Religious Professional Studies Update Delete Add Clone


- RELP500 Directed Study
- RELP508 Expository Preaching
- RELP513 Effective Church Leadership
- RELP515 Equipping Laity for Ministry
- RELP517 Pastoral Counseling
- RELP519 Church and Community Health Education
- RELP521 Time and Life Management
- RELP524 Evangelistic Preaching
- RELP525 Youth Ministry in the Local Church
- RELP532 Principles and Strategies for Church Growth
- RELP534 Personal Soul-Winning Skills
- RELP535 Conflict Resolution and Relationships
- RELP537 Church Planting Strategies
- RELP542 Urban Ministry and Evangelism
- RELP550 Principles of Biblical Change I
- RELP551 Principles of Biblical Change II
- RELP555 Introduction to Marriage and Family Coaching
- RELP557 Biblical Counseling in the Local Church
- RELP565 Topics in Professional Studies
- RELP569 Sermon Designs for Biblical Preaching
- RELP570 World Mission
- RELP591 Evangelistic Preaching Practicum
- RELP593 Biblical Counseling and Coaching Practicum
- RELP595 Independent Study
- RELP600 Portfolio Seminar
- RELP462 Public Evangelism International (SERV-2)
- RELP150 Introduction to Ministry
- RELP207 Mission Practicum
- RELP240 World Missions (R-4)
- RELP251 Introduction to Youth Ministry (R-4)
- RELP252 Intermediate Youth Ministry (R-4)
- RELP257 Museum Education (SERV-2)
- RELP264 Christian Witnessing (R-4)
- RELP265 Topics in Professional Training
- RELP266 Evangelism Seminar
- RELP267 Introduction to Christian Leadership
- RELP291 Practicum (SERV-2)
- RELP295 Directed Study
- RELP295 Independent Study
- RELP321 Introduction to Biblical Preaching
- RELP322 Intermediate Biblical Preaching
- RELP338 Missions and Health
- RELP340 World Missions (R-4)
- RELP354 Introduction to Biblical Counseling and Conflict Resolution
- RELP354 Introduction to Biblical Counseling and Conflict Resolution
- RELP363 Personal Evangelism (R-4) (SERV-2)
- RELP370 Interpersonal Ministry
- RELP391 Practicum (SERV-2)
- RELP401 Fundamentals of Biblical Preaching
- RELP405 Evangelistic Preaching (R-4)
- RELP423 Advanced Biblical Preaching
- RELP435 Levantine Ceramic Typology
- RELP450 Church Ministry I
- RELP452 Church Ministry II
- RELP465 Topics in Professional Training
- RELP466 Public Evangelism (SERV-2)
- RELP467 Health Evangelism (R-4) (SERV-2)
- RELP495 Directed Study
- RELP495 Independent Study
- RELP339 Ministerial Externship
- RELP600 Portfolio Seminar

Courses (Current)

- RELP500 Directed Study
- RELP508 Expository Preaching
- RELP513 Effective Church Leadership
- RELP515 Equipping Laity for Ministry
- RELP517 Pastoral Counseling
- RELP519 Church and Community Health Education
- RELP521 Time and Life Management
- RELP524 Evangelistic Preaching
- RELP525 Youth Ministry in the Local Church
- RELP532 Principles and Strategies for Church Growth
- RELP534 Personal Soul-Winning Skills
- RELP535 Conflict Resolution and Relationships
- RELP537 Church Planting Strategies
- RELP542 Urban Ministry and Evangelism
- RELP550 Principles of Biblical Change I
- RELP551 Principles of Biblical Change II
- RELP555 Introduction to Marriage and Family Coaching
- RELP557 Biblical Counseling in the Local Church
- RELP565 Topics in Professional Studies
- RELP569 Sermon Designs for Biblical Preaching
- RELP570 World Mission
- RELP591 Evangelistic Preaching Practicum
- RELP593 Biblical Counseling and Coaching Practicum
- RELP595 Independent Study
- RELP600 Portfolio Seminar
- RELP462 Public Evangelism International (SERV-2)
- RELP150 Introduction to Ministry
- RELP207 Mission Practicum
- RELP240 World Missions (R-4)
- RELP251 Introduction to Youth Ministry (R-4)
- RELP252 Intermediate Youth Ministry (R-4)
- RELP257 Museum Education (SERV-2)
- RELP264 Christian Witnessing (R-4)
- RELP265 Topics in Professional Training
- RELP266 Evangelism Seminar
- RELP267 Introduction to Christian Leadership
- RELP291 Practicum (SERV-2)
- RELP295 Directed Study
- RELP295 Independent Study
- RELP321 Introduction to Biblical Preaching
- RELP322 Intermediate Biblical Preaching
- RELP338 Missions and Health
- RELP340 World Missions (R-4)
- RELP354 Introduction to Biblical Counseling and Conflict Resolution
- RELP354 Introduction to Biblical Counseling and Conflict Resolution
- RELP363 Personal Evangelism (R-4) (SERV-2)
- RELP370 Interpersonal Ministry
- RELP391 Practicum (SERV-2)
- RELP401 Fundamentals of Biblical Preaching
- RELP405 Evangelistic Preaching (R-4)
- RELP423 Advanced Biblical Preaching
- RELP435 Levantine Ceramic Typology
- RELP450 Church Ministry I
- RELP452 Church Ministry II
- RELP465 Topics in Professional Training
- RELP466 Public Evangelism (SERV-2)
- RELP467 Health Evangelism (R-4) (SERV-2)
- RELP495 Directed Study
- RELP495 Independent Study
- RELP339 Ministerial Externship
- RELP600 Portfolio Seminar