Publication: [2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6068
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great Britain Upper Devonian 8 24633 51.45 -9.3 Great Britain fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6069
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great Britain Upper Devonian 8 24633 51.4 -9.7 Great Britain fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6070
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great Britain Upper Devonian 8 24633 51.55 -10.05 Great Britain fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6071
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great Britain Upper Devonian 8 24633 51.48 -9.29 Great Britain fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6072
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great Britain Upper Devonian 8 24633 51.48 -9.2 Great Britain fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6073
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great Britain Upper Devonian 8 24633 51.53 -8.9 Great Britain fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6074
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great Britain Upper Devonian 8 24633 51.44 -9.25 Great Britain fluvial crossbedding sandstone
Data RefID #6075
[Rec № 2683] Coastal plain sedimentation in the Late Devonian of southern Ireland
Cotter, E. & Graham, J. R.
Sed. Geol., 1991, , Vol 72
Pages 201 - 224 , Total Record: 8
Great Britain Upper Devonian 8 24633 51.45 -9.25 Great Britain fluvial crossbedding sandstone