Old Testament Studies Update Delete Add Clone


- OTST510 Archaeology and Biblical Backgrounds
- OTST520 Middle East Study Tour
- OTST530 Archaeological Fieldwork
- OTST540 Old Testament Themes
- OTST541 Preaching from the Old Testament Text
- OTST542 Biblical Hebrew III
- OTST543 Biblical Aramaic
- OTST555 Studies in Daniel
- OTST560 Exegesis of the Hebrew Bible
- OTST565 Topics in Biblical Studies
- OTST570 Studies in the Pentateuch
- OTST575 Studies in the Psalms
- OTST595 Independent Study
- OTST620 Project in Biblical Studies
- OTST640 Thesis Proposal and Literature Review
- OTST650 Thesis in Biblical Studies
- OTST679 Thesis Continuation
- OTST571 Advanced Studies in the Pentateuch
- OTST576 Advanced Studies in the Psalms

Courses (Current)

- OTST510 Archaeology and Biblical Backgrounds
- OTST520 Middle East Study Tour
- OTST530 Archaeological Fieldwork
- OTST540 Old Testament Themes
- OTST541 Preaching from the Old Testament Text
- OTST542 Biblical Hebrew III
- OTST543 Biblical Aramaic
- OTST555 Studies in Daniel
- OTST560 Exegesis of the Hebrew Bible
- OTST565 Topics in Biblical Studies
- OTST570 Studies in the Pentateuch
- OTST575 Studies in the Psalms
- OTST595 Independent Study
- OTST620 Project in Biblical Studies
- OTST640 Thesis Proposal and Literature Review
- OTST650 Thesis in Biblical Studies
- OTST679 Thesis Continuation
- OTST571 Advanced Studies in the Pentateuch
- OTST576 Advanced Studies in the Psalms