Clinical View in Kuali Update Delete Update Rules PDF

Catalog 2023 - 2024     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
For Academic Program: BS Psychology (Clinical) JUSTIFICATION for changes to BS Psychology, Clinical Emphasis: Removing Cognate: RELT 373 PSYC 426, Issues in Psychology and Religion, addresses ethical issues psychology majors would wrestle with from a perspective within the major. It is taught from the Seventh-day Adventist viewpoint by a full-time psychology faculty member. This is especially important to any who would choose to pursue graduate studies in non-faith-based programs. Since ethical issues are already being addressed, requiring RELT 373 as a cognate is no longer needed. Students may still choose to enroll in RELT 373 to meet the R4 Religion requirement, or select a different R4 course, providing them with greater flexibility. Adding Internship, 2 credit hours as an option for practical experience Adding the PSYC492, Internship in Psychology, option provides the possibility for additional practical application, exceeding clock hours required in PSYC 491, Psychology Practicum [Practicum requires 50 clock hours per semester credit, internship requires 100 clock hours per semester credit]. The internship course is required for students to earn a certificate as either a Recreation Therapist or Family Life Educator. Catalog Copy Since students are most likely to view degrees and major requirements on their phones, adding the admission requirements to the emphasis would make this important section more accessible to them. Requirements and notations in this section is not new, but simply have been relocated.


Undergraduate programs in psychology are pre-professional in that they are designed to introduce students to a wide knowledge base in the field and to prepare them for further training.

This B.S. degree is recommended for students interested in becoming clinicians, practitioners, and therapists and who wish to gain admission into graduate programs in counseling or clinical psychology. The program is specifically designed for students interested in pursuing the M.S. degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling or School Counseling.

Psychology Practicum (PSYC 491) or Psychology Internship (PSYC 492) should be started in the junior year.

Students required to perform field or practicum experiences will accept personal responsibility for their learning and professional behavior. Students will be expected to provide their own transportation for individual field and practicum experiences unless a lab fee has been assessed for cohort-based field experiences. Each student contracts to abide by policies of the School of Education and Psychology.

Admission Requirements: In order to be admitted to an undergraduate program in psychology, a student must meet the following requirements:

  • Regular Admission to Southern Adventist University: The student must be admitted to the University under Regular Acceptance.
  • Admission to Psychology Timeframe: Admission to the Psychology program must be satisfactorily completed as part of the coursework required in PSYC 380.
  • Application and Statement of Intent: The student must submit an application, including a Statement of Intent essay, explaining why he/she chose psychology as a major and serving as a self-assessment of how the student feels he/she meets the core objectives and expected proficiencies of the program's conceptual framework: caring person, informed and passionate learner, scientific thinker, and committed pre-professional.
  • Adviser Recommendation: The student must submit an SEP-based (Psychology) academic adviser recommendation. The recommendation is to include signed evidence by the adviser and advisee that they have discussed the applicant's academic program.
  • Minimum GPA: For admission to the B.S. Psychology, Clinical Emphasis, the minimum GPA required is 2.75.
  • Required Course: In order to be considered for this program, students must have completed General Psychology with a grade of B or better.

Emphasis Requirements

REQUIRED COGNATES (8 - 11 Total Credits)
GENERAL EDUCATION (39 Total Credits)
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (17 - 14 Total Credits)
  • Complete at least 17-14 credits in this area
Grand Total Credits: 124

Sample Sequence Plan