# | Preview | Details | Speaker | Tags |
21 | Herding Cats - Supporting 1,000's of Dispersed End Points: Part 1 of Local Opportunities in Enterprise ITPublished 2016-10-11 778 views | Bill Richards & Andrew Cook | infrastructure, career | |
22 | Know Thy Enemy: Defending against a world of hackersPublished 2016-02-16 779 views | Greg Sutherland | security | |
23 | From the Frying Pan Into the FirePublished 2015-12-08 740 views | Vince Cantrell | career | |
24 | Interning at McKee FoodsPublished 2015-10-15 758 views | John Calhoun, Kenny Anderson | career | |
25 | iOS Storyboard Crash CoursePublished 2015-08-16 741 views | Michael Babienco | ios, programming | |
26 | Objective-C Crash CoursePublished 2015-08-16 844 views | Michael Babienco | ios, programming, objective-c | |
27 | A Somewhat Techie ConvoPublished 2015-04-30 784 views | Michael Babienco | technology, programming | |
28 | From Southern Student to Microsoft Software Developer - Things I've LearnedPublished 2015-04-06 771 views | Steven Luu | career | |
29 | Design and Implementation of Multi-Head Presentation Software for the iOS PlatformMasters project defense Published 2015-02-24 726 views | Michael Babienco | ios, programming | |
30 | The Development of Project Grade-UpPublished 2015-01-25 728 views | Dalin Williams | projects, programming | |
31 | Language-Integrated Queries (LINQ) with C#Published 2015-01-20 766 views | Tom Ziesmer | c#, linq, queries | |
32 | Biologically-Inspired Computing and its ApplicationsPublished 2014-11-13 708 views | Brian Schmidt | computing, technology, nature | |
33 | Intro to iOS ProgrammingPublished 2014-11-11 715 views | Michael Babienco | programming, ios | |
34 | Internships - How & Why to Get OnePublished 2014-10-14 707 views | Paul Byrkit | career | |
35 | Functional Programming - A Different Way to ThinkPublished 2014-09-16 727 views | Isaac Hermens | programming | |
36 | A Great Time to be an Engineer: Crowdfunding, Wearables and the Full StackPublished 2014-03-25 737 views | Jon Sharpe | career, crowdfunding, wearables | |
37 | How Technology can be Used to Help Accelerate the Completion of the Great CommissionPublished 2014-03-11 680 views | Steve Steele | evangelism, technology | |
38 | Software Product Line Engineering: An IntroductionPublished 2013-10-15 728 views | Dr. Edward (Mauricio) Alférez-Salinas | programming | |
39 | Mathematica 9 in Education & ResearchPublished 2013-10-08 786 views | Troy Schaudt | mathematica, education, research | |
40 | What Can Amazon Web Service Do For You?Published 2013-05-24 702 views | Olin Blodgett | web services |