Film Production Update Delete Add Clone


- ARTF111 Intro to Film Production
- ARTF114 Film Business and Management
- ARTF215 Lighting
- ARTF215L Lighting Lab
- ARTF220 History of Cinema
- ARTF220 History of Cinema
- ARTF226 Screenwriting I
- ARTF235 Cinematography
- ARTF235 Cinematography
- ARTF265 Topics in Film Production
- ARTF295 Directed Study
- ARTF295 Independent Study
- ARTF320 Post Production
- ARTF328 Screenwriting II (W)
- ARTF328 Screenwriting II (W)
- ARTF328L Screenwriting II Lab
- ARTF353 Directing the Documentary (SERV-2)
- ARTF353 Directing the Documentary (SERV-2)
- ARTF360 Film Studio Practices
- ARTF360 Film Studio Practices
- ARTF372 Senior Project I
- ARTF372 Senior Project I
- ARTF391 Film Production Practicum
- ARTF391 Film Production Practicum
- ARTF422 Directing the Narrative
- ARTF422 Directing the Narrative
- ARTF465 Topics in Film Production
- ARTF472 Senior Project II
- ARTF472 Senior Project II
- ARTF492 Film Production Internship
- ARTF495 Directed Study
- ARTF495 Independent Study
- ARTF422 Directing the Narrative
- ARTF339 Money & Art: Business for Creative Professionals
- ARTF240 Study Tour: Film Production
- ARTF340 Study Tour: Film Production
- ARTF114 Producing
- ARTF391 Film Production Practicum
- ARTF295 Independent Study
- ARTF328 Screenwriting II (W)

Courses (Current)

- ARTF111 Intro to Film Production
- ARTF114 Film Business and Management
- ARTF215 Lighting
- ARTF215L Lighting Lab
- ARTF220 History of Cinema
- ARTF220 History of Cinema
- ARTF226 Screenwriting I
- ARTF235 Cinematography
- ARTF235 Cinematography
- ARTF265 Topics in Film Production
- ARTF295 Directed Study
- ARTF295 Independent Study
- ARTF320 Post Production
- ARTF328 Screenwriting II (W)
- ARTF328 Screenwriting II (W)
- ARTF328L Screenwriting II Lab
- ARTF353 Directing the Documentary (SERV-2)
- ARTF353 Directing the Documentary (SERV-2)
- ARTF360 Film Studio Practices
- ARTF360 Film Studio Practices
- ARTF372 Senior Project I
- ARTF372 Senior Project I
- ARTF391 Film Production Practicum
- ARTF391 Film Production Practicum
- ARTF422 Directing the Narrative
- ARTF422 Directing the Narrative
- ARTF465 Topics in Film Production
- ARTF472 Senior Project II
- ARTF472 Senior Project II
- ARTF492 Film Production Internship
- ARTF495 Directed Study
- ARTF495 Independent Study
- ARTF422 Directing the Narrative
- ARTF339 Money & Art: Business for Creative Professionals
- ARTF240 Study Tour: Film Production
- ARTF340 Study Tour: Film Production
- ARTF114 Producing
- ARTF391 Film Production Practicum
- ARTF295 Independent Study
- ARTF328 Screenwriting II (W)