French Update Delete Add Clone


- FREN441 Morphology & Syntax
- FREN101 Elementary French I
- FREN101L Elementary French I Lab
- FREN102 Elementary French II
- FREN102L Elem French II Lab
- FREN207 Intermediate French I
- FREN207L Intermediate French I Lab
- FREN208 Intermediate French II
- FREN208L Intermediate French II Lab
- FREN244 French Composition and Conversation
- FREN265 Topics in French
- FREN295 Directed Study
- FREN295 Independent Study
- FREN305 French for Business
- FREN344 Advanced French Composition and Conversation
- FREN350 French Linguistics
- FREN353 Contemporary French Culture and Civilization (SERV-2)
- FREN357 Survey of French Medieval and Renaissance Literature (W)
- FREN358 Survey of French 17th and 18th Centuries Literature (W)
- FREN458 Survey of French 19th and 20th Centuries Literature (W)
- FREN459 Francophone Cultures and Literatures (W)
- FREN465 Topics in French
- FREN490 Comprehensive Examination Preparation
- FREN495 Directed Study
- FREN495 Independent Study
- FREN487 French Literature I
- FREN488 French Literature II
- FREN358 Survey of French 17th and 18th Centuries Literature (W)
- FREN458 Survey of French 19th and 20th Centuries Literature (W)

Courses (Current)

- FREN441 Morphology & Syntax
- FREN101 Elementary French I
- FREN101L Elementary French I Lab
- FREN102 Elementary French II
- FREN102L Elem French II Lab
- FREN207 Intermediate French I
- FREN207L Intermediate French I Lab
- FREN208 Intermediate French II
- FREN208L Intermediate French II Lab
- FREN244 French Composition and Conversation
- FREN265 Topics in French
- FREN295 Directed Study
- FREN295 Independent Study
- FREN305 French for Business
- FREN344 Advanced French Composition and Conversation
- FREN350 French Linguistics
- FREN353 Contemporary French Culture and Civilization (SERV-2)
- FREN357 Survey of French Medieval and Renaissance Literature (W)
- FREN358 Survey of French 17th and 18th Centuries Literature (W)
- FREN458 Survey of French 19th and 20th Centuries Literature (W)
- FREN459 Francophone Cultures and Literatures (W)
- FREN465 Topics in French
- FREN490 Comprehensive Examination Preparation
- FREN495 Directed Study
- FREN495 Independent Study
- FREN487 French Literature I
- FREN488 French Literature II
- FREN358 Survey of French 17th and 18th Centuries Literature (W)
- FREN458 Survey of French 19th and 20th Centuries Literature (W)