Vegetarian Culinary Arts Update Delete Add Clone


- VGCA101 Professional Cooking: Vegetarian Main Dishes and Entrees I
- VGCA103 Introduction to Culinary Fundamentals
- VGCA109 Professional Cooking: Soups, Sandwiches and Salads I
- VGCA113 Professional Cooking: Desserts
- VGCA117 Professional Cooking: Vegetables, Grains and Side Dishes I
- VGCA121 Professional Cooking: Fresh and Raw I
- VGCA125 International Ethnic Cuisines: The Americas I
- VGCA135 Professional Cooking: Baking
- VGCA136 Professional Cooking: Advanced Baking
- VGCA140 Professional Cooking: Beverages I (Elective)
- VGCA142 Professional Cooking: Fish and Poultry (Elective)
- VGCA144 Professional Cooking: Beef (Elective)
- VGCA146 Professional Cooking: Appetizers I (Elective)
- VGCA151 Food Safety and Sanitation
- VGCA173 Introduction to Menu Development and Operational Procedures
- VGCA175 Introduction to Culinary Supervision and Management
- VGCA181 Introduction to Marketing for Culinary Professionals
- VGCA190 Health Benefits of Vegetarian Diets
- VGCA202 Professional Cooking: Main Dishes and Entrees II
- VGCA218 Professional Cooking: Vegetables, Grains and Side Dishes II
- VGCA226 International and Ethnic Cuisines: Europe and Asia I
- VGCA235 Professional Cooking: Pastry and Pies
- VGCA237 Professional Cooking: Cake Production and Presentation
- VGCA265 Topics
- VGCA269 Cooking for Special Diets
- VGCA293 Vegetarian Culinary Arts Internship
- VGCA295 Directed Study
- VGCA295 Independent Study
- VGCA109 Professional Cooking: Soups, Sandwiches and Salads I
- VGCA135 Professional Cooking: Baking
- VGCA218 Professional Cooking: Vegetables, Grains and Side Dishes II

Courses (Current)

- VGCA101 Professional Cooking: Vegetarian Main Dishes and Entrees I
- VGCA103 Introduction to Culinary Fundamentals
- VGCA109 Professional Cooking: Soups, Sandwiches and Salads I
- VGCA113 Professional Cooking: Desserts
- VGCA117 Professional Cooking: Vegetables, Grains and Side Dishes I
- VGCA121 Professional Cooking: Fresh and Raw I
- VGCA125 International Ethnic Cuisines: The Americas I
- VGCA135 Professional Cooking: Baking
- VGCA136 Professional Cooking: Advanced Baking
- VGCA140 Professional Cooking: Beverages I (Elective)
- VGCA142 Professional Cooking: Fish and Poultry (Elective)
- VGCA144 Professional Cooking: Beef (Elective)
- VGCA146 Professional Cooking: Appetizers I (Elective)
- VGCA151 Food Safety and Sanitation
- VGCA173 Introduction to Menu Development and Operational Procedures
- VGCA175 Introduction to Culinary Supervision and Management
- VGCA181 Introduction to Marketing for Culinary Professionals
- VGCA190 Health Benefits of Vegetarian Diets
- VGCA202 Professional Cooking: Main Dishes and Entrees II
- VGCA218 Professional Cooking: Vegetables, Grains and Side Dishes II
- VGCA226 International and Ethnic Cuisines: Europe and Asia I
- VGCA235 Professional Cooking: Pastry and Pies
- VGCA237 Professional Cooking: Cake Production and Presentation
- VGCA265 Topics
- VGCA269 Cooking for Special Diets
- VGCA293 Vegetarian Culinary Arts Internship
- VGCA295 Directed Study
- VGCA295 Independent Study
- VGCA109 Professional Cooking: Soups, Sandwiches and Salads I
- VGCA135 Professional Cooking: Baking
- VGCA218 Professional Cooking: Vegetables, Grains and Side Dishes II