Music History Update Delete Add Clone


- MUHL115 Music in Western Culture (IN-10)
- MUHL120 Music in the United States (IN-10)
- MUHL218 Musical Styles and Repertories (IN-10)
- MUHL295 Directed Study
- MUHL295 Independent Study
- MUHL320 Music in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (W)
- MUHL321 Music in the Late Renaissance and Baroque (W)
- MUHL322 Classic and Romantic Music (W)
- MUHL323 Music in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries (W)
- MUHL465 Topics in Music
- MUHL485 Music Seminar
- MUHL489 Senior Project
- MUHL495 Directed Study
- MUHL495 Independent Study

Courses (Current)

- MUHL115 Music in Western Culture (IN-10)
- MUHL120 Music in the United States (IN-10)
- MUHL218 Musical Styles and Repertories (IN-10)
- MUHL295 Directed Study
- MUHL295 Independent Study
- MUHL320 Music in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (W)
- MUHL321 Music in the Late Renaissance and Baroque (W)
- MUHL322 Classic and Romantic Music (W)
- MUHL323 Music in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries (W)
- MUHL465 Topics in Music
- MUHL485 Music Seminar
- MUHL489 Senior Project
- MUHL495 Directed Study
- MUHL495 Independent Study