Publication: [1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6051
[Rec № 1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley
Hall, J. H.S. & Chisholm, J. I.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1987, , Vol 23
Pages 203 - 208 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Upper Devonian 5 24830 56 -3.4 Great Britain subaerial (eolian) paleocurrent indicator not specified sandstone Stratheden Group
Data RefID #6052
[Rec № 1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley
Hall, J. H.S. & Chisholm, J. I.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1987, , Vol 23
Pages 203 - 208 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Upper Devonian 5 24830 56.2 -4.25 Great Britain subaerial (eolian) paleocurrent indicator not specified sandstone Stratheden Group
Data RefID #6053
[Rec № 1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley
Hall, J. H.S. & Chisholm, J. I.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1987, , Vol 23
Pages 203 - 208 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Upper Devonian 5 24830 56 -4.3 Great Britain subaerial (eolian) paleocurrent indicator not specified sandstone Stratheden Group
Data RefID #6054
[Rec № 1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley
Hall, J. H.S. & Chisholm, J. I.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1987, , Vol 23
Pages 203 - 208 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Upper Devonian 5 24830 56.2 -4.1 Great Britain subaerial (eolian) paleocurrent indicator not specified sandstone Stratheden Group
Data RefID #6055
[Rec № 1229] Aeolian sediments in the Late Devonian of the Scottish Midland Valley
Hall, J. H.S. & Chisholm, J. I.
Scot. Jour. Geol., 1987, , Vol 23
Pages 203 - 208 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Upper Devonian 5 24830 56 -3.63 Great Britain subaerial (eolian) paleocurrent indicator not specified sandstone Stratheden Group