
Qualified applicants for undergraduate teaching must hold the minimum of a master’s degree with a major in the teaching discipline or have completed at least 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline and hold a minimum of a master’s degree. The applicant must demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication in the language in which the assigned courses will be taught. Eligibility for teaching graduate courses requires a terminal degree in the teaching discipline.

Faculty vacancies are filled through the office of the vice president for Academic Administration. A campus visit of a prospective employee may be arranged through the vice president for Academic Administration. Faculty appointments are recorded by the Human Resources Committee and voted by the university Board. The university president/vice president for Academic Administration shall inform the newly hired employee of his/her appointment. The official employment agreement will be provided to the new employee from the Human Resources Department.

For new positions and the filling of vacancies the following process is to be followed.

  1. Approving New Positions
    1. The vice president for Academic Administration, in consultation with the school dean/department chair, shall determine the need for the new position complete a Request for a New Position Form for Strategic Planning Committee’s approval.
    2. The president shall present to the Board a proposal for any new position requiring an additional budget. Each new position shall be authorized by the Board.
    3. Prior to the approval of a new position by the university Board, the vice president for Financial Administration shall ensure that adequate budgetary provision has been made.
  2. Filling Vacancies and New Approved Positions
    1. The Human Resources associate vice president posts position in NAD Union papers/internet/ professional journals as requested.
    2. Vice president and dean/chair reviews applications/résumés and selects two or three individuals for interviews.
    3. Dean/chair verifies that the two or three individuals have completed the Vitae Supplement form. If an individual has not, the Human Resources associate vice president will send the individual a Vitae Supplement form.
    4. Selected individuals sign a release giving permission for background checks.
    5. The dean/chair/vice president checks references on all selected candidates.
    6. Candidates are interviewed by the chair/dean, department/school faculty, and the vice president for Academic Administration, or their designee.
    7. Candidates meet the president if he/she is available.
    8. The Human Resources associate vice president is informed of any terms or conditions agreed to by department and individuals.
    9. Rate of pay is determined by vice president of Academic Administration.
    10. Dean/chair writes letter to individuals not selected.
    11. The Human Resources associate vice president does background checks.
    12. President or his designee gives tentative offer of position to chosen individual.
    13. If the offer is accepted by applicant, the vice president/dean/chair notifies the Human Resources associate vice president of start date.
    14. The Human Resources Committee records new faculty member’s hire.
    15. Board approves new hire.
    16. New employee must visit Human Resources Department to complete new employee paperwork and have orientation within three days of starting work.
    17. New employee must visit Human Resources Department to complete new employee paperwork and have orientation within three days of starting work.

School Deans/Department Chairs:

When a vacancy occurs at the school dean or department chair level, the replacement may be from within

the school/department or may be sought externally.

The filling of all vacancies shall begin with the steps below:

  1. The vice president for Academic Administration shall consult with the president and The faculty in the involved school or department.
  2. If the vacancy will be filled internally, then the vice president for Academic Administration shall make the final decision and complete the internal appointment process.
  3. The hiring decision will be sent to the Human Resources Committee for recording. If the search will be expanded beyond an internal search, the following additional steps shall be taken:

A search committee shall be formed. The vice president for Academic Administration will decide on the composition of the committee. The following points should guide the committee formation.

    1. The vice president for Academic Administration shall appoint the committee chair.
    2. The vice president for Academic Administration will serve on the committee.
    3. Full-time faculty members of the school/department involved may request to be a participating member of the committee.
    4. Persons outside the Southern Adventist University community may be included on the committee when it is considered appropriate by the vice president for Academic Administration.
    5. The decision to publicly advertise the position will be made by the search committee.
    6. The search committee will make one or more recommendations for the position to the vice president for Academic Administration.
  1. The vice president for Academic Administration shall make the decision as to which candidate will be recommended to fill the vacancy to the Southern Adventist University president and the Board.
  2. Upon approval, the Human Resources associate vice president shall complete the hiring process in consultation with the vice president for Academic Administration.