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Catalog 2024 — Indefinite    


Undergraduate programs in psychology are pre-professional in that they are designed to introduce students to a wide knowledge base in the field and to prepare them for further training.

This B.S. degree is recommended for students planning to gain admission into graduate programs in specific areas of psychology such as neuroscience, and in related professions such as health psychology, neuropsychology, and clinical psychology. This degree program can also be used for entry in related professions such as neuroscience, behavioral medicine, genetic counseling, and behavioral ecology. Students planning for careers in medicine may also find this degree to be desirable as foundation to those ends. Psychobiology students are encouraged to receive advisement in both psychology and biology.

Students should avail themselves of advisement in both psychology and biology.

Admission Requirements

In order to be admitted to an undergraduate program in psychology, a student must meet the following requirements:

  • Regular Admission to Southern Adventist University: The student must be admitted to the University under Regular Acceptance.
  • Admission to Psychology Timeframe: Admission to the Psychology program must be satisfactorily completed as part of the coursework required in PSYC 380.
  • Application and Statement of Intent: The student must submit an application, including a Statement of Intent essay, explaining why he/she chose psychology as a major and serving as a self-assessment of how the student feels he/she meets the core objectives and expected proficiencies of the program's conceptual framework: caring person, informed and passionate learner, scientific thinker, and committed pre-professional.
  • Adviser Recommendation: The student must submit an SEP-based (Psychology) academic adviser recommendation. The recommendation is to include signed evidence by the adviser and advisee that they have discussed the applicant's academic program.
  • Minimum GPA: For admission to the B.S. Psychology, Psychobiology Emphasis, the minimum GPA required is 2.90.
  • Required Courses: In order to be considered for this program, students must have completed General Psychology with a grade of B or better, and General Biology I and II OR Anatomy & Physiology I and II.

Emphasis Requirements

Grand Total Credits: 38 - 40

Sample Sequence Plan

  • Select 1 credits from P 1-b) Physical Activity
  • YEAR 2
    YEAR 3
    YEAR 4