Health Education Update Delete Add Clone


- HLED129 Introduction to Wellness
- HLED173 Health for Life
- HLED210 Medical Terminology
- HLED229 Wellness Applications
- HLED250 Corporate Wellness Environments
- HLED265 Topics in Health Education
- HLED345 Wellness Coaching
- HLED356 Drugs and Society
- HLED373 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
- HLED373 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
- HLED465 Topics in Health Education
- HLED470 Current Issues in Health (SERV-2)
- HLED473 Health Education Methods
- HLED476 Wellness Methods, Materials, and Management
- HLED491 Wellness Capstone
- HLED345 Wellness Coaching
- HLED470 Current Issues in Health (SERV-2)

Courses (Current)

- HLED129 Introduction to Wellness
- HLED173 Health for Life
- HLED210 Medical Terminology
- HLED229 Wellness Applications
- HLED250 Corporate Wellness Environments
- HLED265 Topics in Health Education
- HLED345 Wellness Coaching
- HLED356 Drugs and Society
- HLED373 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
- HLED373 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
- HLED465 Topics in Health Education
- HLED470 Current Issues in Health (SERV-2)
- HLED473 Health Education Methods
- HLED476 Wellness Methods, Materials, and Management
- HLED491 Wellness Capstone
- HLED345 Wellness Coaching
- HLED470 Current Issues in Health (SERV-2)