Broadcasting Update Delete Add Clone


- BRDC127 Introduction to Digital Storytelling
- BRDC127 Introduction to Digital Storytelling
- BRDC201 Introduction to Digital Media
- BRDC201 Introduction to Digital Media
- BRDC201 Introduction to Digital Media
- BRDC202 Digital Audio Production
- BRDC225 Studio and Event Production
- BRDC225 Studio and Event Production
- BRDC245 Senior Project
- BRDC265 Topics in Broadcasting
- BRDC291 Practicum
- BRDC295 Directed Study
- BRDC295 Independent Study
- BRDC314 Broadcast News Writing (W)
- BRDC314 Broadcast News Writing (W)
- BRDC315 Scriptwriting (W)
- BRDC327 Advanced Digital Storytelling
- BRDC327 Advanced Digital Storytelling
- BRDC391 Practicum
- BRDC417 Media Management and Ministry
- BRDC417 Media Management and Ministry
- BRDC442 Television and News Production
- BRDC442 Television and News Production
- BRDC445 Senior Project
- BRDC445 Senior Project
- BRDC465 Topics in Broadcasting
- BRDC493 Broadcast/Media Production Internship
- BRDC495 Directed Study
- BRDC495 Independent Study
- BRDC291 Practicum
- BRDC202 Audio and Podcast Production
- BRDC225 Studio Production
- BRDC327 Advanced Field Production

Courses (Current)

- BRDC127 Introduction to Digital Storytelling
- BRDC127 Introduction to Digital Storytelling
- BRDC201 Introduction to Digital Media
- BRDC201 Introduction to Digital Media
- BRDC201 Introduction to Digital Media
- BRDC202 Digital Audio Production
- BRDC225 Studio and Event Production
- BRDC225 Studio and Event Production
- BRDC245 Senior Project
- BRDC265 Topics in Broadcasting
- BRDC291 Practicum
- BRDC295 Directed Study
- BRDC295 Independent Study
- BRDC314 Broadcast News Writing (W)
- BRDC314 Broadcast News Writing (W)
- BRDC315 Scriptwriting (W)
- BRDC327 Advanced Digital Storytelling
- BRDC327 Advanced Digital Storytelling
- BRDC391 Practicum
- BRDC417 Media Management and Ministry
- BRDC417 Media Management and Ministry
- BRDC442 Television and News Production
- BRDC442 Television and News Production
- BRDC445 Senior Project
- BRDC445 Senior Project
- BRDC465 Topics in Broadcasting
- BRDC493 Broadcast/Media Production Internship
- BRDC495 Directed Study
- BRDC495 Independent Study
- BRDC291 Practicum
- BRDC202 Audio and Podcast Production
- BRDC225 Studio Production
- BRDC327 Advanced Field Production