Education Master of Arts in Teaching Update Delete Add Clone


- EMAT610 Student Teaching
- EMAT512 Classroom Management
- EMAT547 Inclusive Education for Secondary Education
- EMAT551 Literature for Children
- EMAT510 Master of Arts in Teaching Candidacy
- EMAT559 Response to Intervention
- EMAT552 Art Methods, Elementary
- EMAT508 Bible Methods, Elementary
- EMAT546 Content Methods for Secondary Education
- EMAT507 Educational Technology
- EMAT518 Elementary Bible Methods Bridge
- EMAT525 Elementary Language Arts Methods Bridge
- EMAT524 Elementary Math Methods Bridge
- EMAT526 Elementary Reading Methods Bridge
- EMAT527 Elementary Science & Health Methods Bridge
- EMAT528 Elementary Social Studies Methods Bridge
- EMAT505 Foundations of Education
- EMAT553 Foundations of Literacy
- EMAT545 General Methods for Secondary Education
- EMAT620 Job-Embedded Clinical Experience I
- EMAT622 Job-Embedded Clinical Experience II
- EMAT621 Job-Embedded Seminar I
- EMAT623 Job-Embedded Seminar II
- EMAT555 Language Arts Methods, Elementary
- EMAT554 Math Methods, Elementary
- EMAT556 Reading Methods, Elementary
- EMAT557 Science and Health Methods, Elementary
- EMAT558 Social Studies Methods, Elementary
- EMAT610 Student Teaching
- EMAT610 Student Teaching
- EMAT611 Student Teaching Seminar
- EMAT570 Teacher Performance Assessment Preparation
- EMAT549 Teaching Writing in Grades 6-12
- EMAT510 Master of Arts in Teaching Candidacy
- EMAT570 Teacher Performance Assessment Preparation
- EMAT610 Student Teaching

Courses (Current)

- EMAT610 Student Teaching
- EMAT512 Classroom Management
- EMAT547 Inclusive Education for Secondary Education
- EMAT551 Literature for Children
- EMAT510 Master of Arts in Teaching Candidacy
- EMAT559 Response to Intervention
- EMAT552 Art Methods, Elementary
- EMAT508 Bible Methods, Elementary
- EMAT546 Content Methods for Secondary Education
- EMAT507 Educational Technology
- EMAT518 Elementary Bible Methods Bridge
- EMAT525 Elementary Language Arts Methods Bridge
- EMAT524 Elementary Math Methods Bridge
- EMAT526 Elementary Reading Methods Bridge
- EMAT527 Elementary Science & Health Methods Bridge
- EMAT528 Elementary Social Studies Methods Bridge
- EMAT505 Foundations of Education
- EMAT553 Foundations of Literacy
- EMAT545 General Methods for Secondary Education
- EMAT620 Job-Embedded Clinical Experience I
- EMAT622 Job-Embedded Clinical Experience II
- EMAT621 Job-Embedded Seminar I
- EMAT623 Job-Embedded Seminar II
- EMAT555 Language Arts Methods, Elementary
- EMAT554 Math Methods, Elementary
- EMAT556 Reading Methods, Elementary
- EMAT557 Science and Health Methods, Elementary
- EMAT558 Social Studies Methods, Elementary
- EMAT610 Student Teaching
- EMAT610 Student Teaching
- EMAT611 Student Teaching Seminar
- EMAT570 Teacher Performance Assessment Preparation
- EMAT549 Teaching Writing in Grades 6-12
- EMAT510 Master of Arts in Teaching Candidacy
- EMAT570 Teacher Performance Assessment Preparation
- EMAT610 Student Teaching