Religion and Theology Update Delete Add Clone


- RELT500 Directed Study
- RELT520 Spirituality in Ministry
- RELT525 Theology of Ministry
- RELT531 Hermeneutics and Biblical Interpretation
- RELT538 Prophetic Guidance in the Adventist Church
- RELT540 Christianity and Ethics in Professional Practice
- RELT542 Studies in Biblical Doctrines
- RELT545 God and Human Suffering
- RELT546 Doctrine of Salvation
- RELT552 Theology of Mission and Evangelism
- RELT563 Contemporary Theological Issues
- RELT565 Topics in Theological Studies
- RELT568 World Religions
- RELT571 Renewal and Mission of the Church
- RELT573 Biblical Eschatology
- RELT581 Biblical Ethics and Contemporary Society
- RELT595 Independent Study
- RELT620 Project in Theological Studies
- RELT640 Thesis Proposal and Literature Review
- RELT650 Thesis in Theological Studies
- RELT679 Thesis Continuation
- RELT138 Adventist Heritage (R-2)
- RELT138T Adventist Heritage
- RELT139 Adventist Heritage Tour (R-4)
- RELT177 Christian Spirituality (R-1)
- RELT201 Biblical Principles for Daily Living (R-4)
- RELT225 Last-Day Events (R-2)
- RELT255 Christian Beliefs (R-2)
- RELT255T Christian Beliefs
- RELT264 Topics in Theological Studies
- RELT295 Directed Study
- RELT295 Independent Study
- RELT317 Issues in Physical Science and Religion (R-4)
- RELT320 Issues in Physical Science and Religion (R-4) (W)
- RELT358 World Religions (R-4)
- RELT373 Christian Ethics (R-4)
- RELT373T Christian Ethics
- RELT421 Issues in Science and Society (R-4) (W)
- RELT439 Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G. White (R-4)
- RELT458 World Religions (R-4) (W)
- RELT465 Topics in Theological Studies
- RELT467 Christian Philosophy and Worldviews (R-4) (W)
- RELT484 Christian Theology I (R-4)
- RELT485 Christian Theology II (R-4) (W)
- RELT495 Directed Study
- RELT495 Independent Study
- RELT Any additional RELT Course
- RELT421 Science and Faith (R-4) (W)
- RELT495 Independent Study

Courses (Current)

- RELT500 Directed Study
- RELT520 Spirituality in Ministry
- RELT525 Theology of Ministry
- RELT531 Hermeneutics and Biblical Interpretation
- RELT538 Prophetic Guidance in the Adventist Church
- RELT540 Christianity and Ethics in Professional Practice
- RELT542 Studies in Biblical Doctrines
- RELT545 God and Human Suffering
- RELT546 Doctrine of Salvation
- RELT552 Theology of Mission and Evangelism
- RELT563 Contemporary Theological Issues
- RELT565 Topics in Theological Studies
- RELT568 World Religions
- RELT571 Renewal and Mission of the Church
- RELT573 Biblical Eschatology
- RELT581 Biblical Ethics and Contemporary Society
- RELT595 Independent Study
- RELT620 Project in Theological Studies
- RELT640 Thesis Proposal and Literature Review
- RELT650 Thesis in Theological Studies
- RELT679 Thesis Continuation
- RELT138 Adventist Heritage (R-2)
- RELT138T Adventist Heritage
- RELT139 Adventist Heritage Tour (R-4)
- RELT177 Christian Spirituality (R-1)
- RELT201 Biblical Principles for Daily Living (R-4)
- RELT225 Last-Day Events (R-2)
- RELT255 Christian Beliefs (R-2)
- RELT255T Christian Beliefs
- RELT264 Topics in Theological Studies
- RELT295 Directed Study
- RELT295 Independent Study
- RELT317 Issues in Physical Science and Religion (R-4)
- RELT320 Issues in Physical Science and Religion (R-4) (W)
- RELT358 World Religions (R-4)
- RELT373 Christian Ethics (R-4)
- RELT373T Christian Ethics
- RELT421 Issues in Science and Society (R-4) (W)
- RELT439 Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G. White (R-4)
- RELT458 World Religions (R-4) (W)
- RELT465 Topics in Theological Studies
- RELT467 Christian Philosophy and Worldviews (R-4) (W)
- RELT484 Christian Theology I (R-4)
- RELT485 Christian Theology II (R-4) (W)
- RELT495 Directed Study
- RELT495 Independent Study
- RELT Any additional RELT Course
- RELT421 Science and Faith (R-4) (W)
- RELT495 Independent Study