Publication: [2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #6025
[Rec № 2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis
Andrews, J. E., Turner, M. S., Nabi, G. & Spiro, B.
Sedimentology, 1991, , Vol 38
Pages 271 - 287 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) 5 25233 55.5 -2.5 Great Britain subaerial (eolian) ripple marks sandstone Tyninghame
Data RefID #6026
[Rec № 2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis
Andrews, J. E., Turner, M. S., Nabi, G. & Spiro, B.
Sedimentology, 1991, , Vol 38
Pages 271 - 287 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) 5 25233 55.5 -2.5 Great Britain subaerial (eolian) ripple marks sandstone Tyninghame
Data RefID #6027
[Rec № 2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis
Andrews, J. E., Turner, M. S., Nabi, G. & Spiro, B.
Sedimentology, 1991, , Vol 38
Pages 271 - 287 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) 5 25233 55.5 -2.5 Great Britain subaerial (eolian) crossbedding sandstone Tyninghame
Data RefID #6028
[Rec № 2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis
Andrews, J. E., Turner, M. S., Nabi, G. & Spiro, B.
Sedimentology, 1991, , Vol 38
Pages 271 - 287 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) 5 25233 55.5 -2.5 Great Britain subaerial (eolian) ripple marks sandstone Tyninghame
Data RefID #6029
[Rec № 2606] The anatomy of an early Dinantian terraced floodplain: palaeo-environment and early diagenesis
Andrews, J. E., Turner, M. S., Nabi, G. & Spiro, B.
Sedimentology, 1991, , Vol 38
Pages 271 - 287 , Total Record: 5
Great Britain Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) 5 25233 55.5 -2.5 Great Britain subaerial (eolian) ripple marks sandstone Tyninghame