Computer Science Update Delete Add Clone


- CPTR502 Foundations of Software Development
- CPTR505 Transition Course
- CPTR511 Testing and Quality Assurance
- CPTR512 Introduction to Data Analytics
- CPTR512 Programming in Data Analytics
- CPTR519 Databases and Data Warehouses
- CPTR519 Databases and Data Warehouses
- CPTR521 Advanced Database Systems
- CPTR524 Data Mining and Analytics
- CPTR524 Data Mining and Analytics
- CPTR526 User Experience
- CPTR528 Data Visualization
- CPTR528 Data Visualization
- CPTR531 Algorithms
- CPTR534 Advanced Network & Server Administration
- CPTR535 Mobile Application Development
- CPTR535L Mobile Application Dev Lab
- CPTR542 Advanced Network Security
- CPTR544 Offensive Cybersecurity
- CPTR545 Defensive Security
- CPTR546 Web Services
- CPTR551 Parallel and Distributed Systems
- CPTR553 Advanced Software Engineering
- CPTR554 Cyber Forensics
- CPTR555 Advanced Computer Architecture
- CPTR556 Advanced Web Programming
- CPTR556 Front-end Web Development
- CPTR571 Software Architecture
- CPTR571 System Software and Architecture
- CPTR575 Issues in Computer Science and Religion
- CPTR593 Topics
- CPTR595 Independent Study
- CPTR597 Field Practicum
- CPTR598 Project
- CPTR599 Thesis
- CPTR332 Computer Architecture
- CPTR108 #EssenceOfComputing
- CPTR108 #EssenceOfComputing
- CPTR108L #EssenceOfComputing Lab
- CPTR124 Fundamentals of Programming
- CPTR124L Fund of Programming Lab
- CPTR212 Web Programming
- CPTR215 Fundamentals of Software Design
- CPTR215L Fund of Software Design Lab
- CPTR230 Windows Administration
- CPTR254 UNIX Systems Administration
- CPTR265 Topics in Computer Science
- CPTR292 Computing Internship
- CPTR295 Directed Study in Computer Science
- CPTR295 Independent Study in Computer Science
- CPTR302 Software Development Tools
- CPTR309 Software Engineering
- CPTR318 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CPTR318 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CPTR319 Database Management Systems
- CPTR328 Principles of Networking
- CPTR328 Principles of Networking
- CPTR333 Computer Architecture and Design
- CPTR333 Computer Architecture and Design
- CPTR365 Operating Systems
- CPTR405 Organization of Programming Languages
- CPTR415 Compiler Construction
- CPTR418 Artificial Intelligence
- CPTR418 Artificial Intelligence
- CPTR425 Computer Graphics
- CPTR427 Network Security
- CPTR435 Mobile Application Development
- CPTR435 Mobile Application Development
- CPTR442 Theory of Computation
- CPTR444 Advanced Network Security
- CPTR446 Web Services
- CPTR454 Cyber Forensics
- CPTR456 Advanced Web Programming
- CPTR465 Topics in Computer Science
- CPTR486 Senior Seminar
- CPTR486 Senior Seminar (W)
- CPTR488 Senior Project
- CPTR492 Computing Internship
- CPTR495 Directed Study in Computer Science
- CPTR495 Independent Study in Computer Science
- CPTR386 Technical Writing in Computing (W)
- CPTR435 Mobile Application Development
- CPTR124 Fundamentals of Programming
- CPTR328 Principles of Networking
- CPTR212 Web Programming
- CPTR319 Database Management Systems
- CPTR427 Network Security
- CPTR408 Software Engineering
- CPTR535 Mobile Application Development

Courses (Current)

- CPTR502 Foundations of Software Development
- CPTR505 Transition Course
- CPTR511 Testing and Quality Assurance
- CPTR512 Introduction to Data Analytics
- CPTR512 Programming in Data Analytics
- CPTR519 Databases and Data Warehouses
- CPTR519 Databases and Data Warehouses
- CPTR521 Advanced Database Systems
- CPTR524 Data Mining and Analytics
- CPTR524 Data Mining and Analytics
- CPTR526 User Experience
- CPTR528 Data Visualization
- CPTR528 Data Visualization
- CPTR531 Algorithms
- CPTR534 Advanced Network & Server Administration
- CPTR535 Mobile Application Development
- CPTR535L Mobile Application Dev Lab
- CPTR542 Advanced Network Security
- CPTR544 Offensive Cybersecurity
- CPTR545 Defensive Security
- CPTR546 Web Services
- CPTR551 Parallel and Distributed Systems
- CPTR553 Advanced Software Engineering
- CPTR554 Cyber Forensics
- CPTR555 Advanced Computer Architecture
- CPTR556 Advanced Web Programming
- CPTR556 Front-end Web Development
- CPTR571 Software Architecture
- CPTR571 System Software and Architecture
- CPTR575 Issues in Computer Science and Religion
- CPTR593 Topics
- CPTR595 Independent Study
- CPTR597 Field Practicum
- CPTR598 Project
- CPTR599 Thesis
- CPTR332 Computer Architecture
- CPTR108 #EssenceOfComputing
- CPTR108 #EssenceOfComputing
- CPTR108L #EssenceOfComputing Lab
- CPTR124 Fundamentals of Programming
- CPTR124L Fund of Programming Lab
- CPTR212 Web Programming
- CPTR215 Fundamentals of Software Design
- CPTR215L Fund of Software Design Lab
- CPTR230 Windows Administration
- CPTR254 UNIX Systems Administration
- CPTR265 Topics in Computer Science
- CPTR292 Computing Internship
- CPTR295 Directed Study in Computer Science
- CPTR295 Independent Study in Computer Science
- CPTR302 Software Development Tools
- CPTR309 Software Engineering
- CPTR318 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CPTR318 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CPTR319 Database Management Systems
- CPTR328 Principles of Networking
- CPTR328 Principles of Networking
- CPTR333 Computer Architecture and Design
- CPTR333 Computer Architecture and Design
- CPTR365 Operating Systems
- CPTR405 Organization of Programming Languages
- CPTR415 Compiler Construction
- CPTR418 Artificial Intelligence
- CPTR418 Artificial Intelligence
- CPTR425 Computer Graphics
- CPTR427 Network Security
- CPTR435 Mobile Application Development
- CPTR435 Mobile Application Development
- CPTR442 Theory of Computation
- CPTR444 Advanced Network Security
- CPTR446 Web Services
- CPTR454 Cyber Forensics
- CPTR456 Advanced Web Programming
- CPTR465 Topics in Computer Science
- CPTR486 Senior Seminar
- CPTR486 Senior Seminar (W)
- CPTR488 Senior Project
- CPTR492 Computing Internship
- CPTR495 Directed Study in Computer Science
- CPTR495 Independent Study in Computer Science
- CPTR386 Technical Writing in Computing (W)
- CPTR435 Mobile Application Development
- CPTR124 Fundamentals of Programming
- CPTR328 Principles of Networking
- CPTR212 Web Programming
- CPTR319 Database Management Systems
- CPTR427 Network Security
- CPTR408 Software Engineering
- CPTR535 Mobile Application Development