Studio Art Update Delete Add Clone


- ART431 Advanced Illustration Methods
- ART405 Advanced Printmaking
- ART122 Fabrication for Artists
- ART101 Introduction to Drawing
- ART101 Introduction to Drawing
- ART104 Drawing I
- ART104 Drawing I
- ART105 Drawing II
- ART105 Drawing II
- ART107 Drawing in Motion
- ART107 Drawing in Motion
- ART109 2D Foundations-Plane and Color
- ART109 2D Foundations-Plane and Color
- ART110 3D Foundations-Form and Time
- ART110 3D Foundations-Form and Time
- ART132 Painting: Methods of the Masters
- ART132 Painting: Methods of the Masters
- ART148 Ceramics I
- ART148 Ceramics I
- ART175 Introduction to Studio Practices
- ART175 Introduction to Studio Practices
- ART205 Figure Drawing
- ART228 Watercolor I
- ART228 Watercolor I
- ART230 Introduction to Art Experiences
- ART230 Introduction to Art Experiences
- ART232 Painting: Color and Light
- ART232 Painting: Color and Light
- ART238 Introduction to Art Therapy
- ART248 Ceramics II
- ART248 Ceramics II
- ART265 Topics in Art
- ART265 Topics in Art
- ART275 Studio Practices
- ART275 Studio Practices
- ART295 Directed Study
- ART295 Independent Study
- ART300 Printmaking
- ART300 Printmaking
- ART305 Figure Workshop
- ART306 Drawing IV
- ART306 Drawing IV
- ART328 Advanced Watercolor
- ART328 Advanced Watercolor
- ART329 Sculpture: Materials and Techniques
- ART329 Sculpture: Materials and Techniques
- ART331 Illustration Methods (SERV-2)
- ART331 Illustration Methods (SERV-2)
- ART332 Painting: Abstraction
- ART348 Ceramics III
- ART348 Ceramics III
- ART375 Advanced Studio Practices
- ART375 Advanced Studio Practices
- ART406 Drawing V
- ART406 Drawing V
- ART412 Preparing to Meet the Firms
- ART412 Preparing to Meet the Firms
- ART432 Painting: Thematic Series
- ART432 Painting: Thematic Series
- ART440 Thesis Project
- ART440 Thesis Project
- ART448 Ceramics IV
- ART448 Ceramics IV
- ART460 Professional Practices
- ART460 Professional Practices
- ART465 Topics in Art
- ART465 Topics in Art
- ART495 Directed Study
- ART495 Independent Study
- ART305 Figure Workshop
- ART122 Fabrication for Artists
- ART429 Advanced Sculpture
- ART333 Figure Painting
- ART428 Figure Sculpting
- ART431 Illustration Studio
- ART205 Figure Drawing

Courses (Current)

- ART431 Advanced Illustration Methods
- ART405 Advanced Printmaking
- ART122 Fabrication for Artists
- ART101 Introduction to Drawing
- ART101 Introduction to Drawing
- ART104 Drawing I
- ART104 Drawing I
- ART105 Drawing II
- ART105 Drawing II
- ART107 Drawing in Motion
- ART107 Drawing in Motion
- ART109 2D Foundations-Plane and Color
- ART109 2D Foundations-Plane and Color
- ART110 3D Foundations-Form and Time
- ART110 3D Foundations-Form and Time
- ART132 Painting: Methods of the Masters
- ART132 Painting: Methods of the Masters
- ART148 Ceramics I
- ART148 Ceramics I
- ART175 Introduction to Studio Practices
- ART175 Introduction to Studio Practices
- ART205 Figure Drawing
- ART228 Watercolor I
- ART228 Watercolor I
- ART230 Introduction to Art Experiences
- ART230 Introduction to Art Experiences
- ART232 Painting: Color and Light
- ART232 Painting: Color and Light
- ART238 Introduction to Art Therapy
- ART248 Ceramics II
- ART248 Ceramics II
- ART265 Topics in Art
- ART265 Topics in Art
- ART275 Studio Practices
- ART275 Studio Practices
- ART295 Directed Study
- ART295 Independent Study
- ART300 Printmaking
- ART300 Printmaking
- ART305 Figure Workshop
- ART306 Drawing IV
- ART306 Drawing IV
- ART328 Advanced Watercolor
- ART328 Advanced Watercolor
- ART329 Sculpture: Materials and Techniques
- ART329 Sculpture: Materials and Techniques
- ART331 Illustration Methods (SERV-2)
- ART331 Illustration Methods (SERV-2)
- ART332 Painting: Abstraction
- ART348 Ceramics III
- ART348 Ceramics III
- ART375 Advanced Studio Practices
- ART375 Advanced Studio Practices
- ART406 Drawing V
- ART406 Drawing V
- ART412 Preparing to Meet the Firms
- ART412 Preparing to Meet the Firms
- ART432 Painting: Thematic Series
- ART432 Painting: Thematic Series
- ART440 Thesis Project
- ART440 Thesis Project
- ART448 Ceramics IV
- ART448 Ceramics IV
- ART460 Professional Practices
- ART460 Professional Practices
- ART465 Topics in Art
- ART465 Topics in Art
- ART495 Directed Study
- ART495 Independent Study
- ART305 Figure Workshop
- ART122 Fabrication for Artists
- ART429 Advanced Sculpture
- ART333 Figure Painting
- ART428 Figure Sculpting
- ART431 Illustration Studio
- ART205 Figure Drawing