRingaskiddyView
Data RefID #6038
[Rec № 2650] Tectono-sedimentary ripples in Devonian shallow marine siliciclastic sediments, southern Ireland
Bamford, M. L.F. & Cooper, M. A.
Sed. Geol., 1989, , Vol 63
Pages 1 - 20 , Total Record: 4
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25023Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneRingaskiddyView
6039 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25014Great Britainmarine shallowturbidity currentssiltstone or turbiditesMillstone GritView
Data RefID #6040
[Rec № 403] Current bedding directions in sandstones of Lower Reticulocer age in the Millstone Grit of Wharfdale, Yorkshire
Walker, C. T.
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1955, , Vol 30
Pages 115 - 132 , Total Record: 2
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25014Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6041
[Rec № 403] Current bedding directions in sandstones of Lower Reticulocer age in the Millstone Grit of Wharfdale, Yorkshire
Walker, C. T.
Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc., 1955, , Vol 30
Pages 115 - 132 , Total Record: 2
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25014Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6042
[Rec № 491] Cross-bedding in the Millstone Grit of the Central Pennines and its significance
Woolley, J. J.
Geol. Mag., 1964, , Vol 101
Pages 520 - 530 , Total Record: 1
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25014Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6043
[Rec № 676] The Mam Tor Sandstones: a 'turbidite' facies of the Namurian deltas of Derbyshire, England
Allen, J. R.L.
J. Sed. Pet., 1960, , Vol 30
Pages 193 - 208 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25014Great Britainmarine deepturbidity currentssiltstone or turbiditesView
Data RefID #6044
[Rec № 676] The Mam Tor Sandstones: a 'turbidite' facies of the Namurian deltas of Derbyshire, England
Allen, J. R.L.
J. Sed. Pet., 1960, , Vol 30
Pages 193 - 208 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25014Great Britainmarine deepturbidity currentssiltstone or turbiditesView
6045 Great BritainLower Carboniferous (Mississippian)25014Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6046
[Rec № 1234] Mud-dominated storm deposits from a Lower Carboniferous ramp
Simpson, J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1987, , Vol 22
Pages 191 - 205 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainUpper Devonian24831Great Britainmarine generalfossil orientationlimestonePen-y-Holt LimestoneView
Data RefID #6047
[Rec № 1234] Mud-dominated storm deposits from a Lower Carboniferous ramp
Simpson, J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1987, , Vol 22
Pages 191 - 205 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainUpper Devonian24831Great Britainmarine generalfossil orientationlimestonePen-y-Holt LimestoneView
Data RefID #6048
[Rec № 1234] Mud-dominated storm deposits from a Lower Carboniferous ramp
Simpson, J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1987, , Vol 22
Pages 191 - 205 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainUpper Devonian24831Great Britainmarine generalfossil orientationlimestonePen-y-Holt LimestoneView
Data RefID #6049
[Rec № 1234] Mud-dominated storm deposits from a Lower Carboniferous ramp
Simpson, J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1987, , Vol 22
Pages 191 - 205 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainUpper Devonian24831Great Britainmarine generalfossil orientationlimestonePen-y-Holt LimestoneView
Data RefID #6050
[Rec № 1234] Mud-dominated storm deposits from a Lower Carboniferous ramp
Simpson, J.
Geol. Jahrb., 1987, , Vol 22
Pages 191 - 205 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainUpper Devonian24831Great Britainmarine generalfossil orientationlimestonePen-y-Holt LimestoneView
Data RefID #6051
[Rec № 1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley
Hall, J. H.S. & Chisholm, J. I.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1987, , Vol 23
Pages 203 - 208 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainUpper Devonian24830Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneStratheden GroupView
Data RefID #6052
[Rec № 1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley
Hall, J. H.S. & Chisholm, J. I.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1987, , Vol 23
Pages 203 - 208 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainUpper Devonian24830Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneStratheden GroupView
Data RefID #6053
[Rec № 1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley
Hall, J. H.S. & Chisholm, J. I.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1987, , Vol 23
Pages 203 - 208 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainUpper Devonian24830Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneStratheden GroupView
Data RefID #6054
[Rec № 1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley
Hall, J. H.S. & Chisholm, J. I.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1987, , Vol 23
Pages 203 - 208 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainUpper Devonian24830Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneStratheden GroupView
Data RefID #6055
[Rec № 1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley
Hall, J. H.S. & Chisholm, J. I.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1987, , Vol 23
Pages 203 - 208 , Total Record: 5
Great BritainUpper Devonian24830Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneStratheden GroupView
6056 Great BritainUpper Devonian24822Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneFenelsbayView
6057 Great BritainUpper Devonian24821Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneTemplebreedyView
6058 Great BritainUpper Devonian24742Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneGun PointView
6059 Great BritainUpper Devonian24742Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneGun PointView
6060 Great BritainUpper Devonian24742Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneGun PointView
Data RefID #6061
[Rec № 2650] Tectono-sedimentary ripples in Devonian shallow marine siliciclastic sediments, southern Ireland
Bamford, M. L.F. & Cooper, M. A.
Sed. Geol., 1989, , Vol 63
Pages 1 - 20 , Total Record: 4
Great BritainUpper Devonian24741Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneOld HeadView
Data RefID #6062
[Rec № 2650] Tectono-sedimentary ripples in Devonian shallow marine siliciclastic sediments, southern Ireland
Bamford, M. L.F. & Cooper, M. A.
Sed. Geol., 1989, , Vol 63
Pages 1 - 20 , Total Record: 4
Great BritainUpper Devonian24741Great Britainmarine shallowripple markssandstoneOld HeadView
6063 Great BritainUpper Devonian24734Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneBreamrockView
6064 Great BritainUpper Devonian24734Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneBreamrockView
6065 Great BritainUpper Devonian24733Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneChurch BayView
6066 Great BritainUpper Devonian24733Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneChurch BayView
6067 Great BritainUpper Devonian24633Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneToe HeadView
Data RefID #6068
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great BritainUpper Devonian24633Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6069
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great BritainUpper Devonian24633Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6070
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great BritainUpper Devonian24633Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6071
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great BritainUpper Devonian24633Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6072
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great BritainUpper Devonian24633Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6073
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great BritainUpper Devonian24633Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6074
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great BritainUpper Devonian24633Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6075
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great BritainUpper Devonian24633Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6076
[Rec № 484] Paleodrainage of the southern margin of the Caledonian Mountain Chain in the northern British Isles
Simon, J. & Bluck, B.
Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 1982, , Vol 73
Pages 11 - 1582 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainUpper Devonian24610Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)paleocurrent indicator not specifiedsandstoneView
Data RefID #6077
[Rec № 484] Paleodrainage of the southern margin of the Caledonian Mountain Chain in the northern British Isles
Simon, J. & Bluck, B.
Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 1982, , Vol 73
Pages 11 - 1582 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainUpper Devonian24610Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6078
[Rec № 484] Paleodrainage of the southern margin of the Caledonian Mountain Chain in the northern British Isles
Simon, J. & Bluck, B.
Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 1982, , Vol 73
Pages 11 - 1582 , Total Record: 6
Great BritainUpper Devonian24610Great Britainsubaerial (eolian)crossbeddingsandstoneView
6079 Great BritainUpper Devonian24610Great BritainlacustrinecrossbeddingsandstoneView
Data RefID #6080
[Rec № 2719] Terminal fans-a review with reference to Devonian examples
Kelly, S. B. & Olsen, H.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 85
Pages 339 - 374 , Total Record: 7
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24572Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneRodebjergView
Data RefID #6081
[Rec № 2719] Terminal fans-a review with reference to Devonian examples
Kelly, S. B. & Olsen, H.
Sed. Geol., 1993, , Vol 85
Pages 339 - 374 , Total Record: 7
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24572Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneRodebjergView
Data RefID #6082
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6083
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6084
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6085
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6086
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6087
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6088
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6089
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6090
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6091
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6092
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6093
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6094
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6095
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6096
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6097
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6098
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great Britainmarine shallowcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6099
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView
Data RefID #6100
[Rec № 1263] The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney
Astin, T. R.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1985, , Vol 21
Pages 353 - 375 , Total Record: 30
Great BritainMiddle Devonian24564Great BritainfluvialcrossbeddingsandstoneLower Eday SandstoneView