Interactive Media Update Delete Add Clone


- ARTI124 Programming for Artists
- ARTI224 Intro to Interactive Media
- ARTI230 Sound Design
- ARTI230 Sound Design
- ARTI265 Topics in Interactive Media
- ARTI265 Topics in Interactive Media
- ARTI295 Directed Study
- ARTI295 Independent Study
- ARTI324 Interactive Media
- ARTI324 Interactive Media
- ARTI329 Multimedia
- ARTI329 Multimedia
- ARTI338 UX Design
- ARTI424 Advanced Interactive Media
- ARTI427 Interactive Video and Sound
- ARTI427 Interactive Video and Sound
- ARTI432 3D Environments
- ARTI432 3D Environments
- ARTI437 New Media Applications
- ARTI437 New Media Applications
- ARTI440 Digital Portfolio
- ARTI440 Digital Portfolio
- ARTI465 Topics in Interactive Media
- ARTI465 Topics in Interactive Media
- ARTI480 Self Promotion
- ARTI480 Self Promotion
- ARTI491 Interactive Media Practicum
- ARTI492 Web and New Media Internship
- ARTI495 Directed Study
- ARTI495 Independent Study
- ARTI338 UX Design

Courses (Current)

- ARTI124 Programming for Artists
- ARTI224 Intro to Interactive Media
- ARTI230 Sound Design
- ARTI230 Sound Design
- ARTI265 Topics in Interactive Media
- ARTI265 Topics in Interactive Media
- ARTI295 Directed Study
- ARTI295 Independent Study
- ARTI324 Interactive Media
- ARTI324 Interactive Media
- ARTI329 Multimedia
- ARTI329 Multimedia
- ARTI338 UX Design
- ARTI424 Advanced Interactive Media
- ARTI427 Interactive Video and Sound
- ARTI427 Interactive Video and Sound
- ARTI432 3D Environments
- ARTI432 3D Environments
- ARTI437 New Media Applications
- ARTI437 New Media Applications
- ARTI440 Digital Portfolio
- ARTI440 Digital Portfolio
- ARTI465 Topics in Interactive Media
- ARTI465 Topics in Interactive Media
- ARTI480 Self Promotion
- ARTI480 Self Promotion
- ARTI491 Interactive Media Practicum
- ARTI492 Web and New Media Internship
- ARTI495 Directed Study
- ARTI495 Independent Study
- ARTI338 UX Design